My gf said she is willing to give me a kid because she likes me that much, but she isn't willing to raise it...

My gf said she is willing to give me a kid because she likes me that much, but she isn't willing to raise it. She like expects that the moment the child is out of her she just drops it in my hands and she disappears from our lives forever because she wants nothing to do with it.

She's willing to pay child support from a distance while being a stranger essentially, she doesn't even want the child to contact her in the future, the idea makes her angry. She says that the child should be fine because kids raised by single fathers are statistically fine!

I don't know what to think. Is this even legal? My head is spinning.

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why would your gf be like that, is she actually your partner or just some bitch

She knows I want kids but she doesn't, the weird thing is she's not opposed to having the kid (being pregnant and giving birth) she's opposed to raising them

so she'll just end the relationship after popping out a baby? sounds like she's just trying to give you the ultimatum of her or the baby in a roundabout way. thank god i don't have to deal with duplicitous roasties.

>kids raised by single fathers are statistically fine

oh sweet summer child... although to be fair, it's not like the kid getting fucked up would be her problem, hah.

it's called "not having interest in kids", no more than that. although usually women are more responsible about that topic and either stick to birth control or abortions.

not having interests in kids is one thing, telling ur partner some weird story about having a baby for them is another

I honestly would seriously consider taking that offer. It's profoundly unlikely that, in the year 2019, you will manage to find a girl responsible enough to be a decent mother. So single fatherhood is legitimately the best course you can take if you are a guy who wants kids.

Ha I wish it were just a bluff. It'd be way less of a mindfuck.

She really, seriously thinks she'd be giving me this grand gift since I really want children but she hates being around babies and small children and that's why she wants to disappear once it's born.

It's all about me and what I want!

Surrogate mothers usually take 5-digit-sums. This is hardly anything new.

Just leave her. Why is this even a question?

I really would like a kid and single fathers do better than single mothers...

And two parent households where both parents love each other do much better than both.

That's not on the table and I'm afraid I won't get another opportunity like this.

user don't have kids out of desperation you could always the end it is your choice though.

I don't want to raise another man's kid.

Oh god you are going to be a bad father...

Then do it with a surrogate mother that is not this cunt, she does not deserve to grant you this “wonderful gift” of hers. Kick her out of your life.

I'll bite. Break it off with your gf.

What's the difference between a surrogate mother and her other than I have to fucking pay a lot of money for the surrogate mother? You want me to pay to get a woman pregnant?

It's totally legal. And weird AF. Drop her.

It is legal, but it is terrible. Children need both parents.
Find a better girlfriend, marry her and raise the child with her.

Sounds like she really doesn’t want a kid. That’s not crazy. Why are you making her have one ? If you want a child more then you want her you should leave her. That’s what we in the business call “ a deal breaker”
I told my partner on our second date that I would never have children and he’s fine with it still 7 years later because he doesn’t care. I love him but if he demanded a child from me I would absolutely leave him. Sorry if that sounds mean I’m just trying to be frank. Obviously your partner may feel much differently then i

Children need a father... most kids are raised by single mothers which is why they turn out terrible, but those raised by single fathers are just as fine as anyone else.

Hey man I think you're the only good advice itt. I'm happy I found a girl who's not going to bitch and interfere like most women do. Roasties itt, stay mad.

So why the fuck are you in a relationship with a girl that has already told you she expects to fly one day. Having a kid is just one of the reasons. Seriously are you people so pathetic you settle for shit like this?

>those raised by single fathers are just as fine as anyone else.
No, they're not.
First, they're lonely. Even assuming you work a basic 9 to 5 job with an hour commute, you leave your child alone a lot when they're little.
Second, they don't have a healthy example of what a relationship should be like.
Third, they know they've been abandoned. It harms them. Kids aren't stupid.
Fourth, they want their mom. I work with kids and so many children who don't have their mom attach themselves to me so much, in a fucking unhealthy manner.
Fifth, men are normally not as emotionally competent as women, so often they grow up quite emotionally stunted.

Children need both.

20 years of guaranteed money sounds good take it.

'sup roastie, I'm not a dumb fat whore like you so I can always found some other chick to step in if it gets that bad. Statistics back me up most single fathers are in relationships with other women, they're not single mothers that absolutely nobody wants.

>they don't have a healthy example of what a relationship should be like
Roastie-free? But that's what a relationship should be like.

>they know they've been abandoned
They know women are selfish whores. The sooner they grasp this the better.

>I work with kids and so many children who don't have their mom attach themselves to me so much
So let them attach themselves to you, roastie, what's the problem? You're useful only for one thing and you don't even want to be useful for that. Fucking whores.

>men are normally not as emotionally competent as women

Most single dads don't have sole custody of the child. It's different to be a single dad who sees the child every other weekend, and a single dad who has to take care of the child alone in terms of dating.
I shouldn't let children attach to me, I'm a medical professional and not their mom.
Letting a child grow up hating women just turns them into bitter assholes, not decent men.
It's funny that you laugh about being emotionally competent, when you can't have a discussion without insulting me.

You're hurting a child if you raise it without both parental figures. Or if you raise a child at all, in your case.

Literally female Tyrone
The kid will be crazy too

If women are so emotionally competent how come kids of single mothers are some of the most emotionally stunted, messed up, mentally ill people on earth?

Many of the reasons I listed apply to single parents in general: feeling of abandonment, no idea of how normal healthy relationships are like, feel lonely because single parents are normally pretty absent.

Women are normally the ones who try to cater to the kids emotional needs, fathers are the ones who give them guidance. A lot of children of single moms end up being very coddled and unprepared.
Children need both things.

Yeah, the kids of the single dad who sees the child every other weekend do statistically worse than the single dad who has to take care of the child alone since they're kids raised by a single mom. Most single dads have sole custody they just find other women other than the mother if it's necessary since single dads are better than single moms.

>Letting a child grow up hating women just turns them into bitter assholes
Spoken like a true roastie. The guy that plowed you last night and you declared to love? Suddenly he becomes a bitter asshole just because he fucked and dumped you like he always intended to. It's never her fault for being a dumb whore in a roastie's dumb mind. That's why women's opinions are worthless.

>you can't have a discussion without insulting me
Try having a discussion worth respecting first.

And yet kids of single fathers are perfectly normal while kids of single mothers are the ones fucked up. Sounds like women are a failure.

>Most single dads have sole custody they just find other women other than the mother if it's necessary since single dads are better than single moms.
It's much harder to date as a single dad with sole custody than it is dating as a single dad in general. The only people they end up dating, in my experience, are single moms.

You're projecting a bunch. I'm married, with a child. Only ever slept with my husband.

It's often because the demografic they're looking at is extremely different.
Single dads tend to be white, educated, rich, and with support.
Single moms tend to be black, poor, uneducated and without strong support.
You can't really just look at stats in this case. Demographics are very different.

>in my experience
Opinion discarded

Maybe those single moms should keep their legs closed instead of fucking irresponsibly. Men once again confirmed superior to women.

>Maybe those single moms should keep their legs closed instead of fucking irresponsibly. Men once again confirmed superior to women.
Women don't make children alone. Maybe men shouldn't abandon their families.

You were always nothing but a hole to pump and dump, roastie. It's your fault you are stupid enough to believe you are anything but a hole. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Again, I don't understand why you're making this a personal thing, but alright.

If you feel that way off the bat why don’t you just stay single and adopt ? Why even involve a woman if they’re just a hole?

>she's too unintelligent to get a general you from a post
Why do women always take everything personal? You can tell one is a woman when she thinks everything revolves around her.

>If you feel that way off the bat why don’t you just be a cuck and raise another man's genes ?

Why do women claim to be emotionally competent when they can't even begin to understand how fucking infuriating that suggestion is?

Because that's how english works, user.
You referred me as "roastie" multiple times. Then you say this:
>You were always nothing but a hole to pump and dump, roastie.
>, roastie
You used a vocative expression, so you're addressing me directly, and making what you are saying about me. If you used the vocative in plural, or never used the vocative, I wouldn't have thought so.

The absolute state of education.

Low energy b8

You’re taking her too literally, she isn’t really offering to have a kid with you she’s actually saying, “I’m a good person, I will sacrifice our relationship in order to give you what you want.” But if you take her up on the offer she will say, “You’re willing to throw away our relationship because you want to have a kid so bad? You don’t even care about me. No, we’re breaking up.”

>You referred me as "roastie" multiple times
Roastie, all women are roasties. All women are holes. To call you a roastie or a hole is to call you a woman. Nothing personal about that, apply it to any other roastie and nothing changes, because it's the nature of women to be holes. Keep being a hole, hole.

Mate, you should figure out how to control you damage before you shoot up a school

This is Jow Forums not Jow Forums. You are embarrassing.