I'm one of the 25% of American women who have had an abortion. We will never stop aborting babies we don't want and there's nothing you incel faggots can do shit about it
I'm one of the 25% of American women who have had an abortion...
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Tits, show em with a time stamp pronto
We just did something about it, and there’s nothing you can do to stop us from stopping the killing of babies now that we control the Supreme Court.
We can put you in the chair for murder. Time to fry psycho bitch
I'm not even religious, but damn this world starting to look a lot like the Roman end days.
Hey, far be it from me to stop genetic defects from ending their lineage.
This is the best eugenics we can muster right now, sadly.
I wish I got to bang that ATT bitch, now it's a little less appealing knowing she's a dirty child murdering whore.
I hope the coathanger pierces your intestine once Roe v. Wade gets repealed.
Whatever happened to condoms? Is slut culture so pervasive now that everyone's doing creampies on random street whores or what?
>they got to AT&T girl now
I am really glad you murdered your children for your personal convenience. Chopped off your child limbs, one by one, ground up the torso, collapsed the head and threw him in the trash.
All so you can keep fucking men you don't care about and have a career that means nothing. Good job op.
if only you could be pro-active and be responsible enough to use birth control instead of taking a life for your own convenience. That's asking too much of a woman, isn't it? to take responsibility for the consequences of her own actions? They really are incapable, aren't they?
> I just wrecked my body so i can stay with jamal
> I want to continue wrecking my body, and you can't stop hoes like me
>Being this retarded
Also this:
Show bobs and vagene
>tfw this is a real tweet
>tfw seeing all the replies cheering her on, only two or three pro-choice women scolding her for it
I actually feel sick to my stomach
She's a Jew. You just got hoodwinked by her fantastic tits. A common Jewess tactic to confuse goyim. You should know better, Hans.
Actually its pretty simple, once its outlawed in more places than not and you cant even go interstate to get one done because its still illegal to go to another state to break your own states laws, then you will be forced back into a scenario where you can't kill your baby without risking your own life either through a coat hanger, a push down the stairs, anything.
Which means you will start dropping like flies until you're an irrelevant fringe group of disgusting women that history will look on as people that were so addicted to their luxury that they killed their own unborn to keep it.
womp womp
Kill your babies all day
Just admit what you're doing. Its not a clump of cell, unless you're just a clump of cells.
Just say " I want to kill my unborn baby for convenience. That's how developed my ethics are. Murder is fine if it might cause an inconvenience "
thot patroled
Ahh, I should have known they were glorious khazar milkers all along.
You'll get over it. Now you know. The abortion debate is about the insatiable female appetite for dicks. A lot of young men don't know about this.
Women love a good dicking, no exceptions. That's why you have to control them, so they can have a good life. Giving women sexual freedom is like giving a child candy freedom. You're going to have a fat balloon child in no time. With women you get used up whores, mentally unstable, angry, unsuitable.
Women are like children, in motivations and agency. They need to lose all political and most legal rights, and we will take good care of them. Nothing is worse for women and better for Jewish capitalists than requiring women to wageslave. Expecting women to work outside the home increases production and destroys wages, and it wastes female lives in slaving for a Jewish company. Not only does it destroy the family, but male productivity also suffers from not having a trustworthy assistant in the home.
We can stop you from doing it legally cunt. Hopefully you will still do illegally 3rd world style and die of sepsis.
well that's rare. usually when someone gets torched it's in africa. any idea what this thot did to get bbq'd? must have been pretty bad.
typical birth control failure rates are 10-20%
everyone knows that abortion is the back up for when birth control fails
without it, we wouldn't have the sluts and thots and clubwhores and oversexed society because women wouldn't be able to trust their birth control
making sex outside of a stable relationship much more risky for them, because they would have to deal with the consequences (children)
ergo, if you want to create an oversexed society, you have to have abortion on demand as a back up to other birth control methods
Her and her bf robbed and killed a cabby. She got caught, he did not. She paid the price.
>25 who never had an abortion
Only spics and niggers get abortions and a few white leftie women
Thot status:
[X] Patrolled
[ ] Not Patrolled
Tits and time stamp or no attention
>ywn have Milana abort your baby
Losing a litter of mongoloid puppies is not an abortion.
Send it to the gas chamber to undergo post-birth abortion
I'm conflicted on abortion, but this cheering on women who get abortions is an insane mindset. What the fuck?
So that's why her Khazar milkers are that big.
brings new meaning to roastie
>hur dur i want to murder my child because im a soulless cunt
>prevention? never heard of that
why are women like this
Fuck off nigress!
Keep aborting your nigger babies! It's only better for all of us!
good more for me and my family your sub par offspring dont deserve to exist your genes are inferior i just want to make sure you have to do it yourself next time
I hope there’s a registry for women who have had abortions.
My mother worked and it’s exacerbated her neuroticism. She wasn’t equipped to handle all that stress and she’s become and emotional mess in her old age and can’t really take care of herself
Remember when it used to be "Safe and legal, but rare"? Remember when they said "Never an easy choice, but always her choice?"
Now abortion is a sacrament. youtube.com
Yeah, kike or not, she was a hottie. Oh well.
Good I'm pro freedom unlike the shills on this board
Oh, just like you grabbed a wire and cut out that human life so some dumb girl could go back to being a slut?
I grabbed two wires and joined them with a switch, so we could go back to a culture that doesn't murder people for riches.
I will fry your ass in an electric chair, and not blink. And you understand exactly why.
She has also hit the wall hard. Check out more recent pictures of her. The Jew genes are kicking in hard. They always do eventually.
(1 post by this ID)
You know how I know this isn't true?
Women who have had abortions have crippling lifelong depression.
weak bait but more than enough to get 300 replies
You aint gonna do shit pussy run along and fap to your animoos you incel beta boi
Abortion violates the NAP. Bad ancap.
We'll just hang you.
I love how feminists just make up numbers on the spot like this.
>oh this feminist organization Machete Al Machote conducted a study and found out 1 in 3 women are raped in college
Is it just me, or do these cunts on twitter seem to have a lot less power recently? They don't seem to have the same impact they did during the metoo bullshit. It feels this mob has shot their wad, and nobody is listening or caring about what they have to say.
Something is brewing. Society is in decay, and the left and right hate each other. We are no longer a unified country. I always thought the only two issues that could set American on fire were guns and abortion. I figured it would be the Second Amendment, but it looks like it'll be the other. Now we will see if the left have any balls beyond likes and retweets.
I know, Tucker, I know.
baby killer whore
enjoy hell
>that guy at 1:19 that comes in casually and adds more fuel to the fire
I agree. It's the hypocrisy and dishonesty that bugs me the very most.
Wtf is this
And to think, there are still men who support feminism.
Unwanted insemination violates NAP thus abortion would not even if a fetus was sentient. Brainlet.
>aborted kike
Which shithole country is this from?
I can't fathom being this low IQ
What’s it like being on the right side of history?
Unwanted insemination would only occur in cases of rape. Consensual sex is consensual pregnancy. If if contraception fails, sex grants consent to pregnancy.
Fuck off faggot, not all abortions are a product of rape.
Not an argument.
And asking them to back up their numbers is sexist. We really let thing get bad.
What a whore.
Feminism was a mistake.
>healthcare she needs
>reproductive rights
>muh men writing laws to control MY body
It's funny the mantras these ghouls develop in order to justify murdering their own children as an escape from the consequences of being a cheap skank. The absolute state of women where their defining struggle in life is to be free from using their vagina responsibly, even if it costs a child's blood.
>Unwanted insemination would only occur in cases of rape.
your hypothesis is false so I need not address your argument.
>shithole country
whores should be brutally slaughtered on a very regular basis, including the United States. You chose to live in Hellworld, you're going to get it
>and he'd already sex'd you three times
If you use reliable birth control plus condoms and spermicide, that failure rate drops to .0001% or something like that. It also helps as a female if you know your cycle well and track ovulation. This is easy to do nowadays with apps, etc. When you factor in also that getting a vasectomy is now easy, inexpensive, very very low risk and reversible, there's really no reason at all to have abortions except in cases of rape and incest and unexpected problems with the baby and/or the mother's health. (Like, nobody should be forced to birth a mutant or a retard, and nobody should have to risk their own death to have a kid--unless of course they voluntarily wish to do so. My older sis got pregnant at 46; she had thought she was done, was already obviously perimenopausal, etc. Yet somehow it happened. She had serious preeclampsia, was genuinely very ill and her survival was in question. She really really wanted the baby though, and so did her husband. So they went for it. She survived; her health took years to recover, but their pretty little girl was well worth it. The last of six beautiful, healthy kids.)
In any case, even if you do have an accidental pregnancy after doing all the right things, well, what I foresee is that if abortion is almost completely banned, the morning after pill will become much more widely available--as it should be.
Autistic virgin.
>banning abortion
>roasties outing themselves voluntarily
how can things go so right?
Birth control also fucks up women's hormones and some women don't like it. For them, abortion is their only form of birth control. So yes, bringing back biological consequences for being a whore is the purpose of outlawing abortion. We need to stop pretending that it is about the fetus. Women are right about this. It is most definitely about controlling them and putting them back in their appropriate place.
Get a life, and this time don't kill it.
Not an argument. And might I add; No, U.
Abortion laws are changing hon, you probably shouldn't have voted to import third worlders that have religions saying abortion is an abomination
regardless you fucking stupid roastie, plan b is a thing
Why can't thots take a load on the face instead of getting creampied?
Thank you for preventing future democrats.
Yeah, I'm pro-choice too but holy fuck these cunts are disgusting. Hooray, we're eradicating children! I've always been and most likely will always be pro-choice but being on the same side as these fucking cunts usually means you're doing something wrong...
Didn't men go through a culture and social shaming recently about birth control?
>if you don't want the child, use protection or pay for child support
Is this just the women's version of events
Shrugs. Sing your sin. It's not men you have to worry about.
It's funny, all these actresses are committing career suicide , guys don't find women they know had abortions attractive
Please kill all of your children...please...I'm just sorry your mother didn't, fucking bitch.
"There are no time limits for rights. There is no deadline for freedom." -ID: /rN7+d+q
One where they don't bother with court and the law to deal with known murderers. She totally deserved that shit. Robbed and killed a working family man for chump change.
Keep your legs closed, whore. Your bad choices are nobody's problem but yours.
>you are now aware that literally every girl has had an abortion
Edgy. Maybe go outside every once in a while and see the real world? I know USA sucks but still.
>>"There are no time limits for rights. There is no deadline for freedom."
Get the fuck out of here attention whore.
You have the right to take plan b as many times as you want.
>after I vacuumed the little fucker out of my vagina I told the doctor to stick his pickle in me RIGHT THEN AND THERE
So Brave
I'm pro abortion now.