Why are Vaccine Free whites Healthier?

>Fewer allergies
>Fewer neurological problems
>More fertile
>Taking over community colleges because they finish high school at age 15


Attached: Vaccine_Free_Family.jpg (1266x520, 56K)

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Because vaccines cause brain damage via encephalitis and lead to learning difficulties, ADHD/ADD etc.

Definitely. The neurological trauma is huge.

However, I think that vaccines also damage the endocrine system somehow.

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Holy shit I thought that middle kids jacket was the couch what a mind fuck

Vaccines allow people with weak genes to reproduce. Not vaccinating people causes the weak ones to die off.
The vaccine free families will do just fine.


But the mortality rate from the infections vaccines supposedly save the weak from is microscopic. So they're probably saving, like, 10 lives a year. (And probably killing thousands via SIDS, suicide, etc.)

Attached: Mortality_Rate.png (1100x1429, 600K)

They also lead to Narcissism - this is how they fucked everyone. Turn a nation into a bunch of self-serving Narcissists and you've won. You can't create a police state without an army of people with personality disorders.

Download this book:


Its cute how the antivaxx wakos pretend try to explain their theories without scientific validate.

Whoa. This looks interesting.

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SCIENCE! says (((vaccines))) are great for the goy. I FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!

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Less chronic inflammation, less auto-immune diseases...

If you weren't so retarded the entire healthcare industry should be audited.

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I think the whole anti vs pro vaccination argument boils down to personal life choices. It's stupid, but god forbid somebody else think something differently on a controversial topic.

because if you care about the health of your children even if it comes from bad knowledge it's still better parenting than most people


Yet, oddly, the pro-vaxxers demand that YOU must consume their products.

Thus, it's a bizarre and wholly unique debate.

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Because they didn't get vaccines.
They will be fertile and not need glasses.

Because they haven't had insane amounts of aluminum to make them retarded.
I'm unvaccinated myself, and am 6'2, 220 lbs, and have no allergies. Get fucked, autists

forgot pic related

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I've already been told by my shitlib friends that 'anecdotal' evidence doesn't count, but here you go:
>got the MMR vaccine, still got measles
>got injected with god knows what in the military, got encephalitis, nearly died
>only in my 30's, have asthma, arthritis, allergies
I'm not pretending to try to explain anything. Why don't you explain it.

Let me sneeze on you real quick

I have a two week old son and I FUCKING HATE THIS VACCINE DEBATE! I'm so conflicted and torn as to what to do with him going forward, my wife got the whooping cough vaccine before he was born, and he got his hep B vaccine already (which is the first one they recommend). I'm reading what just posted now and 20 pages in I'm already wondering if I should stop the vaccinations at this point.

Do it faggot. I get sick MAYBE once a year. Healthlets can suck my gigantic, organic and uncut cock.

My daughter is 3 years old and has not had a single vaccine. The chances of dying in a modern country of these diseases with modern medicine are extremely low. Most of the deaths are from kids with complications or compromised immune systems.

It's only a choice you can really make. I would never let that toxic shit be injected into my children, ever!

The question is, do you believe the gov. ?


>2006: Hosts 'An Inconvenient Truth' viewing party. 14 childless bugmen all nod as Al Gore tells them Manhattan will be submerged
>2008: Has 'Penn & Teller's BULLSHIT!' DVD collection memorized
>2010: Sees Sheldon on 'Big Bang Theory' and buys a Flash t-shirt that barely reaches to the bottom of his increasingly bulbous gut
>2012: Sees that one "friend" from the viewing party buys beachfront property. Writes 10,000 word Facebook post about how "Global warming denial is real. I've seen it myself. Why don't people take this more seriously?!?!?"
>2014: Sells off his 'Phantom Menace' toy collection to buy ticket to Neil DeGrasse Tyson lecture.
>2016: Attends 'March for Science' wearing "I'm with Her" t-shirt, showing Hillary's face on top of Earth
>2018: Invites friends over for "Netflix & Chill Party: Premiere of Bill Nye Saves the World!" Invites friends from 2006 over. Discovers that none of them believe in SCIENCE! anymore. "lol. Fake and gay" one of them responds on Facebook. (He reports his friend and gets his FB account banned, naturally.)
>2019: Goes to Jow Forums to shill for vaccines and global warming bullshit

Anytime you hear a pro-(((vaxxer))) goy shilling for his Jew poisons, just picture this guy.

Attached: Vaxxed_vs_Unvaccinated_Montana.jpg (1120x646, 432K)

I see it now

Where's the science to explain your problems? All of a sudden were out of science now!

In the book posted:

The 1960s "sexual revolution" can be seen in part as the manifestation of premature sexuality in a whole vaccinated generation, with the minimally brain-damaged component pioneering this new voyage of discovery. The emotional blunting of these individuals conuĀ·ibutes in two ways to an exaggerated sex life. Lack of capacity for genuine emotion generates the need for overindulgence in a purely sexual form of relating. And the resulting hypersexual ity is not limited by any emotional ties.
When hypersexuality is combined with the urge to violence, the result is sexual aggressiveness, rape, and other sexual c1imes. One hyperactive adolescent who murdered his middle-aged cousin because she nagged him about his dirty shirt revealed under questioning the presence of overpowering ruminations and impulses to
destroy property and to kill, both present si nee the age of thirteen. For two years prior to the crime, he bad prowled the streets with a concealed weapon , window-peeping and engaging in fantasies of murder and rape. He also revealed that twice he had been unable to control himself and had viciously attacked women. His experience of sexual and aggressive drives was raw and primitive. He was unable to conceptualize sexuality or experience sexual pleasure except in terms of his fantasies of rape, murder, and violence. He spoke of sexual curiosity about his cousin, and the fact that he had used the knife in the murder to attack her genitals. At times his fantasy would be so vivid as to cause perceptual disturbance to near hallucination.

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thanks man good find