The government should get out of our lives and leave guns alone

>The government should get out of our lives and leave guns alone

>The government should also ban abortion

Why are conservatives so dumb?

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>murder should be illegal
Wow what the fuck, I'm oppressed!

Women have no agency

The government exists to protect the rights of the people. That includes unborn children.

This isn't a women's right issue, because the life of the unborn child trumps any issue the mother might have.

Until the child starts threatening the mother's life via birth complications and what not.

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7/10 would still...

7/10 would still..

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>pander to niggers
>convince your base that abortion is a good thing despite it primarily being blacks, at a rate of 15+ million dead nigs since the 70's
why are liberals so dumb?

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Abortion is not a God given right.

Abortion ban prevent feminists from killing other people.
If they want to kill themselves, I've never seen a law forbidding it.

>buying some metal wands that shoot metal balls
>murdering babies
yeah, can't see the difference

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Inanimate objects wielded by men to abort people who have had time in life to prove by MERIT that they deserve to be aborted.
The SOLE means by which the public organically exists. It is an explicitly public good and NOT the private property of an individual female.


Which amendment guarantees abortion?

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>the government should get out of our wombs
>the government should also provide healthcare
Why are women so dumb?

one is a constitutional right

the other is a state privilege

the supreme court has no business dictating policy

What kind of retard thinks a baby is threatening your life?

There are no such things as rights, you fantasy game player.
There is no such thing as morality. I only believe in stories that are constant enough to believe in, and because rights have to be enforced and people are immoral, then there is no such thing as rights or morals.

There are only agreements.

I do not agree that a fetus is a person.
I do not agree that only men can vote.
I do not agree with your bullshit story about patriarchy and how "you built this"
I do not agree with your story of the world because it does not serve my interests.

I will not be a part of your story, and if you force me to be, then I no longer agree not to fucking murder you.

Your move white boy.

It's threatening to end their self centered egotistical life and make them responsible for something that's really hard to get away from.

Fucking post modernists. You've subscribed to a philosophy that can justify murder. Go back and find God.

I will never "agree" with anything that involves murdering at a whim.

I'm only against abortion because white women and Japanese women have proven themselves unworthy of being in-charge of their reproductive rights. They do not follow through on their responsibility to have 2-3 kids.

White men and Japanese men will in large part go to war and sacrifice their flesh for women. Men Sacrifice their flesh doing backbreaking and deadly labor. (98% of job related deaths are men)

Women are supposed to sacrifice their bodies on the alt of child bearing.

>The government should ban all guns for law abiding citizens except for the government and police who are most trustworthy and criminals who will obtain them anyways

>It's my body I should be allowed to murder the nigger spawn growing in it

Libs gonna Lib

They have the same mental deficiency as every other progressive out there.

Whatever you say man, but abortion is illegal in several states and the law trumps your homosex philosophy.

It’s just a game the Uniparty plays to keep the rubes riled up. They threaten to take our guns and we threaten to take away their infant sacrifice.

But you do?

The freedom to protect yourself from niggers


People murdering their own children

"Wow the government should stay out of our lives and let people rape" literally makes the same amount of sense as what you're saying.

Life and guns are both constitutionally protected in the US

One is an actual constitutional right and the other is a made up one. And I don't even need to say which is which and yet everyone here knows, because it's true.

this is womens issues. i learned that as a man caring about womens issues really is a ticket to nowhere.

>govt in extremely red state
>makes extremist move
>that polarized the constituency
>and reaffirmed the base of both parties
>the year before an election run up
Now who could possibly gain from this???
Pro tip: the govt will do anything at all to maintain power over the people. N E thing

Protecting your own right to live is a right

Protecting the unborn’s right to live is a right.

If abortion isn’t killing a child why is killing a pregnant woman double homicide? If states want to have abortions in them they shouldn’t have any laws recognizing the fetus as another human.

>There are no such things as rights, you fantasy game player.
ok, i'll be over at 3 today. i'll be taking all your money, valuable possessions, raping your wife and torturing you and her to death after i've dropped 5 loads inside her throat and pussy after i rip your eyelids off and strap you and your kids to a chair so you have to watch. also i'm going to execute your dog and then your kids in front of you. you don't have any rights, so don't even try to defend yourself. remember, rights are a fantasy. you are last, to make it all the more fun!

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Doubt you’d be able to drop a second load

He's a big guy.

>guns kill
>i want to kill babies
Pick one.

Women are subhuman garbage without a shred of honor that isn't self serving

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>If abortion isn’t killing a child why is killing a pregnant woman double homicide
I agree with what you're saying but you have to be careful about using this argument because it usually isn't true. You would not be charged with two counts of murder for killing a pregnant woman under most circumstances.

The only time you would be charged with two counts of murder for that is if the prosecution could prove that the child was able to survive on its own outside the womb, in which case they would most likely have to retrieve the corpse of the child and prove that it drew a breath before dying. To my knowledge, there was like one high profile case where that happened and they were able to prove the child took a breath before dying, so the guy was charged and convicted of double homicide.

No one should have to pay for someone elses bad decisions through taxes

What you fail to realize is there is nothing stopping you from doing that. The only rights you have are the ones you're willing to kill for in order to protect. Be ready to shoot tyrants in the face whenever necessary. That is the only way to be free.

Human beings have the right to life from the moment of conception. Human beings also have to right to defend their life using the most effective means. Being pro gun and anti abortion are perfectly consistent.

Most pro lifers support ending a pregnancy when it presents a life threatening danger to the mothers life.

You're the idiot.

In your future this will happen to,you. You on the right.

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Lol what do you really think this means anything?

murder is already illegal
if they just do nothing, everything stays fine

> Libertarians say the gov should get out of our lives and leave guns alone
> Libertarians say gov should also stay out of abortion

You can replace a wife, you cannot replace your first born son.

I can't tell if this is an argument for abortion or against it. Both sides could use it.

>Search US Constitution carefully:
>No penumbral shade
>No `right to privacy'
>But, `shall not be infringed'

Fuck that noise. The mother is not more valuable than the child. That's ludicrous feminist nonsense. The mother's entire value on this planet is to give birth, if you prioritize her over her womb you strip her of value anyway. Stop being gynocentric.

>get an ounce of government power
>keep infringing right to bear arms
>pass abortion laws

How can one use a gun to save the life of an unborn baby?

Paul Hill OHB knows the answer.

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Lets compromise and abort tax collectors.

The rights come with the fact that the person who did that would be prosecuted by the law, moron. Nobody is making the claim that "rights" are the same thing as "guarantees" from a legal perspective. It simply means the force of the law stands behind those rights, so if they are violated, the perpetrators will be prosecuted.

Come back when your brain works reddit shill.

>a baby threatens your life

>The rights come with the fact that the person who did that would be prosecuted by the law, moron.
How naive are you?

I like the cut of your jib.

People will say a lot of bad things about me in the future, but if they are honest with themselves they'll know I always tried to be a reasonable man. Kek.

It's a win-win situation really.
Dems keep their vote plantation running and the nigs get to dodge responsibility for their children by aborting them.

Some complications will result in both the mother and child dying if left untreated:
Why waste a perfectly good wife if you won't get a child out of it anyway?

as a voter, yes I do

that is my constitutional right.

School shootings are the only type of abortions conservashits love

>What you fail to realize is there is nothing stopping you from doing that
because free will exists, because you can perform an action doesn't mean there is no consequence. you live in the material world, sadly, you will never understand how creation works with that axiom.

children just randomly happen to people, there is no way to prevent this, so others have to help me murder my offspring

Assuming conservatives wouldn't just give up their guns if daddy fed asked? Your a special kind of fucking stupid. Sage

It's more like:
>I want my government to advocate for my interests
>My interests are the right to keep and bear arms, and that all life deserves a chance
Nit-picking points of view and pinning them against each other is a gaslighting tactic. You have no interest in understanding the mindset. Your only interest is sewing seeds of doubt and distrust.

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Abortion was never allowed under any law, until the gouvernment made it so.
It is up to them to reverse that mistake. They're the ones who made it.
And by them I mean the retarded cockmad boomers who continue to believe fetuses are bin liners.

>>The government should get out of our lives and leave guns alone
People shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves
>>The government should also ban abortion
But they should be allowed to murdee infants.

How are these equivalent at all you dunce?

Leftists only support abortion because their masters tell them to, and the latter only support abortion because the medical industry is so flush from fetuses
Change my mind, on either

Im defending myself from the parasite gib living rent free in my body dumbass. Babies dont have a right to trespass on my property.

Fucking conservashits are the stupidest.

This is insanely incorrect

>Reddit effort post
Lel look at this guy

You are the parasite.

Edgy and retardedpilled

Prohibition of federal gun-grabbing is in the Constitution. The federal government never overstepped the Constitution to ban abortion; rather to ban the banning of abortion

Go away canada

>you live in the material world,
Actually, im building a bridge between the material world and the spirit world. I am an immortal being and my iron will cuts through all of eternity.

Hey guys I like to take away other people's rights because my own opinions are what matters most.
Honestly Fuck off,
you're witnessing the world change for the better and all you can do is bitch and moan about the same tired concepts.
Be a good little liberal sheep and accept the fact that we are heading for a brighter future