How Inbred are the British and Irish?

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Asking as a Spaniard living in Ireland.

I kind of see pepe face in top part of the island, saged btw nigger

>Brythonic tribes
Not in-bred in the least, only real inbred groups in Europe are the Finns

Not very.

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I thought it could be true but I had no idea Balkan niggers were worse than their cousins the Russian slav niggers. Thanks based user, I will start filtering Balkan posts now.

we were raped and pillaged by the nords so not very.

ha ha the british isles have been repeatedly genocided over the last 6000 or more years. it has suffered even worse than our most suffering bretheren the jews.

I don't think they're inbred. They're just ugly because we took all their attractive women.

>” (The Danes) …caused much trouble to the natives of the land; for they were wont, after the fashion of their country, to comb their hair every day, to bathe every Saturday, to change their garments often, and set off their persons by many frivolous devices. In this matter they laid siege to the virtue of the married woman, and persuaded the daughters even of the noble to be their concubines”.


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>I don't think they're inbred. They're just ugly because we took all their attractive women.

that doesn't make sense though because the nords raped all women not just the good looking ones. so if they took all of the good looking ones back to the continent there were still average looking females with nordic rape babies left on the island. so there would have still been attractive half nordic rape babies left here.

They aren't inbred because there aren't any known diseases from inbreeding. The only known populations with such diseases are semites

The average Englishman is 7th cousins with any random Englishman.
It will vary across region as people in England rarely moved within the UK as such you can still genetically map the original Brythonic and Germanic Kingdoms.
However this is not inbred.
You could make children with only 3rd cousins as a society and still not suffer the effects of inbreeding.
The Viking period lasted only about 100 years culminating in the genocide of the Viking settlers of 1005/6.
Very little patrilineal Scandinavian DNA is found in England however there is a significant quantity of matrilineal Scandinavian DNA due to the rape of settled Scandinavian women.

As recently as the 1940s american GIs literally took 100 thousand single British girls back to the US after WWII and married them.

I'm gonna guess they weren't the ugliest of British girls

Not so much inbred but likely the descendants of rape victims.
I think we should demand reparations from the Viking countries.

Balkans got routinely genocided, so gene pool shallowed out

And Normandy.
Fuckers owe me money.

chances are you're half norman.

We literally genocided the Danes. We had to rebuild a major church because the Danes were hiding in it to prevent their slaughter.

>Greatxmany grandfather came over with the Normans.
>He was a German.
The Normans barely left any mark on British genetics. The German mercenaries on the other hand left plenty.

I'm English and know most of my ancestors back into the 1700s. I found one case of a first cousin marriage in the late 18th century. That's probably pretty standard for Christendom. Further afield, however....
>The Normans barely left any mark on British genetics. The German mercenaries on the other hand left plenty.
That's just stupid.

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The most inbred bits of Spain and Portugal are where British chavs go on holiday and retire

Nah mate.
Normans left barely any genetic marks on the British population.
Family hails from up north so there's almost no chance.
More likely third Celtic, third Iberian, third Germanic with a bit of scandi.
Maybe a bit more Celtic due to freckles and brown hair despite blue eyes.

nearly everyone in England has norman dna in them whether it's easily identifiable or not.

He's right.
A very tiny amount of Normans came over during the invasion (max 100,000) and they only mixed with the upper class.
That upper class then got replaced by Jews so there's almost no Normal blood left on the Isles.

That's quite reasonable, yes.
People have to realise that more privilege means more kids surviving to breed, and the ups and downs of fortune mean a few people slip down into the lower classes too. I'm very working class, but was surprised how many respectable farming families I had in my ancestry a few centuries back.

The Normans had a presence everywhere.

>no Normal blood left on the Isles.
THAT, on the other hand, is probably quite true. :(

thats not true according to wikipedia. the normans mixed with the upper classes but it eventually trickled down and the normans and anglo-saxons fully assimilated.

I don't think it is possible to be more inbred than the British

Genetic studies say otherwise.
>Wikipedia. (yes I know Daily Mail but they're the only ones to publish anything politically incorrect)

I went back for a family reunion. Very distant relatives although I'm something like 98% Irish. Anyway me and my cousin are talking to this old couple and it comes out they're brother sister. Our jaws drop, we're both shocked and horrified. They also have a very very very odd strange look about them. They get offended out of our shock and defiantly go "it is a different culture."

Everything about the history of Ireland now made sense.

All societies have their lower classes.
The British are unique in celebrating and pushing their scum into the spotlight.
It should also be noted that a large proportionate of the lower classes are Irish descended.

Didn't copy address properly.

How are you expecting Normans to show up in these studies? They weren't from pissing Tibet. They were the same atlantid-nordid-cromagnid blend we all are anyway, near enough.

you would rather take the word of dailymail, telegraph and newsscientist before wikipedia that use actual sources?

>muh fake TV show
get bent Sebastian

Common sense is more than enough. Did thousands come? Yes. Did they then magically vanish? No. Did they have kids all over the place. Yes. QED.


You can specifically pick out tribal group and Normans simply don't show up.
Provide link then as I cannot find anything on Wikipedia or related sources that shows anything different.
And yes I will take those 'papers' word as they have used an actual genetic study and provided a summery of it.

>"Whatever the level of dispute, over time, the two populations intermarried and merged. Eventually, even this distinction largely disappeared in the course of the Hundred Years War, and by the 14th century Normans identified themselves as English, having been fully assimilated into the emerging English population. "

Common sense must win out. The people doing this looking aren't looking properly.

Every fucking modern genetic study shows that the Normans had almost no genetic legacy.
The first generation Normans married Englishwomen and their children married English and so on and so forth until Norman genetics are completely diluted and gone.
Furthermore, the upper classes which would have had some Norman genetics, as the middle and lower classes would not have migrated nor intermarried, intermarried with Jews and became Jewish.
The entirety of the Elites of British society are Jewish.
The lower classes are Irish, Celtic and English, the Middle classes are English and the Upper classes are Jewish.
There are no Normans.

>fucking cousins isn't inbreeding!

7th Cousins my Russian friend.
As I said fucking your 3rd cousin produces no actual adverse effects.
A ethnic group is a large family basically, that has enough genetic variation to prevent problems but is close enough to cooperate.
There's a difference between 7th to 3rd cousins and your 1st cousin as is practiced in the Middle East.

>completely diluted and gone.
It doesn't work like that. There are discrete genes, not just two different fluids mixing.
There's going to be zero full or majority Normans knocking around, but there's going to be a little Norman in millions of people.

Besides, it is possible to be descended from somebody without having any actual surviving genetic material from them in your own cells. He's still your many-times-great grandad, for all that. It would be theoretically possible for zero Norman genes to be found in a large population with some Norman ancestry. But unlikely, given the numbers we're talking about.

There simply aren't the sample sizes to say much too confidently yet. And anyone who's been following genetic journalism for a decade or so will be all too familiar with how much of the research is a load of bollocks, poorly thought out, poorly executed and poorly interpreted.

lmao better than your sephardic moorish muddy shit genes pablo

Inbredslam ammirite?

They expelled your ilk in 1492, and you're STILL butthurt about it. Learn some priorities, Shlomo.

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British isles have dna from all around europe. We can't be inbred.

Depends, are 40 generations of first cousin marriages resulting in “inbreds”?

Take back control!

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sephardic jews literally bred in with the iberian population I'm 100% saxon suck my cock faggot

It will be so minute that it is not worth considering.
After all, we're all African if we go back far enough right?
Open the boarders, for there is a global humanity.
Their genes have almost completely vanished from the UK gene pool.

Even average women of that time period would have been considered good fuck slaves to take home.
The worst of the worst were left here, so even if it was the chaddiest of chad vikings that stuck a baby in her, chances are it would still barely pass as a female due to the butt ugly mother.
This is a shocking fact but, women have become more attractive over the centuries.

>all african if we go far back enough
Except our earliest ancestors to date have been found in eastern europe.

My grandfather is also my cousin.
My dad has an extra set of teeth.
I’m very inbred on my dads side.

Total misunderstanding of the way Norman rule worked. It is more comparable to the British Raj than the colonisation of the Americas.

>This is a shocking fact but, women have become more attractive over the centuries.

Not true at all, dumbass

Leaf here. I've lived here for ten years and I still see it. All the time. The Irish don't see to see it themselves. I suppose if you're raised around inbred people you eventually stop noticing it.

Miguel are you claiming Irish GIBS?



No single thing you've wrote there follows from any other single thing... Big fucking difference between "minute" and "nothing".
Back to common sense - if they were 0.5% of the population in 1066, I'd really expect their overall contribution to today's total genetic situation among native Englishmen to be more than that, given the correlation between Norman heritage and prosperity (and thus breeding success).

third cousin shares .7% of your DNA. It's not inbreeding.

It is true. Physically attractive features in females have risen motherfucker

Less inbred than your Arabic ancestors anyway

England had 2 million people 500 years ago. Yes, rather inbred.

my mother is irish and says she has spanish woman hair.

You potatoniggers aren't white. Celts come from iberia

"White" is just a made up kike term that mutts like you need to cling to because you have no real culture or identity of your own. I don't give two shits if some mongrel like you says I'm not "white" because it means fuck all to me.


Yes I'm an alien from outer space lol

inbred meme is bullshit

alot of travellers are inbred though

dont believe ya

but i believe the part about brother and sister living in the same house
have cousins who live in their mothers house
if your talking about poor choice of marriage sure

>England had 2 million people 500 years ago. Yes, rather inbred.

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No from the jungle.

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As-salamu alaykum brother

dont forget we wuz romanz an shiet