I get really lonely in the fall, and very lonely leading up to and including the holidays

I get really lonely in the fall, and very lonely leading up to and including the holidays.

I am a guy, I am 41 years old. I have never been married or lived with a girl or dated anyone for more than a few months sporadically. I have not had sex in over 12 years. I have all my hair and it's not grey, I am 6'2 and I am not fat.

Do you think I could put in a dating profile that I get very lonely during the holidays and I am trying to find someone who is lonely too and wants someone to be with and cuddle with about once a week? I am thinking there could be women who are recently divorced or have problems in their life who might be more willing to spend time with me if it was clear it was just for the holidays if they are lonely.

Do you think that could work?

pic related is me

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I get really lonely around the holidays and have never really had a relationship. How could I get someone to spend some time with me?

>Will creating a dating profile that makes me look like a lonely desperate loser be a good idea

I'd date you user, lonely girl here. Would love to have someone to cuddle with and spend time with.

are lonely people rare on dating sites?

>I'd date you user, lonely girl here. Would love to have someone to cuddle with and spend time with.
pls be in atlanta

I'm in Atlanta and lonely too, but I'm a 27yo male. We could grab a beer if you're just looking for a pal to take things out with.

There are lonely people on dating sites but guess what, they don't build their profile around it. Nobody wants to date someone who is only negative and sad. You need to radiate fun and excitement to get interest.

I don't really drink and I split my time between atl and birmingham. Have you ever met anyone here before>?

I could just say I want to find someone to cuddle with over the holidays. What should I say to find some lonely holiday women who need cuddles?

Nope, sorry, Europe.

Yeah when I lived in Atlanta I met a lot of girls through a music scene, but that was years ago. I'm about 25 minutes outside of Atlanta now, and I'm trying to save up to buy a cabin out in cumming or something and find me a rural gal to make some babies with.

>rural gal
that's the real dream

my gf and I want to move out to the Forrest, but there are no jobs :(

That's why I'm trying to get somewhere where my commute would be 30-45 mins, but I can live in forest solitude with my guns and doggo.

Don't look for women. Look for friends of all genders. You need a circle of company most. (It may well be that out of that circle a special woman will appear)

sadly there are few places where I am where 30-45 min drive isn't just some suburban hellhole with tens of thousands of commuters living in it :(

If I end up living in suburbia i'll kill myself

I'm sorry to hear that. Luckily Georgia is a well forested state, so I know many folks who drive 30+ minutes to work in the metro area from their secluded havens in the woods.

I live in Canada so ... unfortunately most people in the country live in the suburbs and shit tier satellite cities around the few big cities

sure there is a fuck ton of forrest, but basically no economy where that is true.

Do you have any friends OP? Any family that might know someone?

It's a lonely world mate.

Dating sites are a fucking joke.
You have to meet people in person.

Get a fucking wife dude, Jesus


I never had sucess on dating sites adn they made me super fucking depressed. If you are on enough you start to develop crushes on the girls in the profile. Don't even know them but its enough to make you sad.

online dating is cancer 95% of the time

Can confirm. Met a girl through tumblr back when it was more popular like 5 years ago and she ended being batshit crazy.

I don't know how hideous your face is, but you'd have a decent amount 30s aged women with kids going after you, and I think you'd have some real 18-23s young women with a DILF fetish fighting for your attention.

>are lonely people on dating sites
That's pretty much the only people on dating sites

>but you'd have a decent amount 30s aged women with kids going after you, and I think you'd have some real 18-23s young women with a DILF fetish fighting for your attention.
why do you think that? My face is OK im not super handsome or anything but it's acceptable, nothing weird like disproportionate features

Then you're fine
you have low self esteem obviously, but you're fine

>Get a fucking wife dude, Jesus
I've been trying to do that for 20 years

>You have to meet people in person.
I work at a small office with just middle aged guys and I don't really go out and party or anything

>Do you have any friends OP? Any family that might know someone?
I have some friends but nobody who knows anyone that is available

>you have low self esteem obviously, but you're fine
how would I meet a girl who has daddy issues? I never meet anyone like that

Europe here as well. I guess that means we are destined to go on a date.

Do you even know what a dating site is? You use dating sites to meet people in person.

>I don't really go out and party or anything
Great, you have an idea of what you're doing wrong. So stop doing that, and see what happens.

Im sorry to hear that = - (

Im not a girl, but im willing to be your friend still. Do you have a snap or discord? We can talk sometime if you ever need to.

Go to a hobby function or some sort of Meetup. Don't go to meet women, but actually do something you're interested in.

Is anyone here from Texas? Im willing to meet for drinks just as buds.

I am a single 40+ year old man who works in IT.

What am I going to do? go to bars by myself? I can't pull that off

>Go to a hobby function or some sort of Meetup. Don't go to meet women, but actually do something you're interested in.
im kinda looking to meet women though user

>Im not a girl, but im willing to be your friend still. Do you have a snap or discord? We can talk sometime if you ever need to.
ha no that's new fangled stuff, I'm too old for discord, thanks though

I am a single 40+ year old man who works in IT and I go out to bars and clubs and events. Sounds like you are a boring person and are looking for excuses.

And you'll meet women if you're not a boring sack who actually has something in common with them at the function/meetup. Come on man, use your head.

Not OP, but Im in a hiking group and a philosophy group, they're 95% males. I was hoping to at least meet a few women, but for about 2 years now I've only met one "possible" girl.

>I work at a small office with just middle aged guys and I don't really go out and party or anything
Get hobbies and make friends.
Or go clubbing.

nice try organ black market trader

>Come on man, use your head.

>why do you think that? My face is OK im not super handsome or anything but it's acceptable, nothing weird like disproportionate features
There are lots of 18-23 aged women that don't mind having sex with an older man. In my experience, a lot of them do. They don't like younger guys who aren't established in their careers. If you want a more serious relationship, you'll have to be persistent in getting the approval of her friends and family.
The ones who have an actual DILF fetish or fantasy are totally for it for sexually selfish reasons, and not just financial and goal reasons.
>how would I meet a girl who has daddy issues? I never meet anyone like that
You usually want to avoid ones with daddy issues. They vary in where you can get them, either their father abandoned them to their father was very strict with them.
Younger sisters of friends, or their friends are a place to start. Unless you just want to get straight into the DILF fetish, then you can go to the appropriate dating app/site and post accordingly.

what is your opinion that the upper limit for male age is for girls in their late teens/early 20s?

When I was that age I didn't know any girls dating men in their 40s

Then stay lonely, I guess.


>what is your opinion that the upper limit for male age is for girls in their late teens/early 20s?
I don't have a problem with it per say. I think the issue I have is women in their late 20s to late 30s thinking they can find a man and have a kid with good odds and low risk. Not only that, but successfully get a top tier man.

8-12 gap, you won't really get any criticism from my experience, especially if you look young. You may get some criticism from one or two people, but they'd most likely be the type to criticize you for any reason cause they're boring, miserable, or jealous.
The younger the woman looks and/or the more successful you are, expect more criticism from others thinking it's cause she's doing it for money.

A 30-year age gap you might have problems if she wants kids. If you're lucky enough to have kids, you're going to face more difficulty conceiving, and an increased risk of the kid developing problems. It's significantly lowered if the woman is under age 30, but it doesn't negate the risks. Plus, you risk not having a long life with your child.

If you want the relationship to become serious, you'll need approval from her family.

>When I was that age I didn't know any girls dating men in their 40s
Depends where you're from, or maybe you weren't exposed enough. I had a 40+ year old high school math teacher date his former 18-year-old the year after she graduated. She'd come in to have lunch with him almost every day. I knew they were together for 5+ years cause I'd see them in town together after I graduated.

I have a friend who's dad got divorced, and later married our former high school classmate while we were in college. He's still married to her, and has kids with her.

I'm in my 30s and have had several 18-year old women hit on me. Over the years, we've had to fire a few of our babysitters cause of it, and I refuse to drive any of them home.

>Over the years, we've had to fire a few of our babysitters cause of it,

yeah right

Damn son I'm sorry for your lonely life. I don't want to say it'll get better but with luck it could. I was in your shoes at 32, till I met my wife 4 years ago at work. And that shit was all luck. I tried to find a gf and future wife but I just suck at hunting. You can only play the waiting game so long and I do feel for you OP. If I was a chick within 100 miles of you I'd come and give you a big hug and cuddles and a blowjob.

Sorry buddy.

>What am I going to do?
You need to get out and do things with people, any people.
Most married people met by having friends introduce them to each other. More friends = more chances

Thing number 2. The whole world is your dating app. Strike up a conversation with any attractive woman any place you go. I met my wife in the courthouse when i was there on a job and she worked in the office. I was 37 and she was a 27 that looked younger. She was friendly and funny and so I asked her out.

>going outside

Bro you’re literally 40 fucking years old. Man up, go to a bar, and get some vegene. If you don’t want to do that, make a Tinder and POF. Bitches in their 30s are lonely af looking for a husband

I’m super high on muscle relaxers so I hope this makes sense.

Firstly, women are turned off by neediness and desperation.
Women are attracted to situations that provide interesting opportunity.

My advice to you is this. Revamp your life into something interesting. Grt a nee job, work way less so that you can spend your time doing interesting things.

If your spent your days doing interesting things, you will meet people, you will meet women, and you will meet potential romantic partners.

Life will take off and change so rapidly once you start actually living.

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If it begins in the fall you could have a lack of vitamin D.

I gave my gf some vitamin D last night

I gave your girl enough vitamin D last week to last her the whole month.

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Where in Europe?


Lookin good op.
You might have seasonal affective disorder basically people get more sad as tbe days and sunlight get less.

Take dancing classes op, you can dance with women who don't have a partner.

Also a language class, or any class that lets you meet new ppl. Or could try single bars or something like that. Just don't be lazy.

Look up corey wayne. You have a lot of insecurity and likely poor social skills. Plus side though is that there will be women your age and younger wanting to find a man, so it shouldnt be as difficult as trying to get a wife in your 20s. Id still recommend not sprinting to the finish line and actually dating first before you choose a wife so you can find the best woman for you and figure out who it is you want. You can definitely go to bara yourself, you want to just practice saying hi to people and then try typical conversation about the weather or sports or whatever. Ask people how their day went, whatever, the subtle communication is more important than the words themselves. You want to communicate assertiveness and self confidence, not try to say that youre lonely and have someone fix you, even if that is all you want, because that puts you in the weaker position and will likely leave you unhappy.

Like I said before, look up corey waynes videos. His stuff is made for men like you

>corey wayne.
he's a cuck