How are you holding up Jow Forums?

How are you holding up Jow Forums?

Seriously, do you think your mental health is improving or getting worse?

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Improving. I've begun to say what I really think at work, in public and among family. It makes me feel better and they feel much, much worse.

All my friends think I'm fucking retarded since I moved.... so yeah 5/5 bretty gud :D :D :D

Going insane trying to find a detailed pic of the ancient Finnish rune for "Kuu."

I'm doing great thanks. Hope you all have a great day.

>spics taking over country
>schools brainwashing children
>13% but commit 50%
>sense of modest fashion has deteriorated.
>young girls turning into thots.
>cost of living is through the roof.
>low white birth rates.
Not too well I’m afraid, even more problems I didn’t mention

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The honk pill really turned my life around

I had a psychotic breakdown some 2 years ago and almost stabbed my dad with a kitchen knife. I had locked myself in a flat and didnt come out for a long time, before they broke down the door and put me in a mental hospital. I was there for 6 weeks, though I came through pretty quickly. Still on anti depressants now, but im kicking them soon.
Doing well now, at the family's country house with my dad, playing some chess and waiting for the rest of the family to show up tomorrow.
Trying to enjoy nature and chopping some wood here, I quite like chopping wood.

>overhearing my non Jow Forumstard friends saying antisemitic stuff
Things are looking good.

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Improving. Before Jow Forums I was a homeless bum.

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I have a lot going for me. I work at my parents company and get paid a lot of money. I have a my own house, my car is paid off, I have tens of thousands of dollars worth of things that i like collecting (wont specify because of government glowniggers) I recently got married. Now I'm getting less happy. I don't know if my marriage is working or even if its worh it. Shes an attractive girl born in eastern europe. Wants a family and all that shit. But I dont know if i do. Im afraid ill have a kid and the it will be to late to leave. I have more than I ever have but I'm less and less happy. I don't know if im right or just jaded.

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mental health is for little bitches, put a face on and get over it. fuck the world.

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>being white supremacist
>'i don't know if i want family

getting worse because I feel like being on the lower deck of Titanic ans seeing water pouring in and running to the upper deck and trying to warn people but everybody just laughs it off.

>1 post by a blackpilled faggot
I'm actually doing great once you leave this blackballed echo chamber. Stop making these thread's expecting to cause a blackpilled change reaction, i'm not going to be dragged down in the mud towards the likes you.

Clown world honk honk

I’m trying to stop Smoking started using nicotine patches

Not holding up well. I started having more gay thoughts.

Well It's a good week if you're talking society and politics. Trump is going off on immigration. And women exposed themselves nearly fully.
Kind of exciting.

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Well I mean I know i need to have kids, i know my parents want it, and I know I need to do it. And I know I have a viable wife to do it with, I just don't know if shes the best choice. She doesn't like blacks and poos, she fairly smart, good looking, but very high maintenance. I feel like im constantly doing shit for her and I don't know if its worth it or not. Am i just being a faggot?

Made me job network lady lose her shit and start swearing at me.. Even threatened to call the cops on me if i didn't leave for ten minutes. Tried to tell a joke to lift the mood but she wanted nothing of it. She said how could i ever expect me to improve my shitty life when I act the way I do.

Some women just turn into queen of dragon when you don't give a fuck about the power they hold. It's a fucken honk honk world.

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checks out

Mental degeneracy is being accepted by the society. Mental health is getting worse day by day but it's being accepted at a faster rate

Is rate my mental health around 6/10, mostly losing points bc I hate my job.

How does your unhappiness manifest itself?

Is it something you can't articulate, or just an empty feeling?

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what do u do user, does it at least pay well?

Couldn’t be better myself. Things are going really well I must say.


Jaded. I felt the same way before I got married and I was probably younger than you at 25. It's just jitters saying goodbye to being a shitbag kid more interested in sports than life and the start of you being a family man charged with raising white children. It's a different experience, but I wouldn't want to go back in time when I was fucking roasties and drinking every weekend. I'd love to have my abs back though -- no matter how much I lift and diet those are forever gone.

Jow Forums made me doubt my whiteness. I am in fucking shambles, also my girlfriend is literally too tight for me to enter, she screams bloody murder each time I try to take her virginity, almost broke my dick as well.

It's like a very frequent uneasiness / stress. Like the feeling that you have to do a school project or something for work and youre not doing it but at the same time stressed that its almost due. Other than that I feel like I can't really relax like I used to. Before I got married I could come home on friday get shit faced, do whatever I wanted. Now the weekend is discussing what we want to do together when mostly all I want is to be left alone and do my own thing. Also we argue like once a week and its stressing em out because im always waiting for the next stupid fight.

Wildly improved. Cognitive dissonance completely gone from my life. Moved from diverse shithole to 90%+ white town and couldn't be happier. Cut all degeneracy from my life, got in much better shape. Started job hopping once I realized how much loyalty Mr Noseberg has for me, making triple what I was five years ago. I have Jow Forums to thank for turning my life around.

No, women like that are like expensive german vehicles. Sure it looks nice, and people will be envious. But a lower maintenance vehicle will still serve it's purpose.
>pic related

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Big three assembly line; yeah money’s the only thing keeping me here. Thanks for asking.

Thanks user that's good to hear. I know my life has been very carefree before so i always thought that the stress is just me not being used to more responsibility. Marriage is tough man.

Muuuuch better.
Got a load off my chest today. I was chatting with a roastie at work about my kids & mentioned I had deliberately picked my wife because she was in her 20s and that the chances of having kids in late 30s and early 40s were almost zero.
I plan to leave magazines with articles about suicide around the coffee room and see what develops.

Is your wife somewhat rational at least?

I mean, can you explain to her that you have no interest in arguing? Maybe that's a bit naive, as I've never been in this situation.

What kinds of degeneracy did you cut from your life?

And well done, glad to hear it.

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Do you have time for hobbies? I always justify doing work I don't like by using the money o do things I enjoy. I don't think there are many people who truly enjoy their work, ive always considered work to be a means for me to do the things i want to do not be the thing i want to do.

Drinking, smoking, roastie chasing, hanging out at bars on the weekend, the usual.

>but very high maintenance. I feel like im constantly doing shit for her
They're all like that.
Even if you traded in, the next would be just the same.

what are the downsides of using nose spray everyday? this stuff is pretty gud I feel like it's gonna improve my qol tenfold

Oh I mean thats why i didnt break it off right away. Because she is rational and not like stupid or anything. It's just that when she gets in a mood then all the rationality flies out the window. It's not like im worried that she doesnt want to control herself and improve im more worried that she can't. But I'm also not sure if its just some regular shit that most women do.

No problem i am very even tempered but i had a school friend who got schizophrenia. It was quite a shock but he got meds.

Haven't actually seen him since it happened but i heard he was fine. Thinking about it i miss him, building aeroplanes and all.

To be honest i would feel very out of place meeting him, i wouldn't know what to say at all.

>How are you holding up Jow Forums?

all i wish is a pepsi

I thought that could be the case as well. Its just before I never really stuck around long enough with any one girl to find out.

With a shit ton of diazapam user. That's keeping me going at the moment. That and weed. Oh and zopiclone too

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Im with you, I don’t care if I actually like it, I just want to not hate it. Right now I hate it. I’m sure it will get better once a few particularities change, which they will.

Well at least you can communicate with her. Hope your relationship smooths out mate.

I just found out I’m borderline.

A fucking woman’s disease. I guess taking dick actually does turn you into a woman. I even fucking act like one, all emotional and shit all the time. Thank fuck I’m pretty at least. I’m a pretty girl in a mans body.

Bad genetic material for your children though. When it comes to having children the attractiveness of the women you choose to breed with is highly important. You don't want to doom your potential sons to the beta male life.

It's all makeup anyway. Slap some on her and you can add 3 points.

Thanks man, I do to.

I'm sure it will man, gl!

Trying to take the honkpill. I just care too much.

I have PTSD, uncontrollable rage, depression, paranoia and panic attacks. I drink three days a week, so far, and get high almost daily. If it weren’t for books I’d be dead. I hate everyone and everything. Just alive to read, watch it all burn and hopefully kill a few pedos before I die.

Otherwise I’m great.

this might sound stupid but you ever do mdma?

Not super good desu. I just got back from the army and being in my hometown is a mindfuck.

Im getting way better but i dont doubt it might be the calm before the storm. An array of risky investment decisions and drugs has led me to believe my mental health and success might in fact be a miracle

I'm at the midle ground aiming down, my dreams are wild though, which is nice, I didn't use to dream at all. I'll be fine, I think.

Are you eating well?

I looked in the mirror wearing my headwrap and realised I looked like the doomer.

I live on my own, I suffer from loving someone I cant have, I smoke weed, work a low wage job that wont go anywhere, I rode all my dreams to the end. Im just treading water atm see where this thing goes.


No. But I’ve heard about its uses with ptsd therapy. My Dr is useless when it comes to going outside the box. Weed works ok but I hate the burnout. Honestly anything that fucks with my head as serious as MDMA (supposedly) kinda scares me.

Nope my mental is fucked im schizoid all i do is avoid people its great

I'm doing fine, it's definetely improving. And getting away from this shithole certainly helped, too.

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how do you guys find this shit I don't trust mexicans and niggers.

Off and on. Either I’m starving and could gnaw off my leg, or the idea makes me sick. I drink tons of water though. Which I hope helps.

You just say, "How've you been?
And you too."
Mak sa tykkit. I'm here all week.

Blaze large amounts of CBD hemp flower, really.

In what sense?

How long were you in the army for?

The more insane I become, the happier I truly am
Gonna need to have a few crazies in the coming wars desu

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WelL im no doctor, but the few experiences ive had with it have been great. The only thing that sucks is the come down afterword. Nothing like a hangover just a general feeling of not wanting to do anything and not giving a fuck in general just laying in be doing nothing. If you dont take too much its really good, wont make you go crazy or anything. So just keep it in mind if you feel like youre out of options and nothings working anymore.

once you've hit the bottom the only other way is up

Are those hats called headwraps?

What dreams did / do you have?

I used to be depressed. Now I'm just apathetic and fatalistic. Dunno if that's an improvement


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Just have kids. Have four, white families with 2+ children rarely call it quits. They become like a little club, your tribe.

My mental health is improving, but it had nowhere to go but up anyways. I'm exercising, learning piano, trying to break old bad habits and make good new ones, going outside and enjoying spring, taking supplements.

Clown world philosophy made me a lot more happy, the worlds a freak show

I understand meat is fucking expensive over there but I try to have a steak and salad every few days, at least once a week and it helps with my rage and anxiety. I have to motivate myself to actually do it. Keep ya belly full bro I hope it helps.

Four years.

I didn’t particularly enjoy the army and I don’t much care for my ghetto hometown. Barely ever sleep. It’s probably me that’s the problem honestly. Tempted to just be a drifter for a while.

Sudan has internet?

Kek kys shill

Don't care.

Have you reached a "bottom" in your life? What was the experience like, if you don't mind me asking?

huh, didnt know that, thanks

The fucked up thing too is I shouldn't be depressed. I have many of the things that anons here strive for. But regardless, there is a void that is constantly expanding inside, eating away at my soul. I should be happy but modernity and traitors deny me this. I think future uncertainty plays a major part. The frustration of feeling powerless to effect the change I wish to see leads to apathy and deep seated feelings of loathing and rage.
It is difficult to articulate tbqh and I end up disliking myself for being depressed. I feel as if I have no right to be depressed considering there are many who are in far worse positions than me.

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I've come to terms that I will wait here to die. There is nothing.

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Your not society, your man. stay in there honk fren

Never better.

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I basically pestered/bullied my doctor into prescribing it to me.

all i can say is that having an existential crisis everyday for a year and a half isn't healthy

Doomer wears a beaney. Ive achieved dreams of travelling an stuff and now dont have the motivation to do anything like that again. I've been catching myself dreaming of starting a family, with the girl I cant be with. It's strange desu, I didnt think I wanted kids.

I'm stuck in a tiny room in a third world big city hellhole and I have no way of getting out. I spend a lot of time wondering if I would survive a fall from the fourth floor of my rat den. I might end it all soon.

Genetics better look at the grandparents, but your ability to raise a child in a healthy way is more important that anything the better looking girls tend to 30+ cock

Why can't you with her?

now that i have three, my family feels complete. hard to say why, but i think you’re on to something

also nice trips