Daily reminder people unironically think like this
Honk honk
Daily reminder people unironically think like this
Honk honk
No they don't, not really. Twitter isn't real, nor is it a reflection of how normal people think. Twitter is a platform for the mentally ill to scream for attention. The media loves it because it's a goldmine of shock stories for them. None of the people that tweet this shit would say it out loud in the real world.
Also, niggers man.
Why are these people never talking about contraception? There is almost no excuse to be pregnant when you dont want to be, because theres a million different ways to prevent it
>birth control
>morning after pill
Nope! Let's wait til I get pregnant and just murder the baby!
>Say this shit
>”Well time to go settle down in my 40s”
>”Wtf why aren’t men marrying me?”
This guy knows how it works.
that's what bugs me too.
There are a lot of cases that are in a grey area. Like a 16y/o girl that has been raped, now instead of going to school she has issues with the kid.
and don't tell me about adoption. It's not that easy i think, once you begin to feel all those Mommy Feelings that are evolutionary imperativ.
But most abortions are just people that fuck around and don't think of all those other Stuff you can get to prevent that. They are not all rape-victims, and that's trash.
Digits for absolute truth. When you take this pill, Jow Forums is an absolute cesspool to wade through because about 70% of it is "hey guys look what this dumb cunt who was competent enough to create a twitter account said."
It's all so fucking tiresome.
Exactly. Literally the only argument these people make is "b-but rape tho!" As if it's such a widespread issue. They'll say anything as long as they dont have to bear responsibility for their actions
100% accurate
girls I know irl in person
>not very pretty
same girls on twitter
>I’m a goddess!
there was a video of a woman explaining to kids why she got an abortion and one of the kids asks why she didnt use protection lel
Use a condom or a birth control pill you dumb bitch.
I can't understand why anyone (especially on Jow Forums) would be pro-life. Why would we want to force women to shit out unwanted babies? All these kids do is strain an already over-taxed system. No one wants to adopt a mutt baby from some idiot roastie. They soak up tax dollars for foster care, not to mention they just grow up to be welfare lifers. We should be putting abortion booths on every corner (they can pay with EBT).
go back until you know how to bait
I honestly can't blame them. I unironically would kill my wife before letting her divorce me and take my entire worth with her. A few years in the slammer is nothing compared to losing your house, your savings, and having to pay alimony/child support for 18 years. Sure the kids will hate you for killing their mother, but the whore would have turned them against you anyway. Hopefully they would eventually understand that it was purely a business decision and blame the system for incentivising my behavior. Plus any daughters I have would know to NEVER divorce their husbands, making the next generation more loyal.
>a video of a woman explaining to kids why she got an abortion
only in weinmerica
That’s not how you spell pol
Why don't they just kill themselves?