Okay, now I have your attention, read this nigger:
In my country there is no army, mmkay, so our police force is called "Public task force" as they are a crypto-army. Well long story shorts: last week I saw a motherfucking regular task force wielding a goddamned AR-15. Never before In my life I had seen an AR 15 with my naked eye, specially a regular "street cop" wielding one. I can't talk about this with anyone here because everybody is too retarded to understand what the AR-15 means. There are too many happenings coming together lately, and know this, something might be happening guys...
>Okay, now I have your attention, read this nigger:
>In my country there is no army, mmkay, so our police force is called "Public task force" as they are a crypto-army. Well long story shorts: last week I saw a motherfucking regular task force wielding a goddamned AR-15. Never before In my life I had seen an AR 15 with my naked eye, specially a regular "street cop" wielding one. I can't talk about this with anyone here because everybody is too retarded to understand what the AR-15 means. There are too many happenings coming together lately, and know this, something might be happening guys...
Relax retard, it's just a rifle.
Yeah thanks for the bump man. I feel sorry about what happened to your head, no wonder you could not type any opinion, you must be severely brain damaged.
Did you even fucking read how there is no fucking army in my country, and never before in my life a task force member has ever used an AR15 for any reason. Why do American have such a hard time understanding that weird phenomena called "context", can you even into anything besides being a snubbish shitposter that is skeptic about everything?
I will just wait untill gringos go to bed and discuss this later with eurobros. Maybe I jumped the gun too quick and assumed that
patriotic gringos would have an idea on gun jurisdiction and a better answer than a gaslighting banter.
Are you not allowed to get your own AR? if so that's fucked up.
I'm not even sure, we don't have an army or gun culture man. I can count the times I have seen a handgun with my naked eye. Thing here is that our equivalent of DEA might actually use AR-15 in the caribbean area (swamps filled with jamaican druglords), but might be the only members of the task force allowed to use assault rifles. Like I have never seen regular cops using rifles anywere, maybe Brazil I guess...I dunno just imagine a copper using a rifle, and on top of that your country has no army, so suddenly you can tell something is escalating in the background.
really gay thread
okay i get that. I would become familiar with your countries gun laws and get the best one you can if you are worried about escalation. I know you're not a gunbro, but the internet has all the info you need.
elaborate. Have you ever seen a street cop wielding an AR-15? of course not.
street cops in my country (carabinieri) carry old carbines. it's no big deal, user.
kek. well played OP. its true something will snap soon, although who knows maybe your president was being driven through there and you didnt notice
I'm sorry user, I'm not being able to explain myself. Maybe it has to do with english not being my first languague. Okay, so regardless of our gun jurisdiction, just consider how bizarre would be:
>To see a regular street cop wielding an AR15
>The cop was on service
>Not like when Anericans say "my uncle cop owns an AR15"
>Not being Brazil
>Not having an army
It's almost as if they are preparing to turn our country into a police state. We literally have the most unpopular president in decades, police recuitment has increased 400% during the last 4 years. See where I'm going? Extra info: unemploymjent her is at a motherfucking 8% of the abled population. So since we are a drug pass zone with lax cartel pressence, a lot of ghetto rats resort into selling drugs as middle-man retailers. Just need a buddy to brainstorm on this, I'm tired of being called a schizo by the golem normies in here.
Police should carry rifles. The whole point of police, or any other law-enforcing organization is to prevent chaos
Besides, if you follow the rules you ain't gonna get shot, right?
Yeah, old rifles, not an AR15, and you actually have an army. Also it's my fucking country you patronizing guido, I think that I have my reasons to post this, it's not like I'm an outraged gringo liberal whinning about some dude carrying a rifle. Why do you take the rifle out of CONTEXT? user CONTEXT.
I know it's an AR-15, it should be modern to give police an advantage against the criminals, cause let's face it - handguns are shiet, unless you have good aim
Pu-ticos are the Canadians of centralamerica
>Besides, if you follow the rules you ain't gonna get shot, right?
That is not the point man. I don't know where you are from since you have that meme flag on. But in continental America, regular street cops DO NOT WIELD ASSAULT RIFLES. Now consider how bizarre is to see a regular street cop wielding a rifle in your army free country...see where I'm going? the rifle is not the reason of my concern, the rifle is just the tip of the iceberg of something else going on, it's EXTREMELY ATYPICAL, my /whatsapp group/ is also jumpy about this.
>The "puticos" Hondufag
>here we go again...
I bet your street cops wield loaded AR15s while aiming them. We are turning into Honduras for the love of God...
So? To maintain peace on the streets you need cops willing to headshot all the criminals it is until this past 5 years that cops have started to use AR15 here, why? Because the gangs and cartels do not hesitate in shooting their high caliber guns to you.
And yes, Costa Rica is becoming a shithole, nigger genes do that
seriously man, I'd love to start the good old monkey-like shit flinging contest and throw some banter at you, but I'm not in the mood.
>inb4: Costa Ricans are gay and have nigger genes
Yes, yes, whatever you win, I lose, you rule, I'm lame. Could you just answer with a bit of seriousness for a moment? We have a very lax pressence of cartels and gangs in here, like there is no visible or noticeable reason for the AR15s to show up like this, can you see how this is weird?
Prevention, also, isn't the current government of Costa Rica a bunch of liberal cucks and faggots? It is normal for them to do that
read there why do they need a rifle, pavian.
>It's prevention, but not even I believe that
>Costa Ricans are gay ooga boogaa
It's actually sad how you are starting to see my point, but would rather antagonize me with banter because of your anymosity towards my country.
>The currency in Costa Rica is the Costa Rican colón (CRC).
The risk level was at normal precautions 6 months ago....and as a person living here I still don't see any indicator as of why. It's over, kikes found out we were doing fine and they will probably start false flag psyops to turn us into the rest of central america...Thanks for the link user, I'm starting to see how this seem how this looks as a fabricated situation. I appreciate it pavianbro.
Yes our cops use them because everyone here has rifles and grenade launchers
go figure...TV lied to me lol. I thougt your regular cops used revolvers and shotguns and only SWAT or special task forces used rifles.
>I saw a motherfucking regular task force wielding a goddamned AR-15
You say that like it's an assault rifle or something.
As ignorant as you are about weapons, it may be a semi-auto .22LR or even an AirSoft.
Listen to
No cops will wield whatever regulaurs can wield. Your cops prob just got tired of being out gunned push overs for the cartels.
>read there why do they need a rifle
To shoot mosquitoes?
sage nobody cares. I hope they domescope you with it.
So, you're cops are modernizing? Maybe they just got a donation of them from a country that you are allied with? Best way to tell would be the next time you see one of the task force guys, ask them and don't be a sperg. Pretend like you're a Jow Forums fag and like guns and ask what the manufacturer is and what model it is. Also if it has an optic (scope looking thing) ask what it is and then make this post again and maybe we can do a little detective work. Again, just don't be a sperg. When I was in Iraq and Afghanistan, I would ask about the weapons that other forces would carry and I would get asked about mine, plus I ask cops here all the time if I don't recognize a weapon because I'm genuinely curious and interested.
Uh.... this deserved a thread?
The guy was on service, isnt airsoft supposed to be for training and practicing?
>inb4: It's not an assault rifle you snowflake
Have I stablished how assualt or not, no regular street cop has ever used a rifle. Motorbike coppers sometimes wield uzis, but not a rifle man.
also the travel risk level was at normal precautions 6 months ago. And so far I haven't noticed any visible reason as of why we are suddenly Honduras tier...
Who likes to fabricate scenarios to advance a certain agenda? A: Kikes
quit with your clickbait bullshit and stfu, tico
Half the cops have ARs in their trunk and most leave their optics on so they can grab and go. They also don't all advertise that they have one, but there's more ARs than people realize floating around the American police force
>out gunned push overs for the cartels.
Read the whole thread, I have typed like 3 times how we have a lax presence of cartels and gangs, nothing on the news either.
I mean guys I appreciate that you are challenging me so I can figure this out, but don't bust my balls just to take a piss.
You will care in some years when the invader caravans will include Costa Ricans you eternal gringo. And it's not like things are getting visibly worse, it's almost as if (((someone))) has decided that we were doing too well and we simply cannot have nice things.
The cops in these pictures have rifles
Why do I even bother explaining the context when you Americans seem to have a special ability to ignore that context, while twisting meanings and making it seem as unironic poor reading comprehension?
>They also don't all advertise that they have one
But still, the rifles are not reglamentary then.
Thanks for the bump canuckanon.
Stop being a faggot Puerto Rico, even our beaner Provincial Police have assault rifles. I've seen cop with submachine guns and FALs like it's nothing. Chill.
An AR is just a rifle dude
no, we are shocked that you amazed at seeing rifle. you are infantile. To me, a red blooded american man on gods earth, endowed with the natural rights to arms and the persuit of happiness and prospertity; its confounding to me that you have such a fascination with seeing some milled steel and gunpowder.
Its like when i meet “succesful” britons. Its a litteral joke.
>costa rica is totally america
>has never seen a gun
lmao why do we even send you aid
okay best post so far. But Im also concerned about or travel risk level was at normal like 6 months ago. But nothing seems to have changed in those 6 months, if anything I see more and more cops everyday and less drug pushers in Central Valley (Our "DC" area)
well of course man, our drug busting units must have rifles, and the special support units for street patrols only had uzis. It's like they are turning all of our regular street patrols into special drug busting units, so its like "activating" some type of "soft-curfew". There is no indicator that crime is growing...that is my Im so psyched.
>something might be happening guys
Something is always happening
again, it was never like that before in here, and there is no indicator that crime is actually growing, stop focusing on the rifle, you are all shilling about the rifle, the rifle is not the main topic, the rifle is an indicator that (((something shady))) is manifesting here. I get the whole deal about Jow Forums users being a skeptic smug willing to argue about anything (I do it all the time whrn Im shitposting) but once in a while certain threads have real concerns and a sincere call for other Jow Forumslacks to reach a consensus. So basically I'm starting to see how the gobernment or someone is trying to skew the optics of our current situation to enforce a police state since we have no army.
We don't receive any aids from the US, you are confusing us with the other pozzed centram countries...but nevermind I'm realizing how soon they will make sure we become as shitty as the rest of centralam.
I took the time to research slightly and in 2017 i guess your new president upped training and stuff to combat the rising violence and drug crimes. Apparently your country changed from drugs just passing through to being used and made there.
Heres one link i'm trying to find the other stuff i was reading but I use duckduckgo browser so i don't have internet history.
You are a nigger OP.
From the Costa Pobre Policía official site.
> So basically I'm starting to see how the gobernment or someone is trying to skew the optics of our current situation to enforce a police state since we have no army.
I mean you could be on to something. A lot of our shitty boomers go there to retire.
Of course, but what is going exactly in here Herr Kraut? that is the question. I don't want to sound like a schizo poster, but I smell kikery and yes a false flag....
whats the nigger and indio situation like in costa rica? some roasties i know took a vacation down there (probably got fucked by locals) and it looked pretty cool in the pics
jueputa argentino arrogante, cuantas veces debo escribir que solo la fuerza antidrogas usa rifles? y que los polis callejeros de ciudad jamas han usado alto calibre. No puede ser posible que seas tan imbecil, o que finjas ser tan imbecil solo por ser un gil de mierda.
You either die as a mass shooter, or live long enough to become a boomer...
I'm going to off myself before I let myself wind up in a nursing home run by niggers
Niggers here actually behave a lot, the criminal caste is taken by the indio mestizos, they have the crippling inferiority complex that turns them into ghetto thugs. And yes it was all so cool, until the travel risk level suddenly rose and regular street cops started to use rifles as if we were Honduras. But there is literally nothing justifying that sudden change.
What’s the matter? Your police is just militarising, it adapts to the threats.
Our street cops have been replaced by soldiers.
Nvm coochie calls
Have a good one op
Gestalt so far lads:
>Most unpopular prez in decades
>Police force increased in 400% during the last 8 years
>Lax pressence of cartels and gangs
>Unemployment is around a 10% of abled people
>"Retail drug pushing" is a job, because there are no jobs
>Most drug pushers have been removed from our "DC" area
>No noticeable indicator that crime is raising
>Suddenly our travel risk indicator rose to extreme caution, used to be normal 6 months ago
>I see a regular street cop wielding a rifle, only special drug busting forces are supposed to have those
>Country with no army
>Sudden rise in apparent criminality seems fabricated
>Oyyy veeyyyyy goooyyymmm! Costa Rica used to be so peaceful and stable, but now your unpopular president will have to enforce a soft police state in which your army equivalent will be patrolling streets
>Technically a hinting some passive aggresive curfew state.
See you on /b/ later
The whole Western world is increasingly becoming a police state. I'm unsure if it actually means anything if you are as well
>jueputa argentino arrogante
>Implying I care about this shithole country.
If you want to make a big deal out of this bullshit, be my guest. I have a vodka to finish. Buenas noches.
maybe theres some sudaca trash walking through your country trying to make it to USA
Yeah I get that, but I mean France has been having some serious chimpouts lately with les gillettes jeunes, so it seems justified.
>The whole Western world is increasingly becoming a police state.
Trust me on this one, if even my country is going that way, it means kikes are on full force. We were the last bastion of relative peace and plenitude.