This fucking dude

What would a medical professional call this body type?

Attached: D07vSb3XgAEi0Ne.jpg (682x1024, 157K)

Absolute unit

Still gets more pussy than you incel

Check out the disgusting interview where he is stuffing his face and smacking his lips. What a rude, insufferable kike.

>that belt with those shoes

t. kike

He's not even at full strength there.

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Brick shit-house.

In Australia you would call that a "Gock".
"Gut that covers the cOCK"
"Gut that covers the cUNT"

Uses: Look at the cunts Gock man, its fucken huge. Dare you ask him for a belly shot cunt.

Female: Look at her Gunt, need to take that bitch to a car wash after a shit.


t. biological weapon

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>"lol u incel haha take that!"

Let me guess. You're some heroic nazi-hunter from r/marxistlgbtqanarchismbuttplug who came here to "troll" the nazis?

Attached: pal.jpg (360x270, 20K)

>absoluteous unitamorphous in it's third trimester

disgusting fucking jew

Pay for play. Giving shekels to a prostitute isn't something to be proud of otherwise that penguin would be waddling around quacking how much ass he got last weekend.


forgot pic

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Attached: Happy-Merchant.png (1027x1200, 510K)

Which Canadian politician was it that got a lapdance from that transgender preteen? I saw a thread about it earlier today.

I don't know why, but I always loved these high quality Amerimutt memes that CRF supplied us with. Do you happen to have any others? I need to resupply my meme folder with new content.

the ugliest fatzo I have ever seen

Attached: pepe_obese.png (321x260, 79K)

Jewdicus diabeetus

What a fucking disgusting fat pig.
This guy hasn't seen his genitals in decades !

Hobbitus Judaica

Hobbitus Judaica

>imagine being so autistic to the point of replying to the most obvious bait with such anger
>inb4 i wuz baiting 2



Pear shape?

Melting fuccboi

Show me your ways of b8ting. I want to get (You)'s

words, words, words, words, words, fat, fat, words, fat, etc

Attached: jerroldNadler.png (710x423, 321K)

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>medical professional call this body type?
As an intern, I refer to this as a lardass.

Definitely a power bottom