Why is slut shaming seen as bad but virgin shaming is completely acceptable?

Why is slut shaming seen as bad but virgin shaming is completely acceptable?

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Because sluts are women and virgins men.

Neither is good, in some contexts either or both could be acceptable.
If you're between normal adults, you can't say "ew virgin" or "dirty whore".

It’s a certain subset of virgins who are seen as deplorable. The ones who insult people. The one who put no effort. People respect those who try.

Slut shaming is seen as bad to a certain demographic and not bad to others. Virgin shaming is seen as good to a certain demographic and not good to others. There is no universe in which all people think slut shaming is bad or all people think virgin shaming is acceptable. Stop purposefully viewing people and the world in overgeneralized metrics just to suit your narrative, OP. Its bad for your brain.

What if I don’t insult people but don’t try? Am I hated?

Agree with that user. if you are searching 4 quick fuck slut will be more acceptable for you, but if you, for example, true chrisianist, you definetly will like virgin more

No, unfortunately people take pity on you. I dunno why. unironically, bc we live in a society. A society that expects happiness to be granted by physical intimacy, relationship status and all that Jazz. It is a good source of dopamine though. So sOcIeTy is not completely wrong.

I think, user, that you might be projecting a little bit. I think your own personal anxiety and insecurities about your virginity is causing you to project those feelings onto the people around you and genuinely believe that other people are being just as critical of you. I think its safe to say that no one will be as hard on you about you being a virgin as you are. You're like a person with a big mole or pimple on their face - you walk around in public fearing that everyone is noticing it and everyone thinks you're ugly and everyone is disgusted by you when in reality the majority of those feelings are coming from you, not them. In reality, most people don't even care or notice your facial blemishes.

There is no virgin shaming. Incels are rightfully hated because they are members of an evil death cult. But they say they are hated because they are virgins, not because they openly advocate rape and murder.

it's bitter virgins, bitter betas and bitter, ugly bitches that slut shame. people that are well adjusted and understand how the world works do not slut shame. in fact, men that know how shit goes celebrate sluts. now, there is a very important distinction to be made here. if i learn that some bitch got chlamydia from being trained on, i WILL call her a dumb slut, but the important word here is DUMB, not slut. slut is just what she is, which is not inherently bad, as mentioned above. but i am shaming her for being DUMB and (in this example) letting 2 brothers most likely fuck her without condoms.
everyone virgin shames because at a certain age, it is indeed pathetic/weird/funny that you are so inept at attracting someone from the opposite gender enough for him/her to have sex with you, or even worse, you are a religious fanatic and thinks that your virginity is something sacred to be shared only with your future husband/wife. the former generally shows a retardation in your mental development, it's the equivalent in believing in fairy tales.

I’m not saying I am hated. I am asking if I am. You could have just said, “no one cares if you’re a virgin.” Furthermore, I’m not projecting as I don’t hate myself, at least not for being a virgin.

You don't know what incel means, not all of them are advocating rape and violence, but shaming them will only radicalize them further.

But slut shaming has been a tradition in nearly every civilization for thousands of years and virgins were seen as more valuable.
Oh nevermind you're a dumb fedora fag

No one except beta cucks wants Chad's leftovers, normal people have some self-respect.

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Where are all the moderate incels? Not one incel has stood up and said, rape and violence against women is wrong.

clearly you can call mens virgins all the day they won't react but call a woman a whore and its hell on earth.

Because emotion-based arguments are only okay when I make them.

>Where are all the moderate incels?
On this site, incel forums or reddit
>Not one incel has stood up and said, rape and violence against women is wrong
Because no one takes them seriously, they are at the absolute bottom of human food chain barely above the homeless.

Are you mixing up "acceptable" with "things people do?" Because it isn't acceptable to virgin shame.. people (all of them) just turn into fat hypocrites when they're mad at you.
If you're a faggot and a virgin they'll virgin shame you. If you're cool and a virgin they want.

Probably focus more on what you're doing to make them virgin shame you in the first place because it isn't the virginity they're mad at.

emotion-based arguments are almost exclusively a female thing

The fact that some people are so obsessed with others sex is proof some people never age mentally past high school

>emotion-based arguments are almost exclusively a female thing
That's a big no, user.

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Incels don't even touch women. Go send another love letter to Chris Watts or something.
So all normies?