>promoting degeneracy to children
disgusting, how the fuck is this allowed?
Promoting degeneracy to children
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What's wrong with encouraging children to not accept bigotry and hatred?
They're simply pandering to their fans.
Let's be honest, this is what their fans want.
They're not telling kids to be gay or trans faggot. They're telling them to accept it and live with it.
What do you want them to do? put a NAZY flag in his hand or have him curbstomping a dude in a skirt?.
of course you would. fuck you.
>gaming is now all about politics
No surprise there since Sonic fans are all massive autists. What is it about Sonic that appeals to them?
Bigotry and hatred towards degenerates should always be encouraged, faggot.
accepting = encouraging
if we start accepting gay as normal then even straight people will be low key forced to have gay sex, this is how brainwashing works
break your own neck then faggot