im tired of those weak beta wh*te males who keep spamming nigger hate threads. i dont get it why do they keep us divided when we should all unite against our (((common enemy))). inb4 DESPITE being the 13%... go fuck yourself wh*toid. anyone born in the hood or africa are automatically granted the n-word except wh*tes of course. dont say the forbidden word wh*toid.
African/pol/ - anti west edition (wh*tes out)
Other urls found in this thread:
kek, sounds like a nigger name
Fuck White People
Fuck White Nationalists
Fuck White Supremacists
Fuck White Apologists
Fuck White Men
Fuck Racists
Fuck Sexists
Fuck Bigots
Fuck Nazis
Fuck Fascists
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Libertarians
Fuck Conservatives
Fuck Right-Wingers
Fuck Christians
Fuck Jow Forums
Fuck T_D
Fuck Incels
Fuck Alt-Righters
Fuck Alex Jones
Fuck Ben Shapiro
Fuck Milo Yannapolis
Fuck Steven Crowder
Fuck Trump Loyalists
Fuck Donald Trump
If you take a quick peek at the catalog, you'll see that the every 1 in 5 threads are about Black people. But not just that, Black people (especially, Black men) are discussed in nearly EVERY thread, even in threads that has nothing to do with Black people in any way. It's clear as a crystal that Jow Forums is obsessed with Black people.
But there's more. What about BLACKED, Interracial couples and threads admiring Black males? white boys are TRIGGERED AS FUCK in those threads. Why? If Black males are bunch of violent dumb savages, who is inferior to white man, then there's nothing to get triggered about, right? But why do white bois get triggered? It is because they see Black males as a very serious threat. They get angry at BLACKED threads because there's possibility of their white female relatives, friends, girlfriends can be stolen by a Black man. Deep down they see Black males as more alpha and masculine than the white males, thus the obsession. See, everyone laughs at AMWF threads, but BMWF threads has a completely different athmosphere. Dozens of white bois frantically flipping out, projecting, writing their insecurities.
Jow Forums is afraid of BLACK man.
Helping 500 million hungry niggers didn't solve the problem.
It created 1 billion hungry niggers instead.
I kek'ed, thank you
Judging by the shape of the average american, fighting hunger is thier number one priority
Before you learn to code
You must
Learn to farm..
Evolution of black people
>Fuck White People
>Fuck Racists
Nigger logic. lol
if you give a nigger a dollar$....
>look at pic
>only one is strong enough to hold his baby.
>Fuck White People
>Fuck White Nationalists
>Fuck White Supremacists
>Fuck White Apologists
>Fuck White Men
>Fuck Racists
>Fuck Sexists
>Fuck Bigots
>Fuck Nazis
>Fuck Fascists
>Fuck Republicans
>Fuck Libertarians
>Fuck Conservatives
>Fuck Right-Wingers
>Fuck Christians
>Fuck Jow Forums
>Fuck T_D
>Fuck Incels
>Fuck Alt-Righters
>Fuck Alex Jones
>Fuck Ben Shapiro
>Fuck Milo Yannapolis
>Fuck Steven Crowder
>Fuck Trump Loyalists
>Fuck Donald Trump
Fuck You!
>is that a new meme flag
the only reason Africa still has anyone living in it is because dumb white people under the influence of jewish religions think they're doing god's work. You would not exist otherwise.
Sounds more like "Cost to end world hunger for 1 day, $30 billion"
Social spending, social funding, social aid, social welfare is the biggest bullshit ever invented by any race, any culture, any religion, and pretty much any life form.
It's so fuckin retarded that it's hard for most everyday retards to realize how destructive it is. It's never even worth it to try explaining. This is the only nigger oriented invention ever! Even the whip was not meant to be used for niggers only. If one is so stupid and useless that he can't even provide food for himself he should be legally allowed and maybe obligated to sell himself into slavery so at least he learns how to work. Just like niggers learned how to pick cotton when they were brought to the americas from Africa. It was no slavery it was an economical education trip. Real slavery is when you stupify the enslaved people so hard that they are unable to keep on existing without their enslaver or are stupified enough to self destruct right after they are freed. Niggers should be grateful.
God dammit! These niggers are never going to improve themselves, they will always be sub-human. Can we stop feeding these things? Or at least spay and neuter them?
Why are we required to feed nigger babies? Fuck off nigger, if it weren't for the Jews you would be hanging from a tree right now
How long would that end world hunger? Also helping niggers in Africa doesnt benefit America unless those niggers will become our slaves.
Jesus christ you niggers just cannot form a fuctioning goverment..
Actual cost to end world hunger: $0
Just stop being niggers and grow some goddamn food.
Thats actually a pretty good point, but it seems that all that they are capable of doing is making more children instead of actual work