He's been on Fox News 3 times this week alone. Also, they aired his rally uninterrupted for 30 minutes. What's going on?
Is Fox News secretly rooting for Yang?
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Yeah this kind of two-tiered socialist system with elites ruling over everyone has been a part of the plan from day 1. Fucking dumbshit unironic "socialists" have no concept of what useless idiots they're being, as always.
Yes, left or right, democrat or republican, this is the agenda they are pushing. This is EXACTLY the agenda they are pushing and they developed this plan over 100 years ago.
Do you think yang would give me an advance on that $1000
the cosmos are pulling and rooting for a Yang victory.
Fox loves to talk about AOC and other nutty leftists
Tucker basically let his National Socialist tendencies out during the Yang interview and since then he's been using his leverage to portray Yang in a positive light. UBI is a libertarian idea, so that's why some conventional right wing folks support it.
Yeah I've noticed the amount of coverage they're giving to Yang. However, some of the interviews he's done on Fox they paint him as a craze leftie wanting to give away free money but he always come out on top as a reasonable humble person.
>UBI is a libertarian idea
Everyone is secretly rooting for Yang
Milton Friedman advocated for guaranteed income.
UBI isn't really libertarian, it's more eco-fascist than anything desu
Some of the anchors (Stuart Varney) do try to make him out to be some crazy guy but he always comes off as reasonable.
>it's more eco-fascist than anything desu
>Both Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek advocated for something like a Basic Income Guarantee as a proper function of government, though on somewhat different grounds. Friedman’s argument comes in chapter 9 of his Capitalism and Freedom, and is based on the idea that private attempts at relieving poverty involve what he called “neighborhood effects” or positive externalities. Such externalities, Friedman argues, mean that private charity will be undersupplied by voluntary action.
>[W]e might all of us be willing to contribute to the relief of poverty, provided everyone else did. We might not be willing to contribute the same amount without such assurance.
>Friedrich Hayek’s argument, appearing 17 years later in volume 3 of his Law, Legislation, and Liberty, is even more powerful. Here’s the crucial passage:
>The assurance of a certain minimum income for everyone, or a sort of floor below which nobody need fall even when he is unable to provide for himself, appears not only to be wholly legitimate protection against a risk common to all, but a necessary part of the Great Society in which the individual no longer has specific claims on the members of the particular small group into which he was born. (emphasis added)
Eco-fascism is god-tier along with anarcho-capitalism
>the cosmos are
UBI is the only way to save capitalism.
As pointed out, it has its roots in libertarianism. It answers the question of how capitalism survives when the consumers (the working class) have lost their jobs (and therefore their source of income) to automation. Capitalist industry can't profit in a country with, say, a 40% unemployment rate because all unskilled labour is done by robots, and there's not enough skilled labour to go around.
The brains and the money behind Fox see the writing on the wall, and recognize that they have to work to get this idea mainstream so that there isn't a communist revolution in 30 years. By that time, this idea will have firmly entered the public consciousness and be seen as an acceptable alternative.
>confusing "calm and submissive" with "reasonable"
What a retard.
Every vote for Yang in the primaries is a vote that would have otherwise gone to a left-wing candidate, which makes it easier for a liberal to get the 2020 nomination, which makes it easier for Trump to win.
The fucking authour's name is fantastic.
So the next US elections are...
>gib me dat for free Sanders
>pedo Biden
>"I'll wreck your tech industry" Yang
>and perma status quo Tump
Speaking of Andrew Yang on Fox News, why did he literally pack 10 fuckign niggers on stage with him at his last rally?
The only color that matters is green
but then why does andrew yang like brown so much?
Ge needs the black vote
>shilling this hard
>doesn't even have american flag
wew lad. don't worry, you and your pet niggers will get what's coming.
Holy fuck that picture. Can you imagine 1st of every month on instagram everyone is showing off being a thousandaire only to be completely broke 2 days later.
Given their behavior at political rallies it was a strategic preemptive move. Very clever yang
>UBI is a libertarian idea,
>Milton Friedman advocated for guaranteed income.
He was not libertarian. He was a monetarist
if you can't explain it in your own words then you don't undertsand it. copypasta, and linking to copypasta, is for literal retard faggots.
Show me a Mises institute link and I will read it.
I don't watch the Disney channel anymore
Mises institute was literally funded by Hayek.
>, but a necessary part of the Great Society in which the individual no longer has specific claims on the members of the particular small group into which he was born. (emphasis added)
God damn these jews and their subversion.
This is a jewish plot to destroy family structures
>You can't refer people to other sources, that's copypasta
Why would I need to reformulate what multiple founding fathers of libertarian economics and philosophy stated?
FOX can shill this commie chink all they want, he has ZERO chance of becoming the Democrat nominee.
>President Andrew Yang
carly finna get dicked down by a pack of wild niggers
because you're a fucking faggot and need to kill yourself.
I think he meant more your town/city and state. You're inevitably going to be able to inherit property so long as the original owner wills it to you, that's also a fundamental part of libertarianism.
So no counterargument and just ad hominems.
because blacks are not going to vote for a milquetoast chink
They support him insofar as her steers the conversation in dem circles towards scary anti-status quo ideas that sound scary to Fox's boomer audience.
Yang won't win but he'll get Biden to have to field questions about UBI, which is all Trump needs to seem like the sane candidate in the race
>I think he meant more your town/city and state.
It's the same thing though.
These are all hierarchical structures that flow out from a strong family unit. People in society SHOULD depend on each other, because that is how morality is enforced and developed. That interaction is important, because otherwise everybody drifts into degenerate a-moral hell
Ohhh... you are the subversive type. Let me guess, Rothbard was pro feminism...
There was a wave in literature to seduce the classical liberal types. You should read the LATE Hayek and the LATE Rothbard.
5th column faggot
lmao go back to redddit, fag.
felons can't vote anyway
It is legit and makes sense. It's only thown out of the window, if you pay more than needed.
>Few libertarians would be willing to sign up for that deal. But as a replacement for traditional welfare programs
But it don't really touches on, how to finance UBI, aside charity and replacing welfare in the current gov.
Is it because women have the right to decide about abortions but men should not decide on child support? They already have lady/child sniffer. Maybe with this new abortion law, he will finally have some children of his own to sniff at home.
The same groups who pushed Q user are behind all of the yang gang shilling. Some of them are infiltrators on the Right.
Oh my Lord this pic is revolting
They want a candidate that trump will destroy
Support the weakest candidate for the opposition.
Fox is the only network not owned by them.
>[W]e might all of us be willing to contribute to the relief of poverty, provided everyone else did. We might not be willing to contribute the same amount without such assurance.
Learn to interpret a text. He's saying that people might be more inclined to be generous when they actually know what they're paying to, instead of being forced to pay through taxation to a mistery fund of god knows what.
Not a UBI paid for by the government with your taxes.
> money that would come from Amazon transactions
>everone on Amazon rises prices to counter new tax
>alibaba with their aliexpress arrives to US
>amazon is dood, wat nou
this cancermongol is Jack Mas' plant.
It's 4d chest goy don't question it.