/AUSTRIAGATE/ GENERAL - внимaниe, внимaниe EDITION

>Austrian Vice Chancellor Strache (FPÖ, Austrian rightwing party) promised "Russian oligarchs" exclusive government contracts
>Meeting with "investor" (female) took place in Ibiza
>Promised her control over the "Kronen Zeitung", Austria's biggest newspaper (reach in Austria: almost 50%)
>Promised her public contracts in roadway construction
>Alluded to a possibly highly illegal system/financial construct of party funding

>"Russian investor lady" was FAKE (Actress)
>"Her" mansion was RENTED
>"Her" limousine was RENTED
>Other limousines parking in front of the mansion were also RENTED

>Austrian vice head of government is currently showing his ass to the entire world
>Unfathomable corruption and betrayal of the Austrian people (including hard working rightwingers)
>This WILL destroy the current government
>It is highly probably that the Head Of State, Alexander Van Der Bellen, will dissolve the government in the next days if not today
>The biggest Austrian scandal/crisis after the Lucona Scandal in 1977
>Currently (Fri May 17th 17:34 UTC) NO riots in the street
>Scandal is breaking just now

>projekte.sueddeutsche.de/artikel/politik/caught-in-the-trap-e675751/ (ENGLISH)
>spiegel.de/international/europe/strache-caught-on-camera-in-ibiza-secret-recordings-a-1267959.html (ENGLISH)
>spiegel.de/politik/ausland/heinz-christian-strache-geheim-videos-belasten-fpoe-chef-a-1268059.html (GERMAN)
>twitter.com/search?f=tweets&vertical=default&q=strache since:2019-05-17&l=en&src=typd (ENGLISH TWEETS, SORTED BY NEWEST FIRST)

>Kurz will end the coalition tomorrow

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lol, delusional aussie cunt thought he was planning some kind of a genius fascist media coup
idiot for not recognizing it was a trap

>Christian Nusser (editor in chief heute.at) claums that this video is only the first and the ones that follow get PROGRESSIVELY WORSE

Sauce: tvthek.orf.at/profile/ORF-III-Aktuell/13889091/ORF-III-Aktuell/14013940 last minutes

You are still full of shit and nothing will happen, leftypol. Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass die Linke zerstört werden muss.

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I don't get it. Was Strache /ourguy/ or not?

please, if anyone if you lurkers is planning to become the next hitler, remember to send your minions to do your dirty work for you.

HC is done.
Basti is gonna have to pay his dues to the party if he fucks this up.

He didn't say or do anything incriminating in the video. Typical case of Jews smearing and working with dirty tricks.
I'll vote FPÖ next week!

There was nothing in there in the first place.
Coordinated Jewish attack on Nationalist.
VOTE FPÖ next week everyone, the others are gonna restart mass migration if they win!

>quoting cato the elder
This wasn't original in the early 1990s you sad boomer sack of shit. Go back to pi-news, geezer.

>try selling the country to the russians


Pfostiere Deine Hand, Vorhaut und Nase. Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass die Linke zerstört werden muss.

Taking money away from Jewish industrials. He will win even bigger like Waldheim did.

You don't understand political realities, you're too naive.
It's a common mistake anong victims of ideology.

Nobody cares, libtard.

>literally moving money out of the country
I don't care if a jew gets it as long as the money stays within our borders.

And he still never tried to do that.
Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass die Linke zerstört werden muss.

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>still wishful thinking posting

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I'm sure as shit not voting FPÖ for reasons stated in pic related. What a fucking internet-censorship-applauding tool you are. Probably didn't even know their stance on the issue.

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Halt die fresse du übergewichtiger genetischer abschaum niemand hat dich hier aufgefordert zu reden

>I don't care if a jew gets the money
I'm sure you wouldn't mind Schlomo

Nice fun fact: FPÖ was the only party that didn't give this question much importance. The fucking cluelessness of these apes.

After all it's hard to believe ruskies buy your politicians just for a line of coke and some whore. BTW Haider was a filthy faggot, right?

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Then vote whatever the fuck you want you homo. I have no doubt you mainly want more Africans putting their dick up your ass and vote accordingly.

>they never learn

No, I am for strict border control, both on the outer and inner European borders. But I won't vote for a party that is openly pro mandatory automatic censorship.


Article by Austrian newspaper "Die Presse" (conservative leaning, highly reputable):
Intelligence experts suspect an intelligence agency behind it

Sure you are, homo. Do you have pink hair and a nose ring to signal that you like to suck dick?

Actually not but now I know a little more about FPÖ HODLers.

geh bitte hawara benutz das bissl hirn dasst hast

absolutely trying to cope with what‘s plainly laid out before him. why the fuck do do cling on traitors so much? you should be bpissed the most

There is literally nothing wrong with selling your country to Russia, comrade.

Praise the Vozd.

jan böhmermann

Russia is our greatest ally and the only bastion of tradition in this entire world.

>this is what right wing retards unironically believe

Russia is prime real estate that will need to be conquered and integrated before the Chinese get to do it.

Fun fact: If you are pissed off with too many russian shills in a thread you just need to namedrop ANNA POLITKOVSKAYA. For some reason, they shut up instantly after that. Kinda like this is a topic they do not want to breathe live into in any way.
Funny thing, that.

"Kronen Zeitung" (Austria's biggest newspaper, reach almost 50%) front page tomorrow.
They usually don't emphasize in this style. This is their way of saying "ABSOLUTE HAPPENING".
Strache has no way of surviving this, politically. None. If the "Krone" ist against you, you are done.

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Backfired worse than the Anschluss

For reference, this is what the front page usually looks like.

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Junge ich verstehe es nicht wieso seid ihr so cucked

desu, if I was the Krone editor I'd be pretty upset about this shit too

Exactly this scam has already been pulled off again various politicians and he still falls for it.
Brainlet dental technician.

Be careful what you wish for.

If we were not cucked you'd be a part of us again. There were many ways and opportunities. The Soviets were desperate in the 80s, just 10 billion $ and anything would have been possible.

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This is huge.
He'll probably resign.

Kannst schon deutsch reden mit mir aber ok

>keeping money within your borders
>giving money to Jews

Pick one

Was, biste Sudeten-spätaussiedler oder sowas?


Heh. You don't even know how bad this is. The Krone has killed political careers for decades now.
>youtu.be/gvnjbd_osDI (German only sorry)
And that's just with politicians who pissed them off ideologically. Strache threatened their vital interests.
The Krone will absolutely go for the kill.
Kurz is completely focused on not alienating the Krone readers. Krone makes it clear that Strache is dead, politically.
Kurz will fire him tomorrow if he won't resign. This is now (at the latest) a certain outcome.

Why do the left love false flags so much

>implying SPÖ doesnt do stuff like that
>implying ÖVP doesnt do stuff like that (LOL)

but of course its FPÖ again getting caught doing it
fucking retards

I don't love it but I don't cheer for a dead horse either. While underhanded, this was a kill shot against Strache. No need to act as if he will be vice chancellor by sunday. He won't. Move on.

Liberals hate white people
Liberals hate Russia

thus Russia is our ally

Neocon subhuman vermins like you who want to flood Europe with immigrants are not our allies
the so called ''center-right'' sucks up to Soros and his ethnic replacement agenda
you are all traitors

Idgag about some dumb journalist that died in Russia. Traitors like you deserve the same ending

>FPÖ again getting caught doing it
That's the only thing that counts.

lol i hope the shitters of Krone will be nevertheless bought out buy some bydlo cheeki breeki and then they need to learn to code

>Strache wanted to sell Austria for a bit more power and money
>altright retards still wants to vote for this shitty party
just vote invalid you stupid monkeys

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It's the easiest trick with vain, dumb and ambitious guys.
Hot chick, nice Villa, limo and an indecent proposal are enough to block his caution.

Reminder that Austria is a Balkan country

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>o-only 3.6 newspapers have reported on this. not great, but not horrifying either.

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Unfortunately not.

What's the false flag here?
That HC would sell out the country for some power? That's him trying to do it, even if he's selling it to a fake.
The real people are doing the real thing.

What is the Austrian version of the FBI
Will this woman move to Rome too?

Geographie Nicht Genügend

Austrias vicechancellor defeated by a german comedian.
Even France is laughing about you.

Yes, all the leftist propaganda outles pic up on this. He will walk.

Im Übrigen bin ich der Meinung, dass die Linke zerstört werden muss.

*Restjugoslawien Nord

>Regular police or Office for the Protection of the Constitution and Counterterrorism, depending on the v& level. In Strache's case public attorney's office and then probably police lol


>Soros opens ''Central European University'' in Vienna
>Kurz sucks up to him
>Kurz starts bashing Italian nationalists
>Austrian nationalists get caught in sting operation, obviously involving fake Russians

gee surprise surprise

I hope you go back to ''centrist'' govt asap, so you get a taste of black cocks. Then you'll see if Russia is the problem or someone else is

The intelligence is called Jan Böhmermann, a german TV moderator who is famous for tricking people into doing very dumb things.

t. Restpolen West und Restfrankreich Ost

You need to mask your grief better.

>FPÖ, Austrian rightwing party
are russian bitches. Coincidence? I think not.

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This did not have to do with russia, it has been a fake russian.

Smells a bill like "Zentrum für politische Schönheit"

I know about this and I might turn out to be wrong, but rn i suspect, since quite a few journos knew about this for years, and since Böhmermann is quite good friends with a lot of them, that someone just dropped the info that there is vidya on Strache. I doubt it was him, because usually he premieres the vidya in his show. Like I said, I might be wrong, there's rumours that the real juicy stuff is yet to be leaked and this might still happen in his show.

In Deinen Träumen. Schickt's nicht immer eure Migranten hierna. Erst den Schickelgruber und dann den Otto von Habsburg. Wir haben genug davon.

>still wishful thinking posting

Maul halten Ost-Benelux

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sounds like a pretty meaningless and ineffectual "scandal" in the grand scheme of things.

Possibly will be a distraction from something that will happen on a global geopolitical scale. Possibly involving Israel.

Screencap this post.

>sounds like a pretty meaningless and ineffectual "scandal" in the grand scheme of things.
Well yes, quite miniscule compared to quasars, gamma ray bursts, supernovae or the size of the universe.
>Possibly will be a distraction from something that will happen on a global geopolitical scale. Possibly involving Israel.

It's sad that the only real surprise is that top tier politicians are dumb enough to all for b8 like this. I wonder who is behind this though. Would only make sense for pro EU forces, but they never could get shit done in the past and now they fire all the missiles. I doubt any global player like Russia would fear the rise of right wing and national parties. If anything they profit from them.
Would lmao my ass off if it was simply done by some pro EU/lefty journalists or if Boomerman was really involved.

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What is he thinking right now?

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I read that Böhmermann was offered the video but he declined.

I will miss HC ;_;

Es ist aus. Brenton Terrant hatte höchstwahrscheinlich recht. Rechtsstaatlich gibt es keine Wege mehr diesen Apparat aus masochistischen Volkshassern auszuschalten und unseren Untergang aufzuhalten. Die Bevölkerungsschicht bestehend aus Journalisten, Establishment-Medien, linken Akademikern und sonstigen Gutmenschgruppen WILL NICHT DASS UNSER VOLK FORTBESTEHT. BEI DENEN SIND DIE SICHERUNGEN SEIT LANGEM ENDGÜLTIG DURCH. Die Umerziehung der Nachkriegszeit hat diese Menschen bereits im Griff. Die glauben den multikulturellen Blödsinn bis aufs Tiefste. Die wollen Rassenvermischung, eine krankhafte Entmannung unserer Männer, die Normalisierung von Geisteskrankheiten und Pädophilie, Transentum, etc. ! Begreift das endlich. Es wird keine friedliche Lösung geben. Egal wo wir uns hinbewegen: Wenn wir das Europa mit seinen verschiedenen Kulturen und Völkerb behalten wollen, dann müssen wir KÄMPFEN. Diese Leute sind bereit alles und jeden aus dem Weg zu räumen um ihre Ziele zu erreichen. Die klare Konsequenz für uns Rechte muss sein, dass wir bereit sind dasselbe zu tun.

Verfassungsschutz knocking at your door in


God damn it. Russia understands itself as a multiethical and multireligious state. Putin is friends with the Muslims. It is ridicioulus how many Trumpanzees and other right wingers see it as some antiislam state

when and where do we get the full 7 hour video?

You never had a chance. And I'd advise against starting a civil war in Austria, we all know how that one turned out last time for everyone.

Pick up a history book, please don't embarrass yourself like this.

By the way, you do know about the BVT, right?

Der ist bereits hier. Grüße gehen raus :)

You wait.
It'll be here soon. Apparently there's more juicy stuff in there and this is just the appetizer.

A lot of fringe American conservative blogs are run by unironic Russian shills. There is a weird thing with the average Bubba and Russia that I don't quite understand. I don't have anything against Russia really, I'm just puzzled by it.

yes, the journalists interviews in süddeutsche zeitung said there was even worse stuff in there regarding drug use of other politicians and how they procure them, homosexuality within the leading ranks of austria, etc

Link to that exact statement?

Ich fordere hier niemanden zu irgendwelchen Gewalttaten auf. Ich sage nur, dass wir, wenn wir unseren Untergang aufhalten wollen, andere Wege finden werden müssen. Die parlamentarische Demokratie wird es wohl kaum werden. In diesem Spiel haben die Linken ca. 70 Jahre Vorsprung. Für keinen von uns aufzuholen mit konventionellen Mitteln.


could it be that this guy was compromised and he tries to fuck his party over for some shekels?

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