Jews and Jew-Experts, please answer me. What did she mean by this?

how can one be more jewish when he's just 25%

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because they're known to be cheap. a real jew would pay as little as possible or not at all. thus the joke

Its like how yuppie whites have .01% indian blood so they act like they live in a teepee. Perhaps the same is true of all women.

Same reason quadroons emphasize their niggering.

Its actually a half decent joke

I don't get it.
100% jews are stingy and 25% jews throw money around and that makes them more jewish?

So they can identify as multiple people at once.

this, i'm thoroughly impressed and slightly redpilled.

my understanding is that the joke is that a quarter is also a coin and that was the association with jewishness
I'd like some definitive proof she said this regardless tho

>quarter jewish
how quaint, they literally can't stop thinking about money

Why is she so perfect?

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She didn't it's fake and gay

It's because the best they can give you is just 25%

>Jews and Jew-Experts, please answer me. What did she mean by this?
She meant
"Are there any black guys with an 11 inch cock that want to fuck my ass hole"?

Crypto jews

I'm 75% Ashkenazic-Jew.
>5% Native American
>5% Black Dutch
>5% Irish

She is 100% correct about the 25%ers they take it to a whole new level, but atleast they worship my fucking cock.

memefag comes to thread with only one thing on his mind

yeah I figured as much

>he doesn't know that she meant the coin

the joke is that there is no percentage to being jewish

by jew law if your mothers mothers mother etc is a jew
>you are a jew

so the joke is that say i am a quarter Jewish, im just as Jewish as someone with only Jewish ancestors (i can also possiblly get away with acting "more jewy" due to me not looking like one)

They overcompensate to fit in. 100%ers can disagree with the crowd and not be kicked out.

She means that if you're only quarter Jewish, it's easier to jew around because everyone thinks you're a goy.

It's the one drop rule. Like how all of her off-spring forever will be niggers.

it's fake, retards

>not full
>Jewish people are stereotypically cheap
I wish this were real because it would take some pretty huge fuckin balls.

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It means that a lot of people, white leftists especially, are trying to brandish their multicultural credentials. They all want to be different in a bit contrarian. People who are 100% Jewish tend to be rather passive about it. But notice how someone like Melissa harris-perry who has more cream in her coffee then coffee itself and who was raised by white adoptive parents cannot wait to talk about her blackness. It's the same thing with people who are a quarter Jewish.

Does anyone have a link to the tweet

Crypto jews kike on turbo mode covertly and you don't realize what damage they've done until they've been outed.


No. A guy who claims 1/4 Jew is grasping for the "benefit" of being a Jew while also denying being a Jew, wanting to profit from it both ways, thus acting more Jewy than even a Jew.

Well, she did marry her brother and I suspect her mother did too.


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>more jewish when he's just 25%
Jewish means pertaining to Judaism, it's not a race.

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why must I be too stupid to understand the meaning of this tweet...i read all the comments and I still can get its meaning...

More like, the only thing more than 50% is being 13%

There are no 100 percent jews

But good damn is she right, did she actually fucking write this? I'm really growing on to her.

maybe because 1/4 jews signal more about their jewishness than full blown kikes?.


That’s not what the jokes means dumb fuck
It means someone who is quarter Jewish acts extremely Jewish even more Jewish than a 100% jew
You would know if you ever met a Jew

you can actually see the stupid, amazing

she a nog anyway she just put words together with no real meaning.
one thing is for sure

is this a joke

>black dutch
no such thing

If I'm 2.8% Ashkenazi do I have to go to the chambers even though the rest is Welsh/English and Irish?

Legit based

jesus, I'm .2% and I felt insecure. Thank God you guys are around to go in the oven first, I'll probably be able to skate


So is it kinda like this?
> You're so incompetent, if there was a world championship in incompetency you'd win the second place
> Why not the first?
> Cause you're fucking incompetent!

Cause when you are 25% jew, you identify as a jew when it benefits you and as whatever the rest 75% are when it does not.

A 25% jew is a try hard. Trying hard to be something. A 100% jew is confident in their identity. There isn't any inbetween. Same thing happens to 1st generation Americans. They go so fucking hard to prove they are Americans to other Americans. While people like myself whose family has been here prior to the American Revolution don't really give a shit what other people think about their 'Americanism'. I have nothing to prove to the newcomers.

the balls on this women

Would you take a quarter decent joke?

Can't wait for the day this cunt is put on the no fly list.

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like most mutts, the 25% Jew has a tryhard mentality and feels the need to identify super hard with being Jewish.

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She’s so cute. It’s a shame that she comes from a tribe of psychos herself. Muslims aren’t our friends or allies but we could learn a thing or two aboht how they protect each other from Jewish retribution. They get away with saying whatever they want by circling the wagons.

no you fucking retards, its because a quarter jew has the need to overcompensate for the jewishness he lacks. they feel the need to prove that they are real jews so they overplay it and emphasize that they are jews.

The only one with a brain in this thread.

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Added layer of rootless cosmopolitanism and suffering (from being biracial), a second identity to hide behind, while still being able to claim all the things a pureblood would claim when it suited them.

It's because Nazi Mischling laws classified quarter jews as jews. She's saying they are all jews and need to be exterminated

It's classic Jewery to be interchangeable racially.

She doesn’t have a problem with jews so much as white Jews, hence her obsession with white nationalism. Palestinians are more Semite than Ashkenazi

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What the fuck, I love Ilhan Omar now

>how can one be more jewish when he's just 25%
She meant that only fanatical Jews believe that being Jewish is a racial thing because Jews being a race or ethnicity is part of their false mythologies when in reality Jews are neither of those things.

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She's still a dumb cunt.

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I love her.

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LITERALLY not a country nor people

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But do lie.

mentioned in the bible as mortal enemies of jews
mentioned by greeks
mentioned by arabs
but yeah keep repeating your jewish propaganda and maybe even you will believe your own lies

t. assblasted mudshit

Anybody got a link to the actual tweet? Trying to verify it, but not gonna continue scrolling thru this retarded bitches twitter for a solid jew joke.

my ass is just fine, you won't see the day where a meme flag kike blast my ass

Incredible how the morons ITT fail to grasp a simple joke, even about a group they're obsessed with.
Jow Forums is so low IQ, I feel a little ashamed browsing here sometimes

no the USA already did that when they invaded in 2003 ;)

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