Sell Youtube
>new owner does not give a flying fuck about censorship and allows almost everything in order to make it as much profitable as possible
Kill Youtube
>Competitors not concerned about progressive agenda rise to prominence to fill the void
Keep Youtube alive
>bleeds alphabet in billions, endangering google in the long run
They really cant win this one
Sell Youtube
monetization ruined the internet
monetization ruined the Jews?
You're implying there's a difference
Unironically yes
>Keep Youtube alive
>>bleeds alphabet in billions, endangering google in the long run
pay to host your videos business model
I hope Joogle breaks down into several smaller companies, this supervillain shit has reached its peak.
What does that tell you, if Youtube operates under a loss, for what reason does it have to still exist?
>pay to host your videos business model
This might work. Likely also remove the issue of underage content youtube have been pretty toothless about preventing so far. They would have to fix their screwy demonitize/strike ban system first though. Of course it leaves the door wide open for a competing free to post platform to scoop a nice chunk of the market share.
>competing free to post platform
does not work, apparently.
>competing free to post platform
It doesn't work and never will.
The infrastructure is pretty expensive.
And what are the chances that semi-concscious subhuman Amerinoid goycattle chose a different fucking product when it was possible? I use NONE of those and don't have to
Once bit-torrent based live streaming is here the culture war is over. It's the right's only hope, and it will happen eventually.
Eh, freemium ruined it. That's what allowed monopolies to come into such power in the first place.
70 billion sounds like chump change to Google though.
the problem isn't expensive, user
the problem is, that neither Coke nor Crysler will ever pay you for your videos about race realism
you would need other coffers for that and those basically don't exists
>thats the reason white power freaks need to sell guns and are into crack
This. The 'value' is Jewish control of yet another form of mass communication. $70 billion in funny money share value lost is fucking nothing to these people.
no it wont, because you have zero monetarization and making really good videos cost more than some subscribestar/ edgelording can make you
are they saying the entire 70 Billion is all on Youtube problem or just most of it.... thats alot mula!
That would fall under the Kill youtube category. Too many competitors who would do it for free.
Is the new owner named Nasim?
>Too many competitors who would do it for free.
and eventually stop, because they are losing money
Just use a patreon alternative for funding, people donate to that shit for reasons. Same reason even people with only a few hundred viewers get enough donations on twitch to live off of.
Also you do understand what a bit-torrent based streaming service even is? Subscribestar and gabai have nothing to do with that.
>inb4 replying to a memeflag
the bait was strong
should be legally required to hand over the youtubes and twitter twatters to the people, to be run as nationalized utilities, under direct supervision by the trump family, in perpetuity.
Good, big tech and its monetization tumour needs to fucking die. Internet needs to be desanitised from normalfags who are incapable of having such informational overload and virtual reality without shitting it up.
This entire social decay ramped up to extremes because of this shit and how much an insane omnipotent platform it gives to foster delusions and mental diseases of the feeble masses. Real world hits hard, internet pampers you.
Any faggot who muh convenience muh free markets me gets shot before the trannies. Corporatism and its commie marketing campaigns is vile.
Their biggest act of hubris was thinking they could predict what their viewers were going to want to watch , and thought they could manipulate their viewers with predictive algorithms
Imagine if they just never started the adpocalypse which cost then $70B
Muh free markets has nothing to do with the "pussification" of the internet. More like "muh pussy leftist idealogues who want to tell you what is good or bad."
No it's exactly the muh free market fags who let this shit get to where it is. The same type of muh free market fags who economically inflated China, made the west into a purely glorified service and entertainment district for the rest of the world. Muh freemarket fags who live to only make another dollar and who are the biggest proponents of shilling Marxism as a pr and emotional agitation marketing campaign, i.e. tell one of the monkeys that's it's a chicken and then sell to both the new chicken-monkey and the original monkeys shit to fling at eachother.
Hollah hollah for dat dollah
Why the fuck do you play a game that you lose at to joos, retarded sneks.
yep. God bless capitalism.
Google is a CIA front company, its parent company is literally named after the alphabet agencies.
Google was founded on CIA grant money for a project on how to spy and collect data on large populations.
Look it up. Nothing free market about the government grooming winners.
the bastards deserve it.
>The “changes that we made in early 2018” referenced by Porat were two announcements which seriously impacted a user’s experience. The first was a series of updated guidelines for users wishing to monetize their channel. These guidelines changed eligibility requirements for a channel to monetize their content, including requiring a channel have 4,000 hours of watch time within a 12-month time frame and a minimum of 1,000 subscribers. The second was a site-wide effort to crack down on abusive, toxic, and harmful YouTube content, such as explicitly violent videos or blatantly fake news. Unfortunately, this effort had a more apparent impact on independent creators, who found that their videos could quickly be demonetized for vaguely violating the ill-defined content policy, thus resulting in many users refusing to use YouTube as a primary source of income.
>Late 2018 also saw YouTube come under fire for their decision to ban the controversial figure Alex Jones, and his news site Infowars, from their platform, a decision which sparked massive outrage and numerous debates regarding censorship by large tech companies. However, a YouTube spokesperson told CNBC that “bad actors” were not a factor because they were not making “meaningful money”:
The fuck of course free market isn't going to apply on a national level, you think you fucking plebs will be given a chance??
The free market is applied on the global level, countries are companies or even less, beauty of globalism and all that jazz, that's the problem. Domestic markets are meme shit to distract everyone as if they're something special, wageslave away against that foreign competition which is actually under the same corporatist umbrella, it's all rigged shit. Like a toxic office environment that women come up with where each departments only goal is to beat the other any way possible - slaving away for their retarded pride while the regional manager sits back and laughs her ass off, that's what they've made countries and their markets into.
Btw just so you don't get the wrong idea, I don't have a problem with capitalism - people owning and creating things and having the ability to sell them for other things. Its human fucikg nature. I do have a problem with making the intermediary in the exchanges - money - the sole purpose and goal of everything. In not a kike, I don't worship money, and neither should anyone else, otherwise you'll start from selling yourself to your grandmother and then eventually your people and it all dilutes into crude plastic vapid bareboned SHIT.
F.U.C.K.I.N.G. T.H.I.S.
It doesn't matter what they do, alphabet will keep bleeding money because their main revenue stream is shrinking and they got nothing to replace it with
Youtube singlehandidly exploited poor parenting choices and used trash to grow their service at the expense of mind jacking a billion kids.
This is not the end of the conversation regarding the role tech companies played in fueling society disorder.
Youtube red failed, youtube premium failed.
People won't pay for this trash. That's the true worth of this content.
Did Youtube expect kids would line up in droves to pay to watch retards fill homes with legos?
Oh, but ho ho. Advertising saves the day. Aka, hidden costs.
Now you pay more for products you buy.
Anyone remember stage6 video site?
Was a sad day when they shut it down
I'm glad they are losing money over censorship. Old YouTube was way better.
Why do so many tranny faggots work at Google?
Adwords was a massive scam anyway. People are starting to finally figure it out.
This. Greed ruins everything.
so they have an excuse to sink the ship