Encrypted US Air Force message

Pic related just let me hear an encrypted US Air Force message.
I've uploaded it at the following link and NO it's not a honeypot, check the whois lookup if you don't believe me:
Who here would know how to decrypt it? Does anybody here know anyone who COULD decrypt it? Is it possibly important, and does anybody know what it could be? I'm all very new to this, just thought I should share what I've found.
The only progress I've had so far is taking the first letter of every word, and this is what I have: sbhsaihkytxuonssuqahslbqsufeci
I'm assuming it could be a cypher, either that or I did it wrong.

Attached: 1558128517918.png (1351x1831, 182K)

Other urls found in this thread:




pic related-
I have the decoder

Not against any rules.
What's the message?

Message decoded as follows, break
..Raptor 1 Out

Seeing as you posted the key and the sequence and know the difference between a Cypher and Cipher then go right ahead and do it yourself

We all know the patterning and the breakdowns.

You think we can't see your "Perser" Coding......

You don't really think you will get away with this do you user?

Get Bent.....

Well Done user

His asshole will remain broken and crying for more

I think you are mistaken. The message clearly reads as follows:

Gargle my skeet, nigger. Either don't respond or help.

Cocksmoke 1, maintain radio silence

>Pic related just let me hear an encrypted US Air Force message.

Attached: kike_transmission.jpg (743x924, 274K)

Go to a dif thread if you cant handle the skykangs


Attached: WE_WUZ_WRIGHT_BROS_N_SHEEIT_.png (632x363, 310K)

Waiting for some to break the code through gardening in an all autist thread.

there's no point, they'll only be transmiting flight info, time of arrival, fuel, plane type etc.

the best way of figuring out whats going on is checking flight radar, and seeing what military planes are where when broadcast

it was going nuts last year when all those C17s were flying over, just means shit is going down

Aww! Sheeiiit! Thats good. I wish i could help here. I actually love the skyking stuff but im just an observer..im interested though

Ex defence here. Specialization was HF, VHF and UHF satcom and encryption.

You ain't hearing shit on these unclassified channels, the skyking larping is so lame. Literally just good military communications and there will be enough to explain how ridiculous it would be to assume you'll ever hear anything.. it's larping and makes zero sense.

The code prob changes every 15 mins or something. Youd have to be pretty good to beat every other military also trying to decode this stuff. Ive seennthe threads where they are onto flight paths an sheeit, matching it to the skykings...pretty cool really..

Got it, didn't know if I had found something valuable or not. Literally the first time I've seen this image.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.

We have the best autists, folks.

They use whats called a one time pad for encrypting and decrypting the messages.
Its inpossible to decode unless you have the pad being used.

This is neckbeard, I repeat neck beard
Message follows:
Golf Alpha Sierra Tango Hotel Echo Kilo India Kilo Echo Sierra Romeo Alpha Charlie Echo Whiskey Alpha Romeo November Oscar Whiskey
Neckebeard out

Attached: 1557175379682.jpg (750x703, 91K)

numbers are listed as numbers
the military signs are what you take the first letter of
this code is a combination of letters and numbers
your decipher is all fucking wrong.
you even have an "h" where there should be a "z" because he says "zulu" and you must have thought he says "hulu"

OP is a fuckin retard confirmed.
i remember hearing this about a week ago.

I've shot down over 300 flying radios
I've been trained in aerial combat and maneuvers to avoid every living bird known to man, even penguins.
I can eject out of one plane and land in the cockpit of another without a parachute at night all while maintaining noise and light discipline.
I once dropped an unguided packet of mentos from 5 miles up onto an open coke bottle that was moving on the back of a truck.
You're dead kiddo

it's not my fault the fucking nigger sounds like he's saying hulu instead of zulu

>We have the best autists, folks.
Can't argue with that

Attached: sg_calls_in_airstrike.jpg (2504x6000, 1.8M)

Just imagine if we used our collective autism for something more than shit posting and Twitter brigading. But then it wouldn’t fun desu

Dustmop just sent a message on 11175.00

>Just imagine if we used our collective autism for something more than shit posting and Twitter brigading

checked, based, witnessed.

Attached: 1534071056148.jpg (777x656, 79K)

I've seen this before and still impresses me.
Fucking amazing

What's going on in this thread?

Message decoded as follows:


Most likely OTP, ergo literally uncrackable without a codebook,

>What's going on in this thread?
Just normal Friday night Jow Forums chaos

Attached: Sam_Hyde_notable_terrorist_and_turbo_hacker_on_steriods.jpg (233x267, 15K)

I have my gameshark/codebreaker booklets for PlayStation2
Will that work?
Nobody would ever expect to look there.

You literally can’t decode it unless you have the codebook.

>You literally can’t decode it unless you have the codebook.
I found the original transmission

Attached: BeepBeep_peace_coming.jpg (1280x720, 586K)

Raptor eh, that just so happens to be my specific kink.



It's a one-time pad so you'd be better off looking for words in a pile of leaves.

The jet fuel? It couldn't have melted the steel beams, you see.

You are going to a camp mate and in this camp we play mothers and fathers ...
Wich do you want to be ?

Attached: 1539914986870.jpg (125x124, 2K)

1. You won't be able to decode encrypted traffic.

2. You wouldn't want to decode encrypted traffic, since it would involve you doing federal time on terrorism charges.

3. Messages aren't encrypted, channels and frequencies are. So of someone on that channel is asking for the baseball score or doing a test, it's still going to be encrypted.

4. Even if you COULD decrypt them, and even if you WANTED to decrypt them, you certainly wouldn't want to post information about it here since we already know that a bunch of foreign intelligence operatives monitor (and occasionally post)

5. Loose lips sinks ships. How about getting on the right team and helping to pull in the same direction?

I'm not doing anything wrong.
Phonetic alphabet messages make my dick hard.

I decoded it! It says:

Roger gets uppity when he hasnt had his sustenance

The message is authentic

I concur, the message is authentic

good things its fockin satire get pranked fagget




top kek, fuck I love that movie

Goddamnit. This is not how you skyking retard faggot.

im a fucking skyqueen you goddamn bigoted transphobic bastard. nazi scum piece of shit i am literally shaking im gonna fucking REEEEEEE

Kek nice one

I fucked your dad. I fucked his asshole so raw bro

calling the police
they are on the way

999111 checked

go back

suck my dick sweat shitskin

Post dickpic tranny,JIDF, shariablue, FBI.


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stop bumping this thread you goddamn nigger

Look even a bad skyking thread is still a skyking thread. I say we LARP like we heard a cool message until people flood the channel and then lurk while people freak out.

Message incoming

There it is. The thread killer. We’re done here.

Hahaha. You're way out of your league man

Attached: 1554338197894.jpg (700x436, 49K)

Former Air Force SIGINT here. You won't ever be able to decrypt it.

Attached: pol_happening.gif (1221x850, 425K)

yes I realize that now. I want to fucking delete this post but I can't because my IP changes.
and now a swarm of niggers are bumping this thread
thank you for your service, though

How was it? 3D atm

What service? He got high and listened to the radio. Also lurk more newfag.

>He got high and listened to the radio.
hehehehehe nice pun
to the next person who bumps this thread, your mother will die at midnight

Do a little more research before you start a thread that outs you as a dumb faggot next time

congrats. as said in , your mother is now dead. hope you are happy with yourself.

Jokes on you. I don't even like my mother.

she will outlive you if you bump this thread again

The CIA glow nig level stuff was great. The normal AF bureaucracy was not.

Hah! I hope the old bitch suffers every minute of her extended life!


Attached: BUMP.jpg (1058x725, 120K)

I bumped your mom

Attached: 1557452141495.jpg (1024x911, 153K)

>I bumped your mom
I bumped yours

Attached: sasha.gif (245x388, 773K)

I miss when these were a /comfy/ general.

Attached: Kanging.jpg (2592x1944, 1.53M)

Sex before marriage is a sin user

>Sex before marriage is a sin user
Does that include my hand?

Attached: sasha_grey.jpg (800x1200, 89K)

Fuck no. I recommend sitting g on one hand for like fifteen minutes til it's numb and then jerking off. It's called the stranger.

Why do newfags and underageb& think profanity is edgy?

It doesn’t even play.

shit, it's not playing for me either. do you think JIDF got to it?

We already bullied OP out of thread. Now we hijacking this bitch.
This is now a skyking thread.

Attached: 1556058265627.jpg (677x1024, 58K)

You should just spend some bucks on prostitutes and booze.

>I lose interest in a thread because I realized I can't get anything out of it.
>Haha looks like we bullied him out guys! High fives all around, now let's jerk eachother off.