Jow Forums discussion for the great state of Michigan

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Bumpity bump

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While large parts are shitty, it is still better than Illinois.

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it is the litmus test lmao

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Hoping to God we finally get our insane car insurance laws fixed. This insanity has gone on long enough and we have 49 other examples to draw upon for how to do it right. Probably the best possible thing our Dem governor could do.

Really like the Dem Gov/Rep House+Senate combo, since it ensures nothing leftist really gets passed, and if things go south, the Dems will catch all of the blame since no one knows what the situation is in the state senate.

youre right, ive been in accidents and had no legal recourse other than go after their insurance, Dems wont change the no fault laws, im sorry to say. however they will be liberal on the weed business laws so hopefully they will provide a boost

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>welfare queens have to work next year to keep their benefits

balanced as all things should be

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What isn’t?

I feel pretty blackpilled about MI future..... too much immigration to Dearborn and Detroit Nigs moving further and further North

Da UP is awesome.

Whoop whoop!

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i love Wisconsin, i know good people from there!

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Never thought these guys would turn out to be right.

I live on the border (Wisconsin side) of da UP. It's comfy.

hell ya bud, you play any puck?

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I miss my homeland and am stuck in Florida.

No I'm too old. I just kayak.

we want you back my friend

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Don't forget all the Poos and Chinks in SEMI

You guys are so quiet up there. I feel like you fags are always plotting something.

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What do you miss most?

I miss my homeland, suck in California.

We are a quiet people, keep to ourselves mostly

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Michigan is the best my friend

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Can we nuke the fibs?

Spring finally arrived in the 906. And the weekend is going to suck.....

Rochester Hills reporting in. Absolutely ready to get the fuck out of the wasteland of metro Detroit and never return. Imagine paying $500k for a McMansion where the nearest city is Detroit and all there is to do for entertainment is go shopping at the new strip malls next to the dying strip malls. I need to move out west.

>no retail sales yet

how much longer must we wait?

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>imaging paying $500k for a piece of shit shack where the nearest cities are covered in literal shit and AIDS

have fun out west!

at least till 2020, its reasonable in my opinion that they tqake the time to get it right. but if they dont VOTE EM OUT

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move to white lake or Waterford

Faggot rebublicans have been running the government and did nothing. Too many republicans in (((insurance))) pocket. Same with the roads. We have a dem gov., but the state house and Senate still in control of repubs.

any NMU fags here? thinking about transferring up there

Isnt Michigan the state infested with niggers?

If your family's not from Frankenmuth, you're not white

Novifag reporting in.

>Dems won't change laws
Nigger, republicans have been running the government for over 25 years. Since then, michigan went from having the best roads to the worse roads. With the insurance rates going higher and higher.

isnt your country infested with people like you?

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I was unclear - I mean western Michigan. The nature is significantly more enjoyable between the abundance of forests and the coastline and I like the little coastal cities. I lived in California for a time, definitely not going back. I may consider Utah or Idaho, though, but I'd need a serious job to consider moving that far.

I bought a new 2019 Chevy Malibu today anons

Schinder attempted to fix the budget who was before him??


It's just more of the same. Depressing suburban wasteland full of fat people and garbage infrastructure.

i guess than move further west

The upside down Florida and Cuba

This is the mistake many of the Northvillefags I grew up with made. They moved out west and every now and then one of them will come back to visit; but all they talk about is >muh socialism >muh art and how I should sell my 300k condo and move out there to live with them in their CO-OP. Also, my pops is one of those McMansion owners. Dude got cucked hard when he kept the house after my parents divorced. Valued at $20m and here is his ten years later asking $14m. Thank God I'm adopted lol.

Snider also had a Republican house and Senate to work with and achieved nothing. B4 Snider you had Dem. Gov. Grandholm, but she had to work with Rublican house and senate, and still achieved nothing. All, Michigan republicans can claim victory is more tax cuts. But they just can't seem to get those damn roads fixed that michiganders have been bitching about for 20 years, in which they have had control.

Michigan is great, the only downside is Ann Arbor and Detroit.

Although I am becoming inpatient waiting on my CPL. What the fuck is with the state senate? Have the done anything in 2 years?

oh seems like someone got triggered

No. All republicans.

i agree, i just dont blame it on either the repubs or dems they both are cowards and crooks

lol you sound like such a faggot grow up cunt

I am not sure it is currently functioning.

Got news for you just because someone is a republican doesn't make them good or bad. Every subsection has their freeloading assholes.

kawammie got reelected TWICE, its not a thing to do with party but the PERSON

where my /906/ neighbors at? If it snows one more goddamn time this month I'm going to snap. Also 51st state fucking when? Our congress is fucking shit, on a scale from 1 to Illinois were at a solid 8.7.

Who do you blame then? This shit is not new. It has been an issue for decades and has been repeatedly ignored.

Ya, place blame were it belongs or stfu about it.

i blame individuals you commie fuck

Kwame was mayor of detroit, nigger. We are talking michigan. Besides, Kwame living the good life in fed. pen. And will be there for next 20 years.

Give me the names of the individuals, m8.

and ? i explaining that PEOPLE are bad not necessarily i the party


What about the house and senate? What are those names. You know, the Republicans that ran it.

You boys going to see bob Seger live?

Basically Michigan politics in a nutshell
>Democrats or Republicans do something
>other party cripples it
>it either doesn't happen at all or super slowly

>The original proposal was signed by more than 370,000 Michiganders, and was certified by the Board of Canvassers in July 2018. That gave the state Legislature a choice: either adopt the proposal, or let it go onto the November ballot.

>The Legislature chose to adopt the petition, which in its original form would have raised the minimum wage to $10 per hour in 2019, $10.65 in 2020, $11.35 in 2021, and $12 per hour in 2022. The minimum wage would then be adjusted for inflation annually.

>The original language also included changes to the tipped wage law, meaning bartenders and waitstaff would earn the standard minimum wage by 2024 instead of the current standard of 38% of the minimum hourly wage rate.

The petition was sponsored by the organization Michigan One Fair Wage, which advocates for a livable wage for hourly workers.
>The Legislature made some drastic changes in December.

>Michigan’s Constitution states that once a voter initiative is certified, the Legislature has 40 days to adopt the measure, which is what they chose to do with the minimum wage and the sick leave petitions in 2018.

>However, a controversial move by Republican leaders during the Legislature’s lame duck session in December gutted most of the original law.

>Instead of a $12 minimum wage by 2022, the bill passed by the Legislature moved the goal to 2030. That’s an increase of $2.40 over ten years, not much more than the adjustments made to the minimum wage in the previous ten years. The bill also removed the provision that would have matched annual increases in minimum wage to inflation.

As far as I can tell my senator (district) has done nothing in a year.

Don't want you to think I am defending the state gov. It has been a shitshow for a long time now.

Traverse City checking in. Why the fuck are these niggers moving up here

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Lol would love to, but I ain't spending $200 dollars for a fucking ticket at pine knob. Pure greed m8

It's his farewell tour.... again

I actually used to have a customer whose name was Schlomo Vile. It made my wife and I laugh every time he purchased from us.

> other party cripples it.
Republicans have controlled state legislature for over 20 years, m8. There has been no "other party"

Move to Howell or something. You can get a real nice house for like 300k and there are tons of White people

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>300 k
I love howell, but it's halarious to think that 300 k is remotely affordable for most people. And 300 k sounds high even for howell.

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300k is a lot for Michigan, but that area is where I want to be if I'm staying in-state.

why it be like this tho

The forests & the air, both the scent and feeling/humidity. I also remember it being a lot more white, but obviously that depends on the area. The people in Florida are sorta fucked up in a lot of ways, both the fellow transplants and the native born.

Traverse City here as well.

Very low quality people, also the purest whitoids of America. Really makes you think

Just Detroit, Flint, Lansing, and Muskegon

Michigan Anons why are you not us bros on our new site for the 4th Reich?

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this thread sure does make me thirsty

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Move to Mason or somewhere around Lansing then. Just promise to switch to Spartans over Wolverines, too many Ann Arbor expats keep shitting up my local golf course with their faggy colors.

don't forget Saginaw and Inkster (though Inkster has always been niggerville and was created to keep blacks out of the other areas, that worked out well huh?)

boomerfaggot detected

Lol sorry m8. I live in A2. I love it.

Inkster use to be completely white. Then those people died and their children sold to nogs since they had already left the area.

imagine not playing the white man's sport in MMXIX. I bet your dad didn't even teach you how to golf you absolute nigger.

There is some damn fine courses in Michigan. Wtf is wrong with golfing. Only sport left that doesn't have nogs.


Lansing is a nigger hellhole and "East Lansing" is literally a campus, some frat houses, and like a strip mall. Inferior city, vastly inferior university.

Inkster started as a town for Henry Ford's black workers because he didn't want them living in dearborn with whites living there. Even the name "Inkster" was a slang term for niggers with "Ink" being a common term to describe nigs. It'd be like me starting a town called "Coontown". I mean of course there were White areas in Inkster but it's always been a nigger town since it's founding.

>butthurt boomers angry someone thinks their sport of dicking around with fellow boomers in a field isn't that fun
Sports in general are for faggots by the way anyways


Threadly reminder

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I don't get how Illinois is so broke. You can't even blame it on Chicago nigs because other cities with huge black populations (NYC, Houston, Philly, Atlanta) have thriving economies.