What's the problem with the SAT nigger bonus score?
Most niggers are too dumb if they get low SAT score.
even if they still increase their SAT score with a nigger bonus it will irrelevant.
If you struggle with high school algebra and trigonometry, imagine trying to finish just first year college math.
imagine trying to finish calculus or linear algebra, less alone more advanced math topics like discrete math or stats.
so even if a nigger got his bonus SAT scores, he would still dropout in the first year when he takes college baby math.
even if they still dumbed down college math so niggers can compete in college, they would still be able to not compete in the real world.
STEM degrees will still be only be able to be completed by people on the top 10% of IQ.
Even if you get free acceptance of all niggers in STEM degrees, they're still to dumb to finish the STEM degrees.
even if you made STEM shit so dumbed down as to be an useless degree so niggers can pass, they will still be unable to compete in the job market, unless they're smart so the SAT nigger bonus is irrelevant.
The only issue is that they make STEM companies to hire niggers, but they don't like math already, so even with diversity tokens, the niggers would drop out of STEM jobs fast.
It will all be a waste of money or you make everything so dumbed down as to start redpilling everyone.
But I think this is not a bad idea for non STEM degrees, most of non STEM degrees are dumb down shit niggers can learn, like art, bussiness, education, humanities.
Non STEM degrees are useless shit anyway, so they're irrelevant by how much nigger dick they taken.
So is all irrelevant BS.