What's the problem with the SAT nigger bonus score?

What's the problem with the SAT nigger bonus score?

Most niggers are too dumb if they get low SAT score.
even if they still increase their SAT score with a nigger bonus it will irrelevant.

If you struggle with high school algebra and trigonometry, imagine trying to finish just first year college math.
imagine trying to finish calculus or linear algebra, less alone more advanced math topics like discrete math or stats.

so even if a nigger got his bonus SAT scores, he would still dropout in the first year when he takes college baby math.

even if they still dumbed down college math so niggers can compete in college, they would still be able to not compete in the real world.

STEM degrees will still be only be able to be completed by people on the top 10% of IQ.
Even if you get free acceptance of all niggers in STEM degrees, they're still to dumb to finish the STEM degrees.

even if you made STEM shit so dumbed down as to be an useless degree so niggers can pass, they will still be unable to compete in the job market, unless they're smart so the SAT nigger bonus is irrelevant.

The only issue is that they make STEM companies to hire niggers, but they don't like math already, so even with diversity tokens, the niggers would drop out of STEM jobs fast.

It will all be a waste of money or you make everything so dumbed down as to start redpilling everyone.

But I think this is not a bad idea for non STEM degrees, most of non STEM degrees are dumb down shit niggers can learn, like art, bussiness, education, humanities.
Non STEM degrees are useless shit anyway, so they're irrelevant by how much nigger dick they taken.

So is all irrelevant BS.

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Every "adversity" admission is one more person who is that much less prepared for college. That means "remedial courses", extra tutoring and classes, and more money for the university who will also get bonus funding for being so diverse.

This means not only lower quality graduates, but those graduates will need more time to do so, leaving fewer open slots in any given year for people who don't need a handicap bonus to test up.

the only degrees that are woth a shit in america are STEM degrees.
the non STEM degrees are a scam.

even some STEM degrees like CS are also a scam.

College dropout stats will skyrocket for niggers. Moreso.

So then why are we spending even more money on niggers?

>CS degree

Alright kiddo.

it's a waste of time and money. USSR tier communism. The US is a complete joke

which is just they will end up as debt slaves for the kikes.

the kikes profit of college loans.
It's all a trick to get more people into the college debt.
now niggers will also be slaves to college debt.

I got my first job as a programmer because I showed my portfolio and I have no CS degree.
I self taugh myself using youtube.


CS is only for academia, you don't need a CS degree to work as programmer.

>so even if a nigger got his bonus SAT scores, he would still dropout in the first year when he takes college baby math.
while true, it could prevent other more deserving high school graduates from getting into college
this "adversity score" will surely redpill a lot of normies on the IQ differences and social viability of niggers and spics, but we don't have a generation or three for the effects to kick in
by then whites will be a minority in western countries and their plan will have already come to fruition
so it is NOT all irrelevant BS
it's all "slow boiling the frog"
once you realize that your brothers and sisters in arms are fucked, it's already too late
we're already at the point of no return

The government subsidizes this shit. Its our money

Cause whites will pay full price for college

unless to versus all what pol likes to cherrypick, most people on western nations, including minorities, don't reproduce at billion numbers.

even muslims on europe don't shit out dozens of kids.
muslims in europe, have lower than replacement births or just one kid above european average.

same for america.
niggers in america don't have above replacemente birth levels and they are the ones that profit more off free abortion.

hispanics are also a non issue in the US, they vote democrat, but they align with conservative whites on moral issues.
also, hispanic growth comes from inmigration, not births.

hispanics will integrate in the US like irish and italians also did.
third generation hispanics pretty much vote republican or at least are center.

Most of pol loves to cherrypick data to make everything seem like the end of the white race.
Also, conservative and religious whites are outbreeding the liberal ones in america and europe.

It's federal reserve shit in the end.
American economy is a scam.

rich whites

Why haven’t you picked up your free qt3.14 white waifu off Neinchan yet like the rest of us bros?

This. I went to a faggy art school and studied graphic design/advertising and ended up a brogrammer. No formal teaching cause its not that hard if you just want to land around 150k and feel comfy.

Well when poor nogs take up all the grant and scholar money theres only space for the rich left

the majority of federal expenditure derives from annual taxation. not sure what you mean.

yea i think we agree

>cherrypicked data
>literally every model shows less than replacement birthrates for whites
pick one

>defends hispanics as "non-issue"
>Colombian flag
sounds like you've got skin in the game, ese

I know most of the threads on Jow Forums in the last few days have been about abortion, but what are you trying to distract from?

They wont have to keep shelling out that cash after the first semester anyways. Profit.

america economy is based off fiat paper.
taxes are just a meme, america can literally print anything they want because they're the reserve international currency.

american goverment can print free money with no repercusions.


subscribe to this guy, he makes videos about this very same issue and he post a diferent picture than pol loves to cherrypick.

he's very positive about western nations future and he shows real data.

nah not in my experience. Th rigor is compromised when it comes to nogs. they do fine in college

even if you think our money is fake stuff, i use the fake stuff to buy food etc. Some of that fake stuff is taken by government. The government funds niggers

I guess it depends on the major. My graduating class had 1/3 of the people that started.

You are right, it does.Black women dont major in mathematics

The problem is those retarded niggers that are going to drop out anyway are taking the place of actual smart people who would have passed.

It also depends heavily on the teachers. A good teacher will remove a weak student rather than promote their uselessness

Maybe education is more honest in your country. In mine the teacher would risk his job over racism

everything in america is made so the serf slave classes join the debt slave loan system so they can afford the so called 1950 american dream, which is nothing more than CIA cold war propaganda againts the soviets.

everything in the US is used to put every citizen under a slavery debt system to afford things that are free in other countries.

healthcare, owning a car, owning a house, education.

All basic utilities are now used in america to make the kids spend their next 40-50 years of future earnings making minimal wage but also being taxed as fuck to pay for their college loans and other loans.

It's basically a form of slavery but with loans.

Niggers couldn't go to college because of SAT, now the banks can profit off future loans to niggers so they can enter college.
Banks don't care if the nigger can get a degree, their money is guaranteed by the taxpayer money.

It's all a very clever scheme from banks to steal money off the goyim under a positive anti racist scheme.

It seems again, pol is too dumb to see the jew tricks.

I went to school in California. This was one of my teachers.


He was fired for asking an Armenian woman if she had ever had an orgasm before because her work looked like she hadn’t. She chimped out on him and we lost a national treasure.

I talked to our nigger janitor about freedom of speech and she said colin kapernik dont have it, but yall white folk have it

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>less alone more advanced math topics like discrete math or stats
I got bad news for you user.

He also mooned the class and that may have contributed.

And i have to call this thing countryman

That thing has achieved more than you ever will, sadly.

and the americans are the arrogant ones.

That's the whole point. Make blacks think they're intelligent then send them to difficult colleges so they can drop out.
So classes are filled up with black affirmative action students who are eventually going to drop out instead of that asian who would probably turn into a doctor if they got their college seat.
AA is a win for whites, it hurts asians and blacks the most.
Asians are trying to remove affirmative action and blacks want to keep it because they're too dumb low IQ to understand how sneaky white people still are.

If anything this hurts asians the most, so will make them turn toward republican votes.

It's a win win for pol.