>28, Japanese studying politics in us >father is famous back home >got poor white girl pregnant >said she was on the pill >first American girl I’ve ever been with in my 4 years here >she did this purposely
Of course she did it on purpose. The best option is to ignore her completely and go back to Japan and hope she doesn't have the mental strength to see it through after being cold-shouldered.
It's your fault for being gullible though. Imagine if she's smart and determined enough to see it through to milk you for every last dollar. All because you needed to stick your dick in a vagina without taking precautions. And taking precautions means you use a condom, open the wrapper yourself, put the condom on yourself, and disposing of the condom yourself.
Levi Turner
Flee to work for your father, avoiding all child support and responsibilities. Leave and leave now.
Daniel Bailey
then this
Jordan Jenkins
You are in America and you never learned about what black dads do when they hear this news? Ur a fag op. Your child out of wedlock will become the next Elliot roger.
It'll give you somewhere to flee to when the chinese take over japan.
Isaac Walker
marry her and get 10 more children together
Landon Clark
>>said she was on the pill women will skip their pills on purpose. its your fault now deal with it. welcome to adulthood. im sure your father would agree.
Daniel Martin
thats what you get for fucking a white whore i have no advice to give you other than kill yourself and her
Go back to Japan, but play along until you can ghost back home that way she doesn't get courts involved until you're already gone.
Evan Lewis
>1 post by this ID
Logan Rodriguez
Tell your father that you have personally intervened to raise the fertility rate of not one, but two great races. Bask in your dual Chad-ness.
Isaac Reyes
I guess an alternative would be to be really gentle about it, explain to her that you can't have a baby now, that you want everything to be set and ready before you have children, that you see a future together with her, but that a baby is simply out of the question right now. Then once she gets it aborted, you keep up the appearances, act like everything's cool, spend time with her, make sure she doesn't get pregnant again, and then when you go back to Japan just go gradually silent, and you've escaped the trap. The only risk in this scenario is a possible rape accusation, but that won't fly if you're already out of the country and let the communications fade away gradually with longer and longer pauses between communications. Keep all her messages just in case to show it's nothing but revenge on her part if worse comes to worst, but probably you won't need to if you're back in Japan, and if you slide her to silence slowly she'll be distracted by her real life anyway to even be mad enough to do anything.
Reminder, it's perfectly acceptable to lie to her when she's already tricked you. Don't feel bad about it. Any bad feels she gets will be her own fault.
Henry Torres
Juan Adams
>>got poor white girl pregnant >>said she was on the pill >>she did this purposely
Kek. She's got you now. Time to hand over all your sushi Nip!
Damn you Trump, why must you take this man from his soon to be hapa child? Then bail. Transfer to another college. Leave the country. Whatever you do, dont tell your parents, and dont let some poor ass white trash bitch ruin your life. You got this papa franku, we believe in you
Charles Morales
White men don’t even date white women anymore, we date Japanese women. You literally had a country full of prime marriage material women. Fucking lel
Easton Murphy
Stirred your rice? Pay the price
Levi Lee
Do you at least have some nudes to share? Fuck that hoe
Take care of your responsibilities I didn't realize Japan produced niggers
Aaron Young
Meet with her in a secluded spot without cameras and murder her with a kitchen knife. That way they cannot trace back to you through past purchases. Good luck, user!
Well user you fucked up and now you’re a dad. You kill the baby and you’re just a dad to a baby you murdered. Dad status doesn’t change. Now man up and take responsibility. That baby is yours. Talk to her and tell her you’re going to sue for full custody. Fight her for full custody. And raise your kid like your best self would raise it.
James Jackson
yea this poor guy does not know about white trash women and the levels of mindfuck they will go through.
ok nip let me tell you something. I'm not sure if a jap girl would ever do this as i know nothing about your women other than i want to fuck them, but white women here pretend to be pregnant. ALL THE GOD DAMN TIME. The reasons vary from attention, extortion, trying to trap you until you actually get her pregnant, among other idiotic reasons.
If she is actually pregnant GET A GOD DAMN DNA TEST.
If she sends you a screenshot of a sonagram, reverse image search that shit. Make sure you are actually fucked before you seppukku OP.
t. been there
Hudson Johnson
jokes aside you should listen to the oldfags who've been thru the trenches.
Ryder Richardson
why u leave dick inside when cum?
Jeremiah Watson
>Japanese father and white mother Just like my anime
Cameron Gomez
You’re letting fear motivate you and you’re about to make a mistake. Stop being scared.
James Mitchell
>absolutely not unless you can prove its not your kid, this is your responsibility. raise that child.
Carson Thomas
the guilt will haunt you
Joseph Watson
That's a clean burning hell I tell Ya what
John Bennett
yup, this is what separates men from insects
Liam Peterson
you can ghost her and move in with me and become my qt jap trapfu user :)
Sue her. The american way. I mean the jewish way. I mean the kike way.
Austin Ortiz
ok, if oyu bought it, and you WATCHED HER PISS ON IT, and it's positive, make her do a couple more. If this turns out to be pregnant, demand to go with her to the doctor for a sonogram. You can approach it how you like. You can pretend you are excited and want to see what your alleged kid looks like. You can do it confrontationally, however you want to do it.
Get a reaction, if she evades you going with her, you win, baby not yours. She is trying to hide the time frame if she does that. Anything she tries to say about how pregnancy works, cross reference that shit on google.
Julian Young
I did not have sex in 2 years before I met her >cum in me user >sheeeeit ok
Sebastian Martin
is she a qt?
Carson Kelly
raise it, and be happy it's white you fucking faggot gook nigger she's cleaning up your muddied korean'd genes.
Ayden Howard
Get a DNA test to make sure it's yours
Gavin Turner
Guys I think PJW is /ourguy/ I know it was said before but it seemed that he was more Alt-Light but he has often been the one to take Jow Forums memes and make them mainstream just look at the NPC/Honk memes hell he even references Jow Forums. Recently in his newest video title "A hysterical Cult Runs Society" at around 2:26 he shows a short video of a Jow Forumsack youtuber called the Book club who frequently talks about Evola and references the Jews as well as PJW. It's settled PJW is /ourguy/ and did this to show us or at least the Book club that he is one of us, it's a bread trail.
She’s a 6.5/10 with no makeup She’s short for a white person, I’m tall for a Japanese person. Hungarian/Irish girl
Austin Wright
This. She did this on purpose. It's her mess, let her deal with it. Return to Japan and have no contact with her whatsoever. Not phone calls, not social media, not email, nothing.
Do not admit to fathering the child. Do not take a paternity test.
Most likely, if you ghost her, she will abort the baby and try this on another sucker.
Nathan Johnson
>Now man up and take responsibility. LOL
Ryan Cook
This is what a Chinese girl did to me years ago. I was a moral-fag back then. Now married unhappily for 10 years, 2 kids.
I'm just waiting for the kids to go to college and then I'll divorce and start over at 50 years old.
It's probably best to ghost her.
Lucas Hernandez
Throw away your Japanese citizenship, you're now just another worthless mutt
David Edwards
faggot, why are you telling a non-nigger to act like a nigger. being a dad is the best feeling.
Camden Lewis
i think this guy is a troll, i offer him the only real advice in the thread and he answers dumb questions.
Dominic Perry
Go home and change your cellphone number. Ez-pz Japanesey
Jayden Morgan
Marry her and pump her full of your gook goop.
David Price
Racemixing is a sin. You even come from a fucking homogeneous country. GO HOME YOU SOULLESS NIP
Hudson Robinson
>Hungarian/Irish girl What's your background in Japan;from what I understand there are two ethnic groups. One is muddied korean'd japs(yayoi), and the other is Jomon(white man japan true aryan). If you're the former you should keep the baby, and make it a bootleg Jomon.
>i think this guy is a troll He says he's a Japanese guy who came here and got a white girl pregnant. You know what white girls here are like? They wouldn't fuck a Jap. Not very typically. Please.
Andrew Harris
Marry your wife, raise your child.
Josiah Morgan
I’m sorry buddy, you’ll pull thru hopefully she’s a good one, it happened to me and I just kinda live with it. Not Japanese though. >10 years together got kind of lucky though
Jaxon Lopez
Buy a bottle of Champagne, say you want to celebrate it. Crush some RU486 pills and mix it in her drink.
Leo Cooper
Your child will look Japanese because of weak white genes
Josiah Jones
Racemixing never pays
Colton Jackson
dont bring it back to japan under any circumstances, its already in the right country
Bentley Thompson
no he needs to be responsible and raise his family. why the fuck would you tell him to leave and put them on welfare?