What's with America's fascination with guns?

What's with America's fascination with guns?

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We love life

Tarrant threads and gun threads get spammed at the same. time right before false. flags.

Fucking mossad is so bad.

Guns protect your rights. Politicians that violate your rights get the bullet.

guns are literally the only thing stopping despots from enslaving you and raping you to death.

every male is born obsessed and they have the second amendment

Guns are home defense, piece of mind, fun to shoot, great for hunting, quick for suicide.

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Guns are your protection against people who want to shit on you. They are also effective at allowing you to shit on people that don't have guns.


All healthy men have a genetic compulsion to own weapons. Those men who did not have an affinity for weapons became slaves and left no descendants.

Attached: Paris Bordon (Treviso 1500-1571 Venice) Perseus Armed by Mercury and Minerva - Oil on Canvas c.1545- (2400x1605, 3.52M)