DHS released 1,100 illegals into US every day last week


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I want people who supported Trump to explain to me why they didn't foresee him doing some retarded shit like this.

Now he's fucking flying them all over the country. They enter white areas where they're flown. They don't just stay in the city.



Why doesn’t he fly them, y’know, HOME? The fuck is this shit?

How is this not considered an invasion? And not treason? Fucking ridiculous.

Just saw on The Hill where Nielsen's replacement Kevin McAleenan and Stephen Miller have already been at each other's throats, McAleenan apparent threatened to resign if not given MORE power over DHS...And KM is the reason why we are seeing theseheadlines of invaders getting scattered in the states! He is WORSE than Lady DACA! Another layer of swamp scum.

Bolton and McAleenan MUST be done away with!

>They don't just stay in the city.

This is what it seems like people don't get. These illegals aren't all just going to stay crammed into these metropolitan areas, nor will their children, who will be native born American citizens by law.

Which party do we think the children of illegal immigrants are going to vote for? The one that wants to send their mommy and daddy home or the one that likes them & wants to help them stay?

This is fucking extremely shortsighted and counterproductive, all in the name of trying to spite liberals who LIKE illegal immigrants! lol

I blame Ann Coulter

On the other hand, if the invaders were to venture out into more red states, they stand the chance of being reported, and not as likely to suck up resources. It might be in their best interest to stay in their sanctuary citiy where they know they will get Gibs.

>sanctuary cities
>white areas

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And what about the multitudes of children they will pop out, who will have no fear of ICE or deportation? This is just going to increase democratic influence across the country, and it will spread outside of the blue states, guaranteed.

Because he's an anti-white traitor piece of shit. The Ninth Circuit held recently that the 85 IQ roach parasites could be held in Mexico while waiting for their asylum claims to be processed. But instead of doing that, Trump flies them all across the country so they're scattered into white areas and can never be caught.


yes Trump is a giant piece of shit traitor

I live in Pittsburgh and we were forced to become one. I’m not letting my beautiful city get flooded with spics.

It worries more that places like San Francisco give homeless people free bus tickets to come to places that aren't fucked up. The idea of a wall is incorrectly placed. Build a wall around California and give it back to the Mexicans.

Ask ANY of them, they don't want it back.

The cockroaches don't just stay in the city where they're sent, you moron. I live a couple hours away from a sanctuary city, and the spics are starting to show up in my small white town. Trump is an unbelievable piece of shit

have to do something about it

>I’m not letting my beautiful city get flooded with spics.

Well then you had better hope that the president forgets that you guys are a sanctuary city.

Fucking idiot should have hired someone competent, but he won’t, because Israel doesn’t want that.


Well their anchor babies would be free to roam, that you have a good point. I agree they will vote for anti-white dems.

Youre preaching to the choir in thinking we must take more drastic measures in stopping the ANY flow of these invaders.



He doesn't have to get any kind of marching orders from Israel on immigration, we have our own anti-American establishment hacks layered upon layers in our own federal government!



you may not like it but this is what peak WINNING looks like

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This is the final nail in the coffin of realisation that EVERY presidential nominee, no matter who, is a fucking Jewish puppet. So that now begs the question: what the fuck is going to happen about it? It's all well and good to trash Trump and say "I told you so", but the outcome wouldn't be different with any other candidate.

So what are you guys gonna do about it?

Based and redpilled!

>not as likely to suck up resources

Red states use the most welfare so they will for right in

Yeah, all the spics in Texas and Florida, and all the niggers throughout the deep south definitely use a lot of welfare. Get fucked, nigger.

There's nothing wrong with a citizen regardless of race. I suppose that you're too racist, or even to young to remember when we were about to unionize as a people, regardless of race or creed. We were an enormous threat to the establishment.

I remember watching shit like Family Matters and The Fresh Prince and being like "hey, we're all in this together!" In spite of that autistic kid that kept tormenting the Family Matters family. We were about to become a unified, free country. So together that the rest of the world would have no chance, NO FUCKING CHANCE, against us.

They fear the US, so they try to tear us down whenever they can. They're afraid of what we are when we become one.


The president is not a king and only has so many maneuvers and resources. He got his wall money now he has to magically make more to build detention centers? There is a legal framework must work with.

lmao yeah those excuses will win 2020

kobach needs to primary trump. fuck trump and fuck you

I heard we just witnessed a 25m march.


Im ok with this. We are a nation of immigrants.

