I genuinely want to ask any people that hate the LGBT community why they do. It genuinely doesn't make sense to me. Are all of you just dumbass christians or what?
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I genuinely want to ask any people that hate the LGBT community why they do. It genuinely doesn't make sense to me. Are all of you just dumbass christians or what?
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Because if I use the wrong gender pronoun, you sue me and my family in a stupid SLAPP lawsuit, or it should be if it wasn't for idiot fag judges.
because you're degenerate in public. Even straights aren't that disgusting in public. I'd not like straight people who were that way in public.
Because you sue us if we don't bake a penis cake with cum frosting.
i'm gay and i fucking hate flamers
Oh, so you just don't know any normal gays then. Because what you described is only like 5% of us. Most of us, including me, hate those radicalist fuckheads.
Slurping your own shit off another man’s cock isn’t normal, Herman.
I mean, I don't do that, I'd say almost everyone intentionally avoids that but alright
Trannies will never pass. They will always look like the deformed abomination of nature they are.
They can literally do themselves and society a favor and off themselves. The world will be a better place.
Bonus: Once as skeleton they will actually look female, until anthropologists look at the hip bones and determine they were biologically male.
Because your whole existence revolves about your gayness.
It is annoying as fuck. And you are all are liberal scum
I don't hate them. I don't even care that there are a small percentage of people that are... like that.
I'm just tired of that life being shoved in my fucking face every time I look at anything media. Is that ok?
But why do they have to kill themselves? Why can't they just kind of be there?
You only think that because the only people that announce they're gay are fuckheads that do it all the time for attention. Most of us don't mention it at all.
I wouldn't hate gay people if they didn't have degenerate orgy parties with underaged children, SnM equipment, and no form of condom protection.
If gay people had a very small amount of lifetime sexual partners and didn't spread stds like the faggots they are. I wouldn't care.
Also you turn men into utter pussies making our population weak and subvertable. I actually can't wait to purge your filth.
>people having pride in spreading AIDs and pedophilia
>threatened with state approved robbery for not making a cake
>living in a modern day sodom
God cannot come soon enough.
What fucking community? You don't have a community.
I don't hate them. I accurately perceive their activities as perversions. If you want to be sodomized, go do that in your home where no one can see. Don't come to the streets parading this unnatural behaviour. That is all.
Honestly user u seem fine
No one hates your kind of gayness
It’s the fucking loud flamers and degenerate lefties
>Grown adults should be free to live and love how they please it's nobody's business what happens in the bedroom
LGBT are pedos.
Because the lgbt community likes to shove their dicks in people faces about it (in some cases literally) and the fact that they are slowly incorporating children in their message.
40% of pedophiles are homosexual despite only being 2% (or less) of the population.
You make blacks and their violent crime look like rookie numbers.
you fuck children and your kin can't control their sexuality. making you all rapists and sexual harassers.
>But why do they have to kill themselves? Why can't they just kind of be there?
Because the world is already being overpopulated, the meaningless degenerates should be the first to go
Ok...I’ll bite. My oldest brother is a homosexual. He’s married to a leaf and both of them live with his legal domestic partner of like 45 years or more. I don’t hate homoz. I hate it that their lifestyle is being crammed down our throats by militant homoz. This is partially why Trump is POTUS...it’s backlash. What did Pelosi’s House do today???? They passed legislation to protect homoz that will never fucking pass the Senate and Trump wouldn’t sign it if it did. We get it Nancy, your daughter is a lesbian...we know. She wasted time. She should be impeaching the traitor POTUS but instead she’s pandering to the social fringe. Let me be real with you faggot for real. Keep it up and in a few years you will be hiding in a barn somewhere from an angry mob who will cut your balls off, feed them to you and then hang you. A nasty nasty BIGGER backlash is coming unless you fucking homoz chill out and stop trying to force your agenda on the country. You will regret it not taking my advice.
>Most of us, including me, hate those radicalist fuckheads.
Then what's your fucking problem with me?!
I don't like the same assholes you don't like but you think that means I hate all of you.
Damn! You got issues.
LGBT sduffer from Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome. They need to feel they're being oppressed so they have something to overcome and feel validated in their existence. But, when the genuine oppression is over, they need to create it when it doesn't exist.
There will never be a point where LGBT feel truly accepted and like there's nothing left to fight for, because of their unfortunate condition.
They will continue to do this until once again, the only reasonable response to them is to oppose them, which again leads to oppression.
So why are people anti-LGBT? Because the LGBT community makes it that way.
Because it's to many things that aren't similar crammed under one roof. Lesbian, Gay? Fine. They've been around forever. Bi? You just have commitment issues and want to fuck whatever comes down the pipe. And bi means two, which conflicts with the next letters. The Q and the T and whatever follows are mentally fucked. These are people that would have been institutionalized in the past, but everyone makes way more money indulging their body dysmorphia, while their patients off themselves at a 40% rate.
Even other gays agree that there's too much covered under one label.
Why do faggots hate anyone who is normal?
Now, go do what is proper for a faggot and burn.
Yah, I asked my gay brother and his mates once about cross dressers and trannies...all 3 of them said, “freaks” simultaneously.
The anus is not a sexual organ.
Mental illness should not be celebrated.
Homo is natural (been observed in nearly every species) but it’s not normal.
Make sense? Think about it.
Go push your fucking Jew agenda someplace else schlomo!
Its unnatural.
What's so fucking difficult to understand?
It is disgusting. They’re born that way though...no doubt about it. It’s a generic fuck up and their brain is wired that way.
Also...this. so much.
Lesbos hate trans.
Gays hate lesbos.
Bi means nothing.
Bullshit. You might not parade around like a pretty pretty faggot princess everyday, but you do now and then. It's the gay culture, and unless you are a total log cabin republican, you engage in rampant faggotry sometimes.
It’s disgusting and unnatural. The whole point of sex is to procreate the species. Faggots can’t do that
Hang on, where is all that?
I mean, any group of people is a community.
I could see that if homosexuality was exclusively related to sex without passion or love.
That's what I'm getting from the thread, yeah.
What did he mean by this?
Okay that's fucking sick what the fuck
I didn't know about the kid thing at all, and I think that's actually pretty fringe since I'd say I'm pretty involved. I didn't hear the word "flamers" until now, and it seems like that's what you guys hate, not the gays themselves, which i personally agree with.
Not to be disrespectful at all, but you didn't give me any evidence. If you do give me like two credible sources, I'll take that for sure.
Seems like some people don't have logic behind their opinions at all.
If you want the world to be less overpopulated, wouldn't keeping people who don't reproduce at all around help solve that instead of add to it?
Again, seems like you're talking about "flamers," not the gays as a whole.
That's what i'm understanding from the thread, that most people don't hate gays, they hate those kinds of people that give us all a bad name
Q stands for queer, which just means you don't know what's going on you just know you aren't straight. As for trans, yes. It is a mental disorder, but that doesn't mean they should be jailed for it, just that it's treated or fixed. I guess most people want them to be recognized as who they think they are, which i personally don't agree with. In that sense, i agree with you.
I mean, most of us really don't.
I agree with them.
Yeah, it isn't, but it has to be the substitute for some people. A lot of people though, like me, don't do anal sex, just acts involving actual sexual organs.
That doesn't mean it should be hated, does it?
Sorry this is really long
>fuckheads that do it all the time for attention.
>Most of us don't mention it at all.
Do you lisp?
Maybe according to your book that slavers and public executioners wrote
I don't actually, but I know I can't prove it or change your mind.
For unconscious animals, yeah. The few animals known to be capable of language and thought are all known to have sex for purposes of pleasure rather than procreation.
No, that's just a stereotype.
Faggots and trannies are disgusting parodies of nature & God's creation. Sex is supposed to be a bonding act, uniting the two divided principles of the universe, that at its culmination creates new life - instead you pour that creative energy into a hole made for excreting filth, pair like with like, and even mutilate your bodies to ape the other gender in an unholy inversion that calls to mind "Satan is the ape of God". Not to mention your attempt to sully the rainbow, the sign of God's mercy & covenant with Noah, 7 colors hidden in light, with sacred links in every tradition. Obviously lesbians aren't as bad as the rest, they are women who were traumatized by men somehow, and seek safety and healing with other women. Faggots are created the same way, molestation is how faggots breed. Unfortunately in a man this infection is highly dangerous to all around them, because you WILL molest kids and try to undermine morality so you will be safer, slowly opening the door to even worse practices. Furthermore, you are just a tortured pawn of even darker forces, which once you have sufficiently desecrated your body may take possession of it. Its a public health issue to get rid of you, ISIS has the right idea, but throwing you off of buildings is wrong because only a few people get to participate. The Bible needs to be followed, stoning is important because the whole community participates in excising a horrific abomination & potential demonic vessel, and thus learns that sometimes violence is necessary to maintain beauty and good.
Just know that while you may be celebrated in this fallen world, your afterlife is going to be just as unfulfilling and ultimately soul-crushing as your life. Repent your sins & forgive others and yourself to cure your faggotry, because God will not tolerate these desecrations forever, and Jesus is coming back. remember, the wages of sin are death, not Earthly death, but eternal death. So repent, sinner, for the end is nigh.
I'm Christian. White. Have no problem with people being gay. Knowing that they gay. No less human than myself. The problem I have is with the apparatus/media/individuals that want to shove their ideas into every corner I turn. Oxygen TV for women. Logo etc for gays. Bet for blacks. Etc Christian or heterosexuals anything is barred as non inclusive. I've been pushed from tolerant to intolerant because I don't have space to fucking be myself when everyone else gets to
Since you're a fag can you answer a simple question. Were you molested as a kid? And do you think me using the word "fag" means I want to genocide fags?
I'm gay and even I hate the LGBT community. There are so many god damned things wrong with the "community" (haha what a joke that word turns out to be).
If you lesbian, gay, bi, or whatever... fine. Great. Enjoy yourselves. We don't need to wave it in everyone's faces though, and we certainly DO NOT need to be pushing that shit on children.
No we do not deserve to be able to adopt children.
No we do not deserve to be able to marry.
No we do not deserve to be able to force people to do a thing because "omg we are X and this is discrimination!".
No we do not deserve special "rights".
I feel personally like that lopsidedness wiill slowly go away as the groups that have been oppressed throughout history feel like they've been properly represented long enough. I'm with you on that.
No to both. I think using the word fag is insensitive, though, because using it doesn't acknowledge the hatred users of the word have had behind it in the past. It's the same thing with all the other slurs, even the white and straight ones. I don't think any of them should be used.
We don't deserve special rights, and no we absolutely do not ever deserve to force anybody to do anything, but if a single person could adopt, why can't gays? And marriage is just a legal recognition that two people are part of each other's lives, what's wrong with that?
>inb4 marriage is a sacred tradition
I had no problem with them until recently when my rights started to be taken away because of them
also pushing lgbt on children is disgusting
Because you are all incredibly obnoxious and are incapable of acting professional in a professional situation. Its almost as flamboyant and defiant as niggerdom. You guys just can't conform even for 30 minutes in a business meeting. Also, you fuck dude butts and suck dick.
Bc gays offer zero benefit for society in the long term.
I have quite a few gay friends, and my only issue is that the normalization of homosexuality over the past 50 years has had a chilling effect on straight male friendships, making them more distant and superficial than they otherwise would be, for unconscious fear of "sending the wrong signal," as it were. I don't necessarily think anything can or should be done about that, it's just kind of a shame.
Also, from what I understand, habitual to anal sex is *terrible* for your anus, which is something that should probably be discussed more frankly.
>but if a single person could adopt
They shouldn't be able to either. Single parent families are dysfunctional.
>And marriage is...
Sacred nothing. I don't buy in to that religious shit. Marriage is the framework of a family. Mother + Father = Babies.
I agree that pushing anything at all on children is digusting, especially anything involving sexuality because that doesn't allow them to make their own choice. What's happening in Australia that's taking away your rights?
I tried pretty hard to figure out what point you had, but I couldn't find it. just irrationality.
What do you mean? There have been a ton of gay scientists, engineers, artists, etc.
I agree with both of those. In my experience, most gay guys that know their friends are straight would never think of anything as a signal and would never make a move on a straight person. Of course, there are some pieces of shit like James Charles (topical), but they're the minority. And like I said in a reply to another guy's post, I think that anal sex should be very occasional if ever.
Once again, no evidence. Besides, about 80% of all people in the entire fucking world have some kind of STD.
I agree with the first thing, I'm just saying if single people are allowed, why not gays. It should be neither or both. The second thing boils down to just a difference in opinion. I think Overpopulation is a problem, so I don't think anyone's priority should be having children.
Nah its about 50%
You just think that because you never know that the gays who don't mention it are gay.
i never hated fags until i lived in a community where they were allowed to be as degenerate as they wanted without consequence. once you see how fucking gross they are when they are allowed to be it is impossible to like them. they are basically perverts and sex is their entire life identity.
I have to profoundly second this. you and everyone else in the LGBT community came to a point you realized you were gay. You didn't need a heavy mobilized movement to do that for you. Allow children to be children. If the point is to create an environment where everyone can be themselves. Excellent all for it if the idea is to market and increase the number of homsexuals. That is fucked up
You asked why I hate you, and I told you. What do you mean you can't find the point?? If you're being serious, then add "intentionally misunderstanding simple concepts" to my list.
And you think you're normal why?
I'd like to hear your story, I know that that part of the community is very, very vocal about it, but I'd still say that it's a small part of the community.
Again, I agree.
I said that because there was literally no reason other than stereotypes I have never experienced or even heard about or seen in my entire life.
Not a christian or anything else. I'm more of a live and let live type with quiet "normal" fags, but those obnoxious flamboyant types who put their mental illness or degenerate sexuality at the center of their identity and display it like anyone wants to see that shit should be mowed down with a truck of peace at their pride parades. That goes double for the ones pushing this shit on/with kids.
>The second thing boils down to just a difference in opinion. I think Overpopulation is a problem, so I don't think anyone's priority should be having children.
That doesn't really have to do with the ability for same sex couples to marry. Again, I'll say that marriage is the framework for a family.
>overpopulation meme
No. The only reason it's a "problem" is because chinks, poos, and niggers seem to be completely incapable of understanding how contraception works.
So from what I've learned, most people who hate the LGBT community, or homosexuals in general, are because of things exaggerated by the pieces of shit who are overly-vocal about it. It's not anyone's fault that they just don't know that most gays are perfectly well-adjusted people like anyone else, since we never mention it, leaving the "flamers" (new word I learned today) to overrule political discourse regarding us.
I literally would not mind you gays if you kept your sexuality to the bedroom but you seem to be physically incapable of doing so, to such an extent that:
>you demand everyone who doesn't approve their lifestyle be executed
>you demand that every piece of media has six gormillion queer characters at least
>you insist that man wearing a dress and makeup makes him "fierce" and "powerful"
>you insist that there is nothing wrong with sexually exploited sub-13 year olds
>you insist that homosexuality should be taught and encouraged in schools and on children's teevee
>you insist that homosexuality is perfectly a-ok even though it leads to depression, high-than-usual rates of STDs and destroyed assholes
>you insists that female homosexuality exists when it simply does not (if it did, why is the main appeal of lesbianism pegging and dildos? Why the existence of the masculine butch?)
>you march around cities in your underwear, bondage or even less thinking that it is helping your cause
It is disgusting. Homosexuality is unnatural and deviant. I don't care if there are homos out there but it being forced this hard is terrifying.
Oh I guess that means they're false. Ok here's my logic: I do see this in my own waking life every day because a homo works in the office right next to me.
Wait, how can I see that if its just a seterotype that isn't true??
I'm gonna assume we aren't both lying. How can these both of our opinions be true?!?!
this is you op.
You are infected with a spiritual disease. There is a reason you have to indoctrinate people while they are children to tolerate you - it is human nature to find you disgusting, like one would someone with their flesh rotting off. The same is happening to your soul. It can be cured, but only by admitting you are infected & forgiving the monster who infected you, and repenting of it yourself.
I don't hate LGBT overall. I hate LGBT people who demand privilege and moral license to do whatever they want simply because they're LGBT. They use the same "logic" as feminists and minority nationalists: they're supposedly opprressed, therefore they should be able to do what they want and circumvent ethics, tradition, and even democracy so they can be happy. The twist is that even with all these privileges, they're never really happy, so they seek cathartic acts of revenge against the majority to compensate for that.
I'm just speaking for myself, of course.
Hate sin. Fags revel in sin and rub everyone's face in it. Fuck you. Die in a fire faggot.
Oh, you're racist. Shit.
Hang on, first of all every single one of those are exaggerated but I assume you know that because I would assume nobody would be stupid enough to think every single member of a generalized group would want to literally fucking kill someone who wasn't like them, and second of all, I want you to know that I personally disagree withe every single thing you said, and I know nobody else I know that's gay are in any way related to this caricature.
So, one person acts like that and you assume every single person like them acts like that too? Yeah, there are some shitsmears who act like that in the gay community, but there's also whites that literally fucking lynch gays and blacks and drive muddy trucks with 5-foot-diameter wheels and a giant confederate flag, and wear camo pants and a tank top and shout yeehaw and shit like that. I don't think all white people are like that, but I have witnessed one person that acted that way.
Ok radical christian
I agree with that, and I don't think there's any problem with that viewpoint. i just hope you don't think that's most of us, because it isn't. It's a very small, very vocal portion of us.
again, ok radical christian.
But Jesus was against hating sinners
The Bible and evolution are both against gays. They don't expand the population.
That's why we need them, to stop making more people so that the human race doesn't die in 50 years.
Contrary to what other folks on Jow Forums would say, I actually know decent LGBT people in my neighborhood. You would never think they were gay or trans, because they don't need to flaunt identity politics to feel validated or noticed. So basically, yes I know you're not all like that.
That small, vocal minority is making all LGBT people look bad. Thank you for acknowledging that.
Fuck off faggot
Thank you for not being irrational and knowing that most aren't like that.
Comedic genius
>"i genuinely want to have a question of mine answered"
>proceeds to ad hominem the people he wants to ask the question to
No problem. You're welcome! I know I've just outcasted myself here, but whatever.
penis in man's butthole = disgusting, its really that simple. you are gross and I don't want to look at you. I don't want you near my kids. I don't want you destroying the concept of marriage
Well yeah I'm trying to get people to explain their answers by providing a reason they might be wrong, instead of just saying "nah i dont like your opinion so youre dumb haha" like some people do.
One person acts like that?? Sorry, what was the stereo type again? Most of you act like that, so we hate most of you. At least for me, every single fag I've ever met has annoyingly flagrant about how gay they are. All but one. He kept his mouth shut about it and fit right into the social dynamic. He was pretty cool because he didn't mind when we occasionally gave him shit for it. Why is that so hard to do?
Gays dont make society and culture. Straight families do. You can't except equal rights if you gays never put in the work.
At least blacks fought wars for freedom and equal rights. The fuck have gays ever done but molest children?
>instead of just saying "nah i dont like your opinion so youre dumb haha" like some people do.
Literally what you did in the original post lmao
>Oh, you're racist. Shit.
Good dialog. Got him to explain a lot.
"nah i dont like your opinion so youre racist haha"
Because they groom children. Because they hide the rampant pedophilia in their ranks. Because they cover for the legion of pedophiles hiding within their ranks. Because they extort people. Because they are now obsessed with forcing everyone to approve of them through any means they can come up with, including government force. I used to support gays. The minute Obama got elected, they all went insane with power and now I think I was wrong to ever defend them. They're compulsive narcissists as a social movement meant to enable their compulsive narcissism.
It isn't and most of us do, you just don't know that we're gay because it never matters in normal life.
Literally all of the exact same things the blacks have.
No, i made fun of you because all of your points were based on inaccurate accountings, emotional testimony, and circumstantial evidence.
I'm done for the night. Thanks for letting me know why you guys think what you do. Goodnight. :)
Satan is LGBT!
“At the heart of hermeticism lies androgyny”
At the heart of hermetism lies androgyny. Androgyny or hermaphroditism is an awareness of one’s bisexuality and is the ultimate goal of the alchemist’s search. All the disciplines grouped under the general heading of hermetism or occultism—magic, alchemy, initiation, etc.—suppose that the human being, once he is rid of his innermost darkness and lack of understanding, realizes that he is bisexual. This bisexuality is what enables him to relate to other people and the universe. From this point of view, the hermaphrodite symbolizes bisexuality controlled, refined, and harmoniously integrated.
The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow
maybe try no calling the people you want to have a legitimate discussion with "dumbass christians"
it makes you look like you're flaming them
and this proves my point. you clearly didn't want an actual discussion, but you managed to bait me and everyone else to reply, so i guess you succeeded at hooking us "dumbass christians"
enjoy making up 67% of the AIDS in the U.S.
I don't hate them, I hate the culture they have shackled themselves with. In a time not that long ago, all four of those groups existed without anywhere near as much obnoxious bullshit and there was a hell of a lot more tolerance for one another as a result. But now you all have jumped the shark with the psychotic pronouns bullshit and how through things like that and other schemes people from your community are involved in pressing your culture on to the children now. That's where I draw the line, indoctrinating the youth. That is child abuse and if you support that then I don't support you and you are my ideological enemy. There are few things that upset me more than taking away the innocence of children. Now you have a choice -- will you continue to be yolked in with the abusers or will you too draw the line and then separate yourselves from them by not supporting the child abuse and calling the abusers out as what they are?
> Most of us, including me, hate those radicalist fuckheads
This is an absolute lie. The "real" you is all the debauchery you all do on "pride" days, where you're prancing around in the streets wearing drag clothing with dildos literally strapped to your forehead.
The "radical identity" for all of you is when you all try to act normal in front of normal people.
>normal gays
I don't like that people act as if it's not 100% a sexual perversion. I think giving a tax break to gays makes sense as the idea is that you're sharing a living space and whatnot - but I don't think it's something that deserves the sanctity of marriage. These issues like gay marriage where there's two different very differing sides are rarely black and white and always have a lot of gray area. Do two dudes living together who are romantically involved in a similar way to a man and a woman not deserve the same tax breaks (that make sense why we give them to a man and a woman marriage) when they're saving the same amount of money? But then how do you prove that the two gays are doing it because they're actually flamers and not a 'I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry' situation? It's all tricky, i just don't like deviancy from the normal and the degree of degeneracy that comes with being gay.
Pic is related. His kid was brainwashed into being a eunuch.
That picture can't be real
Why do u think that if someone is Christian, he/she has to hate gays?
You are the dumbass.
Also a bit of a broken-ass, but that’s secondary.
Then you're not one of the ones i hate. Just like i don't hate respectable black people but despise career criminals and race hustlers. I genuinely feel bad for you because a loud minority is dragging you down with them.
Hey buddy, much of this is satire because this is one of the few places people can make offensive jokes, which are funny.
Much of the anti-queer sentiment is real for various reasons.
I myself am fine with gay people, I just don’t think they should get married because marriage is religious. I also think that gay couples should not adopt children. Children should have good female and male role models.
I think transgender people are mentally ill and everything act towards transition is gross
Hate to break it to you but 100% of men who rape little boys are faggots like you.
you don't compare white people to gay people like this. White communities behaviour is primarily centred around their culture and environment. Gay communities behaviour is primarily centred around their mental health and environment. Not to mention the ideologies and the number difference. Ideologies for general white people are centred around their country/culture and ideologies for gay people are centred around the same ideology found across the West because it stems from their mental health and the effect is exasperated by the internet. The number difference speaks for itself. This comparison of your really is dumb and only plausible on the surface but really is false equivalence.
maybe speak up then and stop letting the vocal minority ruin shit for you. Same with niggers vs black folk. We welcomed you into our society. The chipouts need to fucking stop. Tell the fuckstains to grow up along with us, or you're part of the problem.