Why are you anti-semitic?

why are you anti-semitic?

your statistics and memes are typically exaggerations at best and outright lies at worst

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Because I want my foreskin back

Fpbp. Blood label

Because America is unironically the most Jewish nation in the entire world so any problems people have with America can be traced back to Jews 100% of the time

Hate nigger culture? Blame Jews. Hate financial crises and financial fraud? Blame Jews. Hate circumcision? Blame Jews. Hate feminism, post-modernism, """critical theory""", gross architecture and shipping in hordes of immigrants? Jews, jews, jews.

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Because the Truth is 'Anti-Semitic'.

>statistics and memes are typically exaggerations at best and outright lies at worst
The Jews literally started this type of thing.

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No, I'm not anti-semitic, I'm against barbarian practices like circumcision.

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Literally. They refused to a knowledge it and killed it.

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so just blaming them for everything without proof, got it. yikes.

Who says we have no proof? Just faggots like you. The proof is out there everyday and has been for years.

How is anyone this fucking stupid?


have sex


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im not.

I support Palestine

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I dislike pedophiles that try to control what we can say and think.

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These SS memes crack me up. They are a perfect reflection of the lies we tell kids reversed into redpills.

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So the Jews DIDNT get kicked out of their host nation for judaic conduct literally hundreds of times? The Jews didn't invade tsarist Russia and cause the holodomor? The Jews haven't infiltrated every major facet of government and big business? The Jews aren't carrying out the will of the Frankfurt school? When did all this change?

Why are you here then?

way to claim something and then not even attempt to demonstrate your claim. really solid OP fag. this is a slide thread.

you are really failing to prove your case as to why Jews deserve your vile hatred

>jews have infiltrated the government
gonna need some proof there Mr tinfoil

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>exaggerations at best and outright lies at worst
u wat nigger?

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120,000 troops at the drop of a hat to defend Israel should the need arise.

Can't defend our own border.

Define anti semitism for me. Because I make jokes about goose stepping at work all the time. I’m not entirely white. I pass but I don’t get my hair wet in public. Also I’m more native than warren is and she checks Native American on job application boxes. That’s some shit I wouldn’t do. Also I a married to an ethnic Jew. I make oven jokes all the time. Tell my spouse I am the master race all the time. I also recognize that jews are over represented in entertainment, media, banking, congress and the senate. So please define anti semitism. Because if it’s just acknowledging objective mathematical fact and talking shit you can get fucked.

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Forgot pic

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What about this official info about something someone did to somebody somewhere?


Honestly I'm not. I hate the ultra orthodox because they're a bunch of boyfucking barbarians. But I don't have a problem with jews in principle.

The issue is that I don't like any protected class. Jews are the most privileged group of people in the entire USA. They're over represented in every walk of life including the US Government. And somehow, they don't get any of the shit that white people get. They're still the little darlings that can do no wrong because Mr Moustache killed some of them decades before I was born.

Every single thing your average lefty SJW progressive spouts about white people is 5x more applicable to US jews, yet the jews are never implicated.

Again, I don't have an issue with jews in principle, but I hate how they evade the flak at every turn, chortling as they do.

Israel in 1991 murdered two Christian aid workers acting as doctors in Palestine by white phosphorus weapons.

Those where my parents.

I will not stop until every last jew is dead.

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I’m sorry user. Truly an awful thing. I truly hope you find peace one day. F


>typically exaggerations at best and outright lies at worst
Yea man, totally exaggerating that jews push immigration and homo, totally.

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If I live to see a true Holocaust my soul will find peace.

I'm an American Jew and I hate Israel and Zionism, as do around half of US Jews. I support your hatred. Just don't misdirect it, because Jews have differing views to the same extent white people or any other group have them. Most people I know hate Israel almost as much as you do.

You don't get it.
Crime and violence begets crime and violence.
The jews have sown their fate, and will reap only sorrow.

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Your children will be unmade.
I don't care if you are people.
God made man to fight man in wars of actual extermination.

It is our purpose.

There may indeed be good Jews.
I really don't fucking care.

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Your arguments is invalid

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That same reasoning can and is used by Muslims to justify violence against Europeans. In groups of many millions of people, affiliation can't be assumed.

Sorry moshi but it is irrefutable, I'd post facts but I'm too lazy.

You have to be borderline retarded to not see Jewishness for what it is. Always be on the lookout for a hooked nose if they're trying to condone """diversity"""

The Jews get targeted because it’s easier to unite people against a single target. The Jews as a target arise because they are a powerful minority group- they project an image of more power than they really have.

This post is extremely anti-Semitic, please delete this right now

I just don't have time or a lifespan long enough to differentiate.
I am a mortal with limited time and only one vector to cause a Holocaust.
It is my greatest desire to see the jews as a people suffer.

I used to hate, but now it's for entertainment.

I don't hate you at all, I Just want you dead because it would fill a hole in my soul.

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you won't do shit NIGGER

Yes that's it, I have a Holocaust shaped hole in my heart and I desire to fill it.
Thanks ls shill-kun, you helped me understand myself better :)

I swear you are on a script.

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If you guys don't come up with anything original you become easy to counter.

Fill your sole houl with true vengeance, then. Find the people who actually killed them and gave the orders.

Israel is essentially ISIS but for Jews, just a tiny bit more outwardly restrained. There's almost no difference between them. I don't support the death of any people anywhere, but some way or another they need to be very radically changed (unlikely) or wiped off the map.


"Married" with a great home life, kids and a large business I built from the ground up.

Because i’m pro American. I’m pro white. I’m pro family. I’m pro life. I’m pro beauty. I’m pro progress. I’m pro love.

Knowing all of these things i’ve looked long an hard where the attacks on these are coming from, and the answer couldn’t be more (((clear))).

This whole idea of there being a special word other than "racist" for "not liking Jews" is part of it.

Questions for you: Why do I have to like everyone? Why do Jews have a special word for racism just against them? Is it because they consider themselves a special race? Why are they so upset that people dislike them? Is it because it reminds them that there are good reasons for such dislike?

his body, his choice

Idk, I started posting 15 years ago with maybe 5 other random people on /b/ about Hitler and how jews need to die and one day Usenet Nazis appeared on /b/ (pre-stormfront exodus) and gave us a signal boost.

4chins has been about extermination of jews ever since.

I'm simplifying it and many other factors brought us here.

I just want you to suffer in a camp and die.
It's just what I want.

2 (you)s! must have struck a nerve


I've been here way to long for this garbage, have a third.

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>tfw uncircumcised
thank you Polish parents

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Yeah, and you’ll wreck it all for misguided activism. Bravo.

Lol no, my children are not only great shots but are well versed in cqb and MOUT.

You think you know me.

You don't.
I'm open about my beliefs to everyone I meet irl, and thanks to the skills I have sought out over the years I appear very charismatic irl.

My entire town makes jew jokes and refers to spongebathes as jew bathes, and duplicitous behavior as kikery.

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>why are you anti-semitic?
because it makes my dick hard

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I'm sure it is, but I think you'll one day find that feeling will pass and you'll be able to dedicate yourself to a more fruitful cause.

Feelings of existential vengeance and total war are very natural in situations like these. That's the same feeling many Israelis have. They're intoxicating and breathe meaning and purpose into life. But you can harness the same energy for many other things in life.

Even if you did manage to kill all the Jews, you wouldn't feel any better anyway. You'd just feel like Daenerys in episode 5.

>bro it’ll be just like this pop culture event, trust me

Fuck off. Nothing is more fruitful than securing the existence of my people and a life for my children.

Again you don't know me.
The feeling won't pass because it's the reason I have done everything.

My kids, my business, my wife, my very life; all dedicated to one cause.

I've been at this for a very looooong time sirrah.
And there is a trail of destroyed Jewish businesses, homes and lives behind me.

It is my reason for being, my joy, my ecstasy, my drug.

To harm a Jew is Nirvana.


Iran, Palestine, USS Liberty, 9/11, my foreskin, Israel , Federal reserve, etc. These are all jewish things that affect my life negatively

There we go, brain remembered to upload the picture.

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You guys always overestimate your strengths and your enemies weakness. USA isn’t 1930’s Germany, it’ll Balkanize and it will factionalize and both sides will have forms of international support. I don’t give a shit about you or your town. If society decides to unleash the demons you want to, there is nothing that will be untouched. And if you have miscalculated, you will have lost everything and gained ruin.

That's fine.
As long as Jews suffer.
Ide sacrifice the world itself to make them suffer and die.

Better to fight and lose than to accept defeat. Victory can be the only way forward for a sane and just world.

Also, I belong to 1940s Natsoc Germany.
Forcing America to balkanize sounds like a hell of a revenge for Hitler.

Shut your faggot ass cheeks you ערס Jew Sheklestein

You are why we hate Jews. YOU hate other people like you as well because you are nigger trash.

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Then you worship death and it will find you.

Of course I'll die.
I'm human.
But you will find it first if I have my way, and irl; I ALWAYS GET MY WAY

I fucking love these ones.. keep it up.

hello 2015

Getting rid of Jews won’t bring whatever victory you guys think. The Chinese are already a greater threat. And they’re going to involve themselves in any scenario of America in deep crisis to posture themselves to come out on top.

does this unironically mean the jews will get kicked out of america eventually?

>kike in sheeps clothing

The victory is literally the death of jews in itself.

Sounds like you should join Hamas as a sleeper agent and do something about it.

I care not of ruling the world. The Chinese don’t concern me. We simply want a better future for our children.

A world without Jewish kids.
I want it as well.

They haven't changed the way they talk since then. Applies just as well.

I have no concern for the world, only my people.

I'd gladly trade rule by Jews for rule by Chinese. Chinese do not have atavistic hatred toward white Christians.

Based Ernie.

I could tolerate chinks if not for lack of safety standards.

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Your mom thinks cut dicks are more attractive than uncut dicks. So did my mom. My mom is a slut who loves dicks.

If the chinese seek to rule us that would be a different fight. Better to focus on the evil kings of today than concern ourselves with potential kings of the future.

>why are you anti-semitic?
First, anti-semetic is a dishonest term, approximately a third of humans are Shemites according to the Bible, the peoples with Caucasoid skulls are Shemites.

Second, the synagogue of satan hated Jesus because he told the truth.

Third, the shortsighted of Judah and Benjamin forget that Levites exist who aren't their corrupt groupies and our job is as it always was, kill the traitors among our own nation first and then slay the enemies of God attacking our people.

Pic related, also remember the golden calf and the last couple chapters of the book of Judges.

We are coming for you for being Canaanites in your hearts, just like your ancestors were.

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And we must reclaim a society in which this will not be the case. No human is without fault, and pointing our our faults only greys the issue. We must persist IN SPITE of our faults, not give up because of them.

You're not antisemetic, you're just a cool guy who thinks political correctness is bullshit.