Alberta Nationalism Thread. Saskatchewan and Manitoba anons allowed. Easterners and British Colombians not welcome. How do we meme the Alberta independence party next election?
Alberta Nationalism Thread
Remember what those leafs took from us.
What do we replace the Saint George's Cross with?
Hopefully Alberta's days as a major player on the world oil market are finished
*ahem* alberta isn't a nation
Nobody likes you Ontario
I’m all for nationalism
God bless Amerricuh and God bless Israel first!
reminder you are british not american
Reminder that I'm Albertan, not British, and certainly not a fucking dirty leaf like you. FUCK THE FEDERATION
only reason albertans are separatist is because our politicians have failed as leaders to unify the country. Adrien Arcand potentially could have done it but the privatization and red tape legislation has brought everything to a standstill.
Canada was brought together through social conservative socialist legislation. We cannot remain a unified country without being socialist. Without the unity we are doomed to become American.
Maybe Quebec will hold out for longer than the rest of us but you cannot look at our metropolitan centres and say there is something that distinguishes them from America.
What will our new nation be named?
Canada West
Is that flag upside down as well as being burned? Based
Most people don't want anything to to with the old name. Was hoping for something more original too
It's what the federation deserves
Be honest with a Manitoba user. Is the only reason you guys include us because we have a port?
It should def be a subtle dig at Canada
Well yeah, and Manitoba is infinity better than BC. We'll gladly bribe injuns with packs of smokes and booze
Fuck yeah man. Made one of these threads a few months back.
Manitoba has potential.
To many Indians (both kinds) but Winnipeg is the most racist city in Canada because of it. we're pretty poor though, compared to Alberta.
I try to make a thread every day around this time to get it in peoples minds. On Sat and Sun the threads normally reach bump limit. Much less success on weekdays. We need to get the independence party a good number of seats next election. Remember who currently leads Alby. We have 4 years to make a change
Kingdom of Rupert's land
all the laws and customs of england prior to 1650 will have force.
the economy will be a mix of distributionism and social credit with a labour back currency and no usury.
with the church of England and the Catholic church each sharing official church status
AND only natural born subjects of the english crown in right can own land here
>What do we replace the Saint George's Cross with?
You're forgetting the most important law. Rifle handed out to every citizen without a criminal record
alberta is a realm and could set up its own parliament and house of lords if to wants faggot
Do you know what England is like now? It's a fucking joke. We need to move on
kys and then go kiss the new royal baby
>It should def be a subtle dig at Canada
"The Real Canada"
/whyte avenue/ here. Its already nuts tonight so i'm staying in and making spagooter. Love you guys. I've been seeing more and more young people with rebel flags on their vehicles. Who else here Edmonton?
>A World Without Canada
More like, a Canada without Alberta and how the ungreatful dicks in the rest of Canada would be completely fucked if we seceded to the US.
>rebel flags
Since we’re all here can we talk about how stupid it is that “Western Canada” starts somewhere in Manitoba?
>we seceded to the US.
Actually kill yourself traitor
IMO its kind of cringy since we're not American but its still cool to see more right wing people.
yes of course, but there are no "citizens"
there are natural subjects and aliens
both classes have subcategories and various additions and estates
see calvins case for a pretty thorough overview of "citizenship"
oh, you're talking about the Confederate flag. Those are very different things user...
lol you will remain loyal to the crown in right
behave yourself
Independence party got what, 10 votes this election?
We're not going to vote our way out of this mess.
Go to church, make nationalist friends, find a nice white wife, produce lots of children. Then we have a fighting chance to keep our land.
There was a short lived republic named Caledonia based out of Winnipeg, it has a nice ring to it.
we will deport you all again yankee
Albertan Freehold.
Most Albertans want to leave. Just got to convince them to actually do it. Without NDP, people can think a little more clearly
Not good for us.
It's upturned
not sure you know what freehold means
I can't wait for sluts to march through our streets in a few weeks with their shirts off because of Alabama or some stupid garbage, then forget about it when the next outrage of the week happens.
I wish i lived in a small town or something like everyone else. Edmonton is becoming so shit because everyone comes here for work and fucks up our values.This is probably how Texas feels
You're right.
Wow I hope they compensated that man after they stole and destroyed his property
That's what you get for not living in Calgary. Enjoy your sewage smelling city! Oh, and happy pride!
alberta has no future. imagine relying on oil OMEGALUL
try Calgary, I can go my whole day without seeing another white person
>aging populations in other provinces are literally going to use us to support their social services because they aren't able to
BC complains about gas prices after blocking pipelines that might block the view of their million dollar homes.
I suppose if you want to watch our young get progressively more and more screwed as time goes on. There isnt going to be a safety net for our generation. The rest of Canada literally sees us as a cow to milk. At least if we seceded to the States we would be able to sell to an untariffed market with the added benefit of our people being able to move to and from greener pastures.
>find a nice white wife
I don't want to sound rude, but perhaps you don't understand the point of this thread. We want to start our own country, not join the ZOG.
oh boy, canada took riel from alberta? a fully white jury from regina, saskatchewan decided her should be hung.
he also support francophone and catholic rights, most white albertans are anglophone and protestant.
BUT more importantly:
also all the land in alberta is owned by the FEDERAL government, not the provincial government. the crown made treaties to acquire the land, alberta would have to cvome to a tripartite agreement with the indigenous peoples and the federal government to buy the land from the crown
>calling people traitors
that's not very Canadian of you is it, eh?
join us Alberta bros
Yankee go home!
We'll go home when you free our Quebecois brothers faggot
Joke's on you; our pride parade got shut down for being too triggering.
Well then move to BC like all the other whiny bitches in Canada. Doesn't snow much in the lower mainland!
tenures can be either free-hold, signifying that they were hereditable or perpetual, non-free where the tenancy terminated on the tenant's death or at an earlier specified period, or at will
so a freehold is your hereditament or homestead which you hold in demesne as of a fee simple.
and a non-freehold tenure is what you hold land as when you rent a house, or w.e
Wow I thought that said “Trusalem”
The truth is that the only right wing party that will ever be elected is the mainstream Conservative party, the UCP right now. The only way to separate is to have an openly separatist candidate run for leadership of the UCP and have him initiate a referendum. It’s 100% feasible, legal, and peaceful. I bet we could even get Kenney on board if the feds stay liberal and start fucking him around.
Take that as a win I guess
>I bet we could even get Kenney on board
No, he calls himself a Canadian Nationalist and always puts Canada first. Don't ever vote for the UCP
the fact that someone took this picture shows that many vancouverites are based and see thru "their" tricks
I took the picture when I was their. Stop acting like a boomer
A separatist has to initiate a takeover of the mainstream Conservative party, it is the only way. Other parties are fringe who will never do anything but split the vote and give us 4 more years of commie NDP. If Trump can take over the GOP an open separatist can take over the UCP
What type of boomer defeatist attitude is that? The Wild Rose Party started from nothing you know
you will crumble alone, together we are stronger. Join us
gay ass cowboy wannabes go ahead and succeed, maritimes will flourish without you kikes
>you will crumble alone
Fuck off Shekelberg. W is for Walmart
If we became our own country we could face the very real possibility of never getting any of our oil to market because of tariffs and BC giving us the big butthurt middle finger. It would be unlikely but we need the Americans onboard to refine oil until we become self sufficient.
If we leave, Saskatchewan would likely follow, and they got serviceable Uranium deposits that could be put into full production.
We make the energy, we hold the power.
I wouldn't want to join the US but its the most ideal solution for a prosperous Alberta.
aren't you the place Trailer Park Boys was based on?
Just a reality of the first past the post system.
as a country, we would have recourse at the un because its a right of a nation to access tide water
yep, maritimes is the real canada
Mid-northern USA. The moment you guys leave is when you will join them. I know you guys are aching to get those niggers and spics.
>If we became our own country we could face the very real possibility of never getting any of our oil to market
I'm sorry, we're getting our oil to market right currently? Also you seem to forget that Manitoba has sea access. Also, you do know that landlocked countries like Switzerland exist right? You watched one American propaganda video and now you're spewing nonsense without giving it a second thought.
There is no real canada
Canada has more provincial culture than national culture
>Alberta was a barren wasteland, a dead albatross around Canada’s neck, for most of its existence.
>The British empire and Ottawa spend billions to build the place up
>discover liquid money in the ground
>spend it like a drunken farmwife after harvest. RALPH BUXXXXX!!!!!
>oil prices collapse and Alberta was too stupid to diversify. Now the place looks like Mordor
>Little bitches in this thread cry about big meanie Easterners.
And now half of you are planning to prostitute yourselves to the ZOGbots? Pic very much related. Glad I left for greener pastures (and drinkable tap water)
No, there is a real Canada, and as an American I'm telling you both objectively that it is Quebec
Hey Transcona Boomer Meme; see ya at the Regent Costco with your fat wife double fisting the free samples. Reeeeeeeee!!
Oh wow look, you proved my point. Quebec has very strong quebecois culture that is unlike the rest of the country
lol hoes mad
The Northern Kingdom
>the rest of the country
those parts don't have poutine so why should I give a fuck
We could vote in a nobody. A farmer
Fuck off Eastern Cuck goof faggot...go shove a picture of Laurier into a trannys thong you dick chomping Equalization payment dependant welfare queen sand monkey fucker.
Make your own