What are some other redpills Jow Forums refuses to swallow?

What are some other redpills Jow Forums refuses to swallow?

Attached: whamen.png (3000x2368, 2.15M)

heres one:
if you all quit being cowards and got off this board and networked you could change this world for the better, but instead you come cry on this board all day about how evil and degenerate the world is.

I understand your sentiment user, but most of us here are familiar with stories like Randy Weavers. We know switching into irl mode is all but a death sentence.

Have you ever heard of the 3rd wave experiment? When a leader steps forward things *will* change, until then Im afraid this is the best we have my friend.

This entire thread, apparently

Quick rundown?

I can’t seriously get behind ethnonationalism.

Here. A guy did this experiment from the 50s to 70s, I suppose. According to the boomer who made that thread we're in the late stages of this "mouse utopia" right now.

Attached: mouse utopia greentext 4chan redpill ultimate redpill.jpg (1739x879, 249K)

Entirely correct. I hate to see what faggots here do. They will talk about how the system is rotten and evil, which is all fine and true, but won’t take necessary action. At most and worst, they’ll shoot an old lady at a synagogue and change nothing. Man this shit’s gay. I want to Gilets Jaunes this shit

>got off this board and networked

Get arrested for right wing terror plot 20 years in jail for "hate speech"

Why not user?

Thats if youre lucky.

Attached: randy.jpg (1489x3173, 1.37M)

Jews are the most superior race and video games shouldn't be fun after you're 15 years old.

That atheism is the most coherent position of the two, and there isnt proof for a god.

The problem with you dumb low iq fuckers is that you equate a mouse utopia to humans. Die faggots this is natural selection.

He doesn't know about the secret handshake clubs

Fuck thats sad.

Doesn't that require a more natural lifestyle?

White women love niggers, and they fucl many times before marrying a white cuck who will raise their bastard niglet. Real white men love Asian girls. Only tradcucks disagree.

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any noobs, right-click and open in new tab. Then you can zoom in to your heart's content.

>This is natural selection
This is pretty much the opposite of natural selection, and that's a huge part of the issue.
LMAO you think corporate and government overlords choosing which traits to reward based on which peons make the most proficient slaves is "natural selection"?



Unnatural selection.

In the same way that the guy who ran those experiments was creating an unnatural system of selection.

It's like none of you have even heard of the New Awakening.

>carves a small plot of land in the mountains
>lives off grid
>doesn't receive court notice in the mail

>call this a failure of paperwork

logic, reason, and facts mean nothing to meme flaggots. your post was correct, but it wont matter. never reply to meme flags unless it is to ridicule them.

That's actually quite fair, lol

One last time