So let me get this straight: conservatives don't care when a bunch of people get killed in a mass shooting...

So let me get this straight: conservatives don't care when a bunch of people get killed in a mass shooting. But they expect us to weep over a fetus? what the fuck?

Attached: embryo.jpg (754x425, 26K)

Back to twitter


Conservatives do care when a bunch of people are killed in a mass shooting. Mass shootings are wrong for the same reason abortion is wrong: it is immoral to intentionally kill innocent human beings.

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Do Progressives get jealous when Islamic Terrorists get to kill dozens of white kids but they can't abort a single one?

I've seen many people on here claim they only care about white fetuses while also claiming to be Christian and have the nerve to also believe they care about how life is sacred cus :"muh zygote turn into a babby" They pretend the god damn egg is the chicklet. No, a clump of cells isn't a fucking life. It's a god damn under developed retard that sucks nutrients and though it's not defined as a parasite, it has all of the same characteristics.

>conservatives don't care when a bunch of people get killed in a mass shooting
no, your low IQ is preventing you from understanding the situation.

More people die in 3 days from medical malpractice than ALL lives taken in mass shootings COMBINED. Our constitution and Bill of Rights are more important than something that takes the lives of 0.00001551% of the population.

The 2nd Amendment is more important to our freedom than 5 million deaths by mass shooters or suicides...

Attached: 2019-gun-stats.jpg (1724x2982, 948K)

Progressives don't give a fuck about niggers, gays, traps and other loud dumbasses either: it's all about pleasing their masses of NPCs.

Jeez, how do you hold that in your hand and sleep well at night?

>I've seen many people on here claim they only care about white fetuses while also claiming to be Christian
No you havent. Christians want ALL babies to live. The rest of us dont care about nigger babies.
Get your facts straight, nigger.

are those the same pro-life conservatives you see here that made meme's within 20 minutes of the tarrant shooting?

Anti-abortion laws are all about killing the poors and minorities. Rich people can always afford them and birth control. Mass shootings boost gun sales and are a shock doctrine used in building the school-to-prison pipeline

>loaded question fallacy
Read the Jow Forums catalog sticky and kindly fuck off until you do.

number of abortions performed each year =

number of deaths to mass shootings last year =

fuck off you dumb cunt

disgusting. all life is sacred.

You could just tell him you dont agree to his assertion that conservatives are generally against abortion?

>Anti-abortion laws are all about killing the poors and minorities.
>Rich people can always afford them and birth control.
>Mass shootings boost gun sales and are a shock doctrine used in building the school-to-prison pipeline
insanity and rando-mentally ill babbling confirmed by flag.

shock doctrine HAHAHAH!

top kek for a nigger

>all life is sacred.
no, niggers are not.
fuck off, nigger

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abort yourself

The definition of a mass shooting by the federal government for FBI crime statistics is a shooting in which 4 or more people are killed. Many anti-gun lobbies define mass shootings as shootings in which 4 or more people are shot at, but not necessarily killed. For reference, according to (a source which is apolitical but cited by many anti-gun retards) there have been 125 mass shootings so far in 2019, which is almost a mass shooting per day. This will make news headlines and people won't read beyond the article. "Oh my god, we have a mass shooting per day almost in America!" they'll say and move on telling their friends and family how guns are evil.

58 out of the 125 mass shootings didn't involve a death. Conveniently the "apolitical" site provides incident reports but does not report on race/ethnicity of shooters and victims. If they did the results, assuming they're in line with FBI crime statistics would show a large and disproportionate number of these shootings were carried out by black and hispanic gang members against black and hispanic gang members, and largely in states or cities with have very strict gun control laws.

I'm married to a Japanese bitch and this Alabama shit is becoming something big in Japan. I thought japs were based, but it looks like the jews through the NHK have been doing their work.

The degeneracy of this world is seems to be unstoppable.