The Iran Islamic Regime was founded on sexual slavery and torture of Feminists

Imagine the horror of this sight. 300 naked Iranian leftist women, forced to crawl together on all 4s, like dogs, for hours and hours. Forced to compete with each other, knowing that by being faster than another girl, that girl would get the vagina-kickings. What barbarism. What an awful violation of human rights. Just picture all those whipped brown buttocks quivering in fear and pain from all that cruel abuse.

Its beyond hellish

>After a while, many agreed to pray. One admitted ten years later that she still had recurring nightmares in which she saw herself praying and thereby betraying her whole persona.;;doc.view=print

Being forced to submit to Islamic Patriarchy destroyed the very persona of these Atheist Marxist womyn. Imagine a young coed or Women's Studies Professor who has devoted her entire life to Radical Feminism, forced to admit the inferiority of her gender. The Iranian guards were merciless. They would whip the tan buttocks of these Iranian Leftist womyn until their panties were torn to shreds. The lashes would criss cross across their naked breasts and buttocks. This was a barbaric abuse.

We can't support Iran, when it whips the naked buttocks and breasts of Leftist Feminist womyn, in order to force them to submit to Patriarchy. Can you imagine the horror of the entire population of Leftist womyn being put in damp prison cells at the sexual mercy of misogynist thug guards?

I'm not Feminist. But it still pisses me off that idealistic intellectual Feminist philosophy professors reduced to serving ape cavemen Muslim neanderthals like this

I hate seeing intelligent women reduced like that

The Islamic Republic is just an Islamic State that has stayed in power. They were founded on the same principles

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran;;doc.view=print

The horrific abuses Iran are just too much. They force militant Marxist-Feminist women to marry their captors. They even use the tan buttocks of Iranian Leftist women to sit on, while they are whipping them

From the Report:

certain forms of sexual torture were inflicted on female political prisoners in a widespread manner. Amongst these was verbal abuse inflicted with the intention of reducing female political prisoners to the level of a sexual object, and denying their political identity. Other forms included striking genitals while forcing the inmates to crawl on their hands and feet, sex-based cruelty, cavity search as a means of demoralising the prisoners, and other forms of sexual harassment following release involving both the prisoners and their family members.[4] Many of the women interviewed considered the pain caused by insults to far exceed that of lashing, a serious form of physical torture, as the former questioned their identity as a human being.

female political prisoners reported that inside interrogation and torture chambers, the torturers and interrogators sat on different parts of the their bodies, particularly their buttocks and waists, while lashing them.

Haji Davoud Rahmani,[5] head of Ghezel Hesar prison, and other male prison officials, forcefully kicked female political prisoners between their legs whilst forcing them to crawl on the floor or stand facing the wall. The violent kicks caused heavy bleeding in many of the female prisoners.

Sounds like a good idea, desu.

Who care that’s in Iran I don’t care Jew

>torture of Feminists
like a bad thing

make shorter posts next time, Bolton

Attached: Did not read.gif (500x219, 166K)

The abuses Iran are just too much. They force militant Marxist-Feminist women to marry their captors. They even use the tan buttocks of Iranian Leftist women to sit on, while they are whipping them

From the Report:

certain forms of sexual torture were inflicted on female political prisoners in a widespread manner. Amongst these was verbal abuse inflicted with the intention of reducing female political prisoners to the level of a sexual object, and denying their political identity. Other forms included striking genitals while forcing the inmates to crawl on their hands and feet, sex-based cruelty, cavity search as a means of demoralising the prisoners, and other forms of sexual harassment following release involving both the prisoners and their family members.[4] Many of the women interviewed considered the pain caused by insults to far exceed that of lashing, a serious form of physical torture, as the former questioned their identity as a human being.

female political prisoners reported that inside interrogation and torture chambers, the torturers and interrogators sat on different parts of the their bodies, particularly their buttocks and waists, while lashing them.

Haji Davoud Rahmani,[5] head of Ghezel Hesar prison, and other male prison officials, forcefully kicked female political prisoners between their legs whilst forcing them to crawl on the floor or stand facing the wall. The violent kicks caused heavy bleeding in many of the female prisoners.

Human rights abuses affect us all

>On the forced marriages to Misogynist thugs, Leftist women were forced to endure

Our findings indicate that marrying off female political prisoners in the 1980s, often as a condition to escape execution, was an issue that recurred in a number of prisons across the country and this indicates the systematic nature of this policy. These marriages are thus classified as forced marriages and any sexual relations resulting from them are a form of sexual torture in accordance with the principles of international law. Those who perpetrated these rapes enjoyed impunity as a result of the absolute denial by Iranian officials that there was any wrongdoing in the prisons of the Islamic Republic. Many of the prisoners have experienced it happening to them or their cellmates. Placing pressure on female prisoners to accept the marriage proposal of the interrogator, prison or judicial official ranged in reason from personal vendetta to an effort at controlling the female prisoner even after her release. Based on what was concluded from our interviews with former female political prisoners, pressuring the prisoner to accept marriage was often done by placing marriage as a condition for release or as a guaranteed exemption from torture or execution. On multiple occasions, young female political prisoners, particularly those who had become tavvab[3], who were psychologically pressured in the harsh conditions of the prison, including by interrogation and torture, developed an attraction toward their interrogators.

Fascists and feminists are same thing

Being raped and tortured as political prisoner is bad enough. But I can't imagine the hell of these Revolutionary Womyn having to spend the rest of their lives in the beds of their worst enemy, forced to be submissive slaves to Islamic Patriarchy. Forced to call the man who had destroyed all her Egalitarian ideas- Husband and Master. Since polygamy is legal, these poor women would often have to share their shame with their fellow Leftist comrades who would be their sister slave wives in their Husband's household. They would do chores and breastfeeding and childraising together as sister wives.

It is so sad that these Leftist rebels were fighting to overthrow all forms of domination and hierarchy in favor of an egalitarian system; but instead they were forced to spend the rest of their lives enduring the greatest domination and inequality possible under the thumb of their Islamic Patriarchal Husbands as humbled slave wives. The flashbacks to studying Marxism-Feminism in university must have brought these ex-revolutionary womyn nothing but pain.

We need to protect all peoples from torture no matter what they believe

Now before you get all ideologically polarized.

>muh these women are leftist feminist communists they deserve all the sexual misery and abuse they get

Its worth pointing out that our John Bolton and Rudy Guiliani attended the party congresses of the Iranian Feminist Revolutionary Organization.

So this is beyond left-right. This is about human rights.'s_Mujahedin_of_Iran

When a feminist puts you in jail, you sing differently.

>John Bolton wishes to destabilize a potential target of invasion
massive fucking surprise there you faggot

Most people on Jow Forums support Iran becoming more Feminist. They are not woman-haters but believe in balance in all things, and that it has swung too far in the West.

How much do you get paid))))

I don't see how Bolton's demand that Marxist-Feminists be allowed to peacefully participate in the political process will "destabilize" Iran. If their ideas are no good they will lose at the polls

>>It was September 1981. We - the small city girls - were just taken there. We were around 300-400 people. There was a long corridor that separated the wards from one another. It was so long that they travelled it with a bicycle. They took us there and said that we have chest crawl that length on our chests... there were old mothers with heart problem amongst us. There was also a nine year old girl named Fatemeh. So they said we have to crawl and no one is exempt. They said that we had to crawl the whole length of the way and then return. While we were crawling and had no energy left, seven or eight pasdars constantly kicked us between our legs with their boots. I bled and others did too. There were not enough sanitary pads for everyone.

How confident can Islamic Republicans be in their politics if this is how they have to win the debate?

Not with words, but by forcing all leftist women in the nation to crawl on all 4s, like dogs, butt naked as their butts are whipped. And then married off into a lifetime of submissive marriage.

Doesn't sound like confidence in Islamic traditionalist ideals.

Never been so horrified yet turned on at the same time.


I’m not even reading the shit that’s assigned to me in my classes and you think I’m going to read these walls of text. Fuck off

Fuck off, kike. We wont kill persians for such cool things.

TLDR, Islamist barbarians in Iran reduce the Feminist professors who teach your classes, to this, meekly serving their Islamic husbands against their will.

This is what Feminist Professors in Iran are reduced to once stripped of their pantsuits

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I wouldn't be surprised if my persian brethren were doing this, they have an authority complex

they need to get rid of islam, islam isn't persian it's arabic and to me it's the remnants of the subjugation of the persians by the arabs

so they're ironically cucked while spreading their arab invader's religion onto their women

this gave me an erection

Its no joke

An aspect of Islamic marriage that is often forgotten is that the extreme conservatism of the veil is just a symbol that the woman is owned by one Master and no other Man can enjoy her. Inside the harem or home, her husband is free to fully enjoy her feminine delights in a prefigurement of heaven. For those Iranian guards who took tamed ex-Marxist women as forced slave brides, they were free to indulge in more degeneracy, since these women were considered western marxist whores. The typical attitude towards a Muslim virgin didn't apply to them. And so they were dressed in the most revealing, humiliating slave lingerie inside the home. And the more sadistic guards would delight in showing off their enslaved Leftist women. The Marxist women would further be shamed by being tamed in front of all their former comrades, who were now their sister wives. The guards were legally allowed to take 4 women as wives. And some guards made a point of demonstrating their virility in having 4 Communist brides, to show he could tame uppity Marxist revolutionary womyn.

So we have an actual Iranian confirming this is all true

That's exactly why people like you think the earth is flat

FUCK this sounds like pure ecstasy

Burn in hell, kike.

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Hell, when you put it like that, is it not us who fucked up by allowing women to run and destroy our civilization? Maybe those towel heads have the right idea.

The most barbaric thing about Islam is its treatment of women

>Haj Davoud had a specific sensitivity about tall women, those with colored eyes, those who wore glasses and were educated. He considered them leaders and main sources of resistance in prison and so would pressure and punish them before others. (14) According to Farzaneh, if he liked a girl and thought that she was timid and shy, he would leave her alone. But he believed that eyeglass wearing women were open-minded and book readers and so hated then. Generally, the crime committed by the prisoner mattered very little to him and instead, his own categorizing of people were the decisive factors based on which they would be subject to his beatings or harassment. He would give nicknames to the prisoners and called them by those names, some even had sexual and gender based connotations. (15)

>A prevalent form of Torture at Ghezel Hesar was striking the genital area of the female prisoners. Haj Davoud, who was described by female prisoners to be a large man with big hands and feet, personally as well as in collaboration with male employees of the Ghezel Hesar Prison, repeatedly struck blows to the genital area of the female prisoners, along with subjecting them to other tortures and harassments which included verbal harassment.

This thuggish beast would single out glasses-wearing, intellectual, Leftist womyn. He believed that these were the type to be most indoctrinated in Marxist-Feminist ideology. The Womyn's Studies professor types. The womyn who understood and taught the ideology of Marxist-Feminism. And he singled out these intellectual womyn for the most cruel abuse. So that they would go from lecturing coeds on the evils of Patriarchy and Capitalism, to absolute submission to Islamic Patriarchy.

I'd marry either one of those. Btw, blonde hair and blue eyes are in high demand.

Islamic Republicanism doesn't try to win a debate with its political opponents. It uses violence and sexual humiliation.

If someone just starts screaming and yelling abuse during a debate, it means hes losing.

These weak Muslims take it to a whole new level, not just yelling abuse, but his Feminist opponent must be stripped of her pantsuit, forced into slave lingerie, crawl like a dog, be whipped, and forced into a submissive marriage.

Its yelling like a retard when losing a debate, taken next level

>hOw dOes strEngthEning the oppOsition of a theOcracy destabilize a nation
Fuck off already. You have to be a clueless dolt to not get the angle you're going for here. Any 100% serious reply to this thread is sad.

The Islamic brute singled out girls with blue and green eyes, as well as intellectuals with glasses for special abuse

>Haj Davoud had a specific sensitivity about tall women, those with colored eyes, those who wore glasses and were educated. He considered them leaders and main sources of resistance in prison and so would pressure and punish them before others. (14) According to Farzaneh, if he liked a girl and thought that she was timid and shy, he would leave her alone. But he believed that eyeglass wearing women were open-minded and book readers and so hated then. Generally, the crime committed by the prisoner mattered very little to him and instead, his own categorizing of people were the decisive factors based on which they would be subject to his beatings or harassment. He would give nicknames to the prisoners and called them by those names, some even had sexual and gender based connotations. (15)

>A prevalent form of Torture at Ghezel Hesar was striking the genital area of the female prisoners. Haj Davoud, who was described by female prisoners to be a large man with big hands and feet, personally as well as in collaboration with male employees of the Ghezel Hesar Prison, repeatedly struck blows to the genital area of the female prisoners, along with subjecting them to other tortures and harassments which included verbal harassment.

the one on the right is actually pretty nice, would help her upgrade

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Yes, feminists in the west are well known for their reasonableness, never yelling, performing slut walks, and never would dare attack their opponents character with ad hominems.


No nigger. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I'm talking about me or any other user with blonde hair and blue eyes. Iranian women love that shit. Btw, I bet that pic of 2 iranian qt's are whiter than you.

You aren't the regular dumbass that visits Jow Forums.
A lower form of protozoa would beat you cognitively.

Theres nothing based about it

If these women had triumphed, instead of being servile slave-wives, they would be part of the ruling politburo of a Socialist Iran. A woman who could have been a Marxist Prime Minister of Iran, is instead meekly serving her patriarchal husband in bed. These Leftist women went from thinking they could overthrow the Islamic Patriarchy, and be the Feminist rulers of a new Socialist State, to not even being able to wear underwear, not given to them by their Patriarchal Husbands. From thinking they could rule a whole country, they now don't even have any power over the bra and panties they wear.

>Placing pressure on female prisoners to accept the marriage proposal of the interrogator, prison or judicial official ranged in reason from personal vendetta to an effort at controlling the female prisoner even after her release. Based on what was concluded from our interviews with former female political prisoners, pressuring the prisoner to accept marriage was often done by placing marriage as a condition for release or as a guaranteed exemption from torture or execution. On multiple occasions, young female political prisoners, particularly those who had become tavvab[3], who were psychologically pressured in the harsh conditions of the prison, including by interrogation and torture, developed an attraction toward their interrogators.e.

According to the article, 2 reasons to force marriage on ex-Leftist womyn would be as a personal vendetta or to keep her under control. A vendetta is a cruel, sadistic reason to marry a woman. You just want to hurt her more for her Leftist Feminist ideals? That is more a slave, than a wife. And marrying a woman to make sure that her Leftism is gone forever and she will be subservient to Patriarchy, is also a cruel reason to marry. How could any man take a wife for these reasons? If they hate these women so much, why do they want to share their bed with them every single night?

What a stupid post. I don't like you.

I am ashamed to say that i got a boner but honestly i bet those women wet.

Yah, dated iranian chick long time ago and wanted to marry her so bad. Her brother said no then moved himself and her out of town and never saw her again

So? Who cares about the sand monkeys, let them have their fun and kill the Jews. Heil Hitler, faggots

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As the report points out, even if these enslaved ex-Leftist women do develop attraction, arousal, fall in love etc, it is still rape under international law, because they were imprisoned and forced into it against their will

>Many of the female political prisoners resisted these severe and unbearable pressures and did not agree to enter into marriage in prison. However, even those prisoners who agreed to the marriages, regardless of their condition or the intention behind the agreement, could not be classified as having entered into a ‘consensual’ relationship because the conditions necessary to form real ‘consent’ were absent inside the prisons. Hence, such marriages are better classified as forced marriages, and any sexual relations resulting from them a form of sexual torture in accordance with the principles of international law.

The entire marriage is sexual torture of feminist political prisoners

Nothing is more degenerate than forcing your Feminist political enemies to marry you against her will

These women have no choice to sex in their marriage, thats why its rape by international law.

Being raped and tortured as political prisoner is bad enough. But I can't imagine the hell of these Revolutionary Womyn having to spend the rest of their lives in the beds of their worst enemy, forced to be submissive slaves to Islamic Patriarchy. Forced to call the man who had destroyed all her Egalitarian ideas- Husband and Master. Since polygamy is legal, these poor women would often have to share their shame with their fellow Leftist comrades who would be their sister slave wives in their Husband's household. They would do chores and breastfeeding and childraising together as sister wives.

Attached: shit I put up with.png (500x1548, 162K)

>They offered them incentives—more generous rations, lighter sentences, even amnesty, and access to the prison workshops, where women could earn pocket money as garment workers and men could earn pocket money as metal workers. They also encouraged women repenters to marry eligible guards.;;doc.view=print

These barbaric Islamist Patriarchs forced these broken Leftist Revolutionary women to sew like submissive women, and become obedient Islamic housewives to their thuggish guards

Impregnating these Leftist women and forcing them to marry their guards as submissive housewives is one of the worst fates for women. Rape is horrific enough. But when its over its over at least. But these poor Marxist-Feminist women at to spend the rest of their lives as submissive houseslaves for their patriarchal enemy husbands.

One of the sadistic Officers in the Iranian Guards, would actually show off that his four wives, had all been former Communist Party members. And that uppity atheist Marxist women, now faithfully, obediently and submissively served him under the guidelines of Islamic Patriarchy.

hard core feminist marxists really get off on that shit.
don't you see them dress all in red robes like fictional Christian sex slaves?
they can not tell reality from fantasy but they know that they want to be sex slaves

Theres so much anger and hate in the Iranian political climate. Especially with Feminist women it becomes so personal and sexualized. Now you know how far Islamist Misogynists would take it if they actually did have power over Leftist Feminist women. What they actually did do.

All that anger and rage at Leftist Feminist politics, even though the demoness, is now just a helpless bound scared crying girl in her underwear.

Even when Leftist women are helpless, sobbing, bound and naked, all Islam sees is the demons of Communism and Feminism, and the abuse never ends

They don't treat Feminist prisoners like humans. They use them as objects. They even use their buttocks as comfy cushions to sit on while whipping their helpless backs.

Its in the human rights report

We can't trust a Regime that was founded on the sexual humiliation of defeated Feminist womyn

And then when those buns where whipped and bruised bloody, the Guards would use them as comfy soft cushions to sit on while whipping their backs.
>female political prisoners reported that inside interrogation and torture chambers, the torturers and interrogators sat on different parts of the their bodies, particularly their buttocks and waists, while lashing them.

When you say leftist you mean neo liberal.
Iran is a leftist state.
Neo liberalism is jewish to its core so these poor feminists are actually traitors to a people who want to genocide Iranians.
I very much doubt any of these ridiculous claims are true in the first place

They forced the secular leftist women who advocate "birthrate-killing ideas" to become baby incubators for the birthrate, forcibly impregnating their wombs with the offspring of their worst enemies. Repeatedly raping the fertile wombs of Leftist women political prisoners against their will, until their eggs were fertilized.
This was Iran's barbaric solution to leftism.

This is how the Iran Regime treats Feminist Philosophers. It is a new burning of the library of Alexandria

Forced to wear a hijab, and be hidden and invisible to the males of the outside world. Slave lingerie to please the perverse eroticism of her husband and Master. And using Feminist philosophers to iron her lingerie submissively and womanly, to please him.

This is all Islam sees women as good for. And these are the principles Iran is founded on.

Nope, baby rapists deserve sodomy with a flame heated glass rod, debate me

I'm gipong to be extremely honest.

One one hand, it's fucked up.

On the other , it's also extremely arousing.

> But I can't imagine the hell of these Revolutionary Womyn having to spend the rest of their lives in the beds of their worst enemy, forced to be submissive slaves to Islamic Patriarchy

> On multiple occasions, young female political prisoners, particularly those who had become tavvab[3], who were psychologically pressured in the harsh conditions of the prison, including by interrogation and torture, developed an attraction toward their interrogators.
>There is nothing worse you can do to a woman than force her to be attracted to her worst enemy against her will.

Dude that's absolutely fucking hot what the hell.

Theres nothing arousing about abuse

Yeah I'm gonna press x to doubt

Imagine how much you must hate yourself to be turned on by a woman who hates you.

Yes it shows that Islamic misogynists actually hate themselves and fear women, and they think themsleves so weak, that they can't even tolerate the existence of strong defiant women in their nation

Only cowardly men fearful and terrified of women in power, would need to inflict this much humiliation and degradation on them. These Muslim boys are scared of empowered pantsuited women leading their nation. And that is why they are obsessed with inflicting sexual pain, not allowing leftist feminist women to wear clothing, keeping them in nudity or slave lingerie.

They force such an intimate control and surveillance over defeated Feminist women, to the point of sharing the same bed for years, to ensure no Leftist Revolution will be coming out of her while she is sexually dominated every single night

based Persians

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They were once such tough revolutionary Leftist womyn, wearing camouflage panties under their uniform, fighting Islamic Patriarchy in the desert trenches.

The immediate cause of the massacres was the accusation that Leftists were a 5th column for Baath Iraq. After Sadaam tried to use Leftists in a failed Bay of Pigs invasion of Iran.
After fighting a brutal war against an Iraqi invasion, in which millions were lost, and poison gas was used. From the Iranian State's POV Marxist womyn were the worst kind of traitors.

Poor women. Imagine studying all that Marxism-Feminism in university. Then the evil Shah is gone, its a new dawn of freedom. But then comes the dark times of Islamic Patriarchy. You join with your Marxist-Feminist comrades to make revolution. Maybe the Iraqis even train you to be Feminist Amazon, Red Army soldiers. You put on your uniform and go into battle against Patriarchy. Then you are captured. Endure all that hell in prison. Forced to crawl while they whip your vagina. You can't take the pain anymore and agree to marry one of the Guards. And now you have to endure the rest of your life as a submissive Muslim housewife to a Misogynist Patriarch. That old life as a secular Feminist Revolutionary is like a dream.

Truly confident Islamic Traditionalists would parley with these leftist feminists, compromise, realize that a republic requires Islamic Traditionalists to split the difference with leftist feminists on the issues. To learn to live with half a loaf!

Democracy, after all, as the great Winston Churchill said, "Is the worst form of government, save for all the others."

Tanning these leftist feminists buttocks until they agreed to be submissive Muslim wives shows the Islamic Traditionalists simply are not ready to take part in the marketplace of ideas.

wow if we ever needed justification for war, you sound like a useful idiot. consider Qala-i-Jangi massacre in Mazar-i-Sharif. Literal massacare of Taliban soldiers who gave up and they were all murdered under the watch of CIA advisers. Where is the outrage for that? There is none and that's cause there is a lot of human rights abuses that go on. Literally just one event out of the millions of human rights abuses that go on user.

Attached: qalaijangi.jpg (365x273, 27K)

Its not the same as sexual torture, humiliation, forced marriages.

Do you know what that does to a woman?

>compromise yourself to death

Great idea.

Good ideas need not live in fear. Islam fears all opposition and must sexuallly humiliate women who spout it

Persian women are fucking sexy though DESU. I'd racemix with them if it didn't mean their fathers would behead them for sleeping with an infidel.

I'm aware. Same point applies. This shit happens in the Middle East/around the globe all the time. Why should I bat an eye?
>UN flag
Your useless organization should be doing something about this right?

Farzaneh Zolfi (16 years old) says It was September 1981. We - the small city girls - were just taken there. We were around 300-400 people. There was a long corridor that separated the wards from one another. It was so long that they travelled it with a bicycle. They took us there and said that we have chest crawl that length on our chests... there were old mothers with heart problem amongst us. So they said we have to crawl and no one is exempt. They said that we had to crawl the whole length of the way and then return. While we were crawling and had no energy left, seven or eight pasdars constantly kicked us between our legs with their boots. I bled and others did too. There were not enough sanitary pads for everyone.

Is this supposed to make me dislike them or what.

no, some humans deserve sexual torture and a beating.

Pakis are doing it in some cases in Britain yet you don't care, nigger.

Well..........these Feminists learned a harsh reality check that the ONLY power they will EVER get------is what males choose to GIVE them.
Imagine the Triggly-puffs & other notorious stupid cunts we've seen countless memes of.......getting the treatment OP talked about?

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Haven't we learned enough from (((previous))) media narratives?

Do you have any empathy for how it feels for the woman?

Fuck Marxist Feminist, they fell to kike ideals, be gone Jew

Go shill this to leftists.

American prisoners are abused everyday, fuck off you instigator. So you want to kill innocent people for these dumb bitches?


I've been on Jow Forums too long

I remember this guy. It was maybe 3~6 years back. The format and everything is the exact same
He extrapolates these crazy fantasies from different articles.

Just the fact that I've seen this guy return back to his depravity...
Remember newfags your here forever

Attached: 4chan_is_not_what_you_thought.jpg (768x768, 290K)

got yam persian women are fineeee

>it was real in my mind

Women CHOSE the evolutionary path of physical inferiority.
In their next life they can incarnate as a male.

Attached: TitsOrGtfo.jpg (560x369, 44K)

kike post is obvious, doesnt it get tiring mossad rat?

One of the revolutionary communist feminist leaders still turned out for the streetprotest, despite having been raped into pregnancy while a political prisoner of Islamists

Attached: woman-iranprotest-womenbeing-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 190K)

they are still human

I don’t give a fuck

show your flag

Go on...

.... keep going.
>Gets lotion.

Islamic beasts refuse to leave leftist women an ounce of dignity or clothing

And that's a good thing.

I'm not saying the USA is perfect, we used sexual humiliation, dog leashes, nudity at Abu Gharif. But we only did it to males. We would never do this to women.

It is so much more psychologically traumatic for women