That's weird.
Why are the vast majority of Trannies males pretending to be females?
Being female is life on easy mode.
Real females dropped the ball, so we dropped 2 to show them how its done.
Sex offenders getting close to kids.
They aren’t, male faggots are just much louder as a group than dikes who want to be men are.
>Getting close to kids
But it's males they are targeting.
I suppose they already forced women to effectively "be" men by entering the workforce.
I think the truth is that female to males have just been around forever (e.g. your gym teacher) and they're basically invisible at this point.
>targetting males
Even though pic related is probably a little girl and doesn't have anything to do with my comment.
Those are the decoy trannies. The real ones are all around us.
Men tend to be more extreme in terms of most characteristics/attributes. Both good and bad. It makes sense from an evolutionary perspective. If a man is born with a weird/unique trait that sets him apart from the rest of his tribe in a good way he could end up having tens of children within a couple of years. On the other hand, a woman can only have one baby per year so it makes for women’s genetics to be less “risky”. That’s one of the reasons why most very intelligent people are men, why there are more men than women with very low IQs, why men like risk more than women do, why men have more deviant sexualities/personalities etc.
Bias against boys by feminist indoctrinated teacher's. All teaching college's are feminst enclaves. Children are good at picking up on subtle biases by adult's. If Girls are being treated better by the teacher then boys are going to want to become girls to get equitable treatment.
Why do white people let their children around drag queens?
Were there tranny/tranny equivalents in the mouse utopia expirement?
NPC/brainwash/herd mentality/virtue signalling
because it's a fetish.
based trannyfag
based and... uh.. something pilled
Their sin is to covet.
Weaker male cuttlefish will impersonate females to sneak into a stronger male's harem and gain sexual access to them.
Drag? Anybody?
Because women have life much easier than men and the world is much kinder to them. So, weak and manipulative men convince themselves that they can "become" women and get that easier life. And now a bunch of people have figured out that they can make money by encouraging this impossibility.
Narcissists like to put on a performance for attention.
Most trannies are males that narcissisticly love themselves as women, you might have noticed the defense mechanisms they employ when their female character is questioned. ("Its ma'am!"), this is called narcissistic injury in psychology.
It's extremely fetishistic in the fact that they can only imagine or be perceived as a woman to get off sexually.
I'm truescum and I don't want these types anywhere near me, in female spaces or to have any extra rights, I don't want my taxes and laws favoring men with a fetish, it makes me sick that these narcissistic fetishists are the ones most active in activism and are clearly the most visible because of their naturally high androgen levels.
Rant over lol.
How do you think the move by trannies to take over everything female is going to play out? Do you think that women will ever stand up for themselves and be successful at it?
Wow!... so, like, bitcoin for genders. I get it!
>I'm truescum
You wut, mate?
Being a man is hard. Weak men pretend to be women. They’re also mentally ill.
Depictions of Baphomet were inspired creations, prove me wrong
Babylon, mother of whores.
Opportunistic retards who understand that women are dominating and are conforming. They are detestable and should be killed with the whores of Babylon if any of them manage to escape the fire.
This and also I think men are more inclined to become hypersexualized, so much so that their sexuality becomes inverted. This started happening to me when I was addicted to adderall, weed and porn. Only God saved me.
they are mocking women because women have become a joke
because women's clothing has way more options.
Girls like to be seen as open-minded and don't naturally call out weirdos in a social group unless boundaries have been crossed, (unfortunately girls naturally have problems establishing boundaries), the more power socially given to all transpeople will result in far more instances like that "Ma'am" episode, it'll increase their "eccentric" behavior and narcissism.
I mean whats more narcissistic than joining female sports when you have a massive advantage, why the fuck is that allowed?
I've always been gendered female since childhood, had low testosterone and more feminine body shape since puberty, also more attractive than normal, truescum is given as an insult to transgirls like me, which is just a projection or their own insecurities (narcissism).