Is the left chaotic in nature?
Is the left chaotic in nature?
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looks like the left is fat in nature
I want the one on the right to give my kids head pats
>Is the left chaotic in nature?
Yes. The right sees the need for the government to keep the leftists in line.
sorry, OUR kids
Imagine the bean stink wafting out of the one on the left.
Of course. That's why they're always talking about "change." Like Obama, "hope and change." Sometimes the more rational ones will say "positive change," but it's usually just "change." Constant change generally is the same thing as chaos.
chaotic evil, yes
Yes. The far left's purpose is to destroy hierarchy and subvert the system, at this point it's hard to argue that they're wrong for doing so.
ying and yang user, you need both change and stability. Too much excess of both, can be disastrous
Is that their own purpose, or some grander scheme?
They're women. This is not a joke.
The left has abandoned Logos, just like the Jews. Lucifer is now their god.
Based and EMJ-pilled
No, only childish and .
Raced and bedpilled, except they have always been sons of Belial but Christians repressed their filth for the good of society.
>ugly goblina
>takes pleasure in destroying
>squats like a man, legs spread eagle
>disney hat
>beautiful human
>takes pleasure in bringing order
>well mannered
>squats in lady like manner, knees together
I agree, but what I was trying to say was that "change" is simply a cover-word for chaos.
leftists and leftist ideology is emotionally driven.
so yes, the men act like women and the women act like men. all their convictions are based on what feels good and what looks good.
Everything the left has done has made society worse. Then they say well it’s so bad we have to just keep destroying it and eventually something good will come out of it. They have no idea what the fuck they are doing other than they want power. Even if they get it they keep fucking everything up even worse.
No they only need is some mass shooting and they'll behave
ever heard of the concept of double hermeneutic? Expressed in meme speak it becomes something like pic related. In that the phenomena being described, is always dependent upon who is doing the describing. In terms of analogies of order and chaos, yes these are useful. However, people are dumb and stupid and there are always unintended consequences. As such, people who desire change are usually ignorant of potential of unintended CONSEQUENCE. When then outsiders hold them accountable to these (unintended) consequences, they can honestly say that wasn't their "true" intention AND, the individual that is accusing can state that they are "lying."....and everyone thinks they are correct (in their own heads).....
>They have no idea what the fuck they are doing other than they want power
and that's different from everybody else, how?
>chaotic in nature
the left eats its own
>leftism is self-correcting
The left is Entropic in nature.
chaos is unpredictable. Left are NPCs who just destroy things. So yeah, the left is destructive(often self destructive). Chaotic was pre 2009 Jow Forums.
also important to note, dude is NOT fucking girl, she is fucking some super massive alpha
The lemmings have no greater scheme. It’s a vague notion of progress. Thr leaders wish to turn us all into a controllable brown lower caste with nothing to fight for, before they stop hiding the fact that we’re cattle.
too much of the one on the right brings disaster? are you fucking stupid?
Can someone tell me how liberals can both control and almost completely populate the media, yet be so instinctively bad at optics?
Some people have a higher purpose to express with power -- that, however, is rare.
They just want power for the sake of feeling powerful and dominating others. None of their theories are actually correct or based on reality. It’s just whatever they whatever narrative they think benefits them at a given time. They are irrational and don’t have the ability to produce good outcomes.
Unopposed success breeds weak men. The jews of yesteryear were far more cunning and direct. These new breeds are crumbling the castle daddy gave them. The peasants are waking up.
She looks so happy!
No the O in the anarchy symbol stands for order
Yes, they would be Chaotic evil.
The right is masculine nature. Hence it's focus on protection, competition, and order. Men know that in order to succeed, and make it worth the effort, you need to know what you are getting into. No man would start a business if it could be taken away at any time for no reason at all. Same reason why marriage is on the decline, what man would want to agree to pay her for life regardless of whether or not she leaves 'for no reason at all'.
The left is feminine. Hence it's focus on caring, emotion, and chaos. Women get bored easy, they require chaos to keep those emotional juices flowing. They dont care what emotion it is, as long as it is one. This is why they start fights over nonsense. This is also why Obama's campaign slogan was simply just "Change". Doesnt matter what changes, they just want change for changes sake.
>McDonalds' diet
Left is disgusting golem
>She looks so happy!
you should see her instagram
The only way the right can win is to embrace chaos. You’ve all seen it. The age of reason is over. We’re only just now catching up.
too much order creates a rigid and stale environment, killing all creativity (pic related). You can't see this, because we are currently living in times of rapid social change.
>Thr leaders wish to turn us all into a controllable brown lower caste with nothing to fight for, before they stop hiding the fact
Don't know about you, but when running massive organisation we sure can have an aim...however if that aim is always achieved... furthermore, even if it is achieved... how do you know it was merely due to your actions?
My point being is, that the usual critic never has to test their own ideas in actions. Instead, their criticism occupies an infallible space of how things “ought to be”. By contrast, the (pragmatic) decisions of leaders, which represents comprises and trade-offs then obviously fall short. Furthermore, by then elevating unintended consequences and presenting them as the "true intentions", does work as a political strategy to gain power... but it's not addressing the problem
Should also add, this is why they have no set platform, why they can protest segregation one decade, and demand it the next. They NEED things to just be different.
>The left is dionysus
>The right is Apollo
>One cannot exist without the other
yfw you realize that you have an equal, opposite existing person who feels as strongly about things as you do and insists you're as wrong as you feel they are.
Embrace force, not chaos.
>They are irrational and don’t have the ability to produce good outcomes.
by definition
>good outcomes
as defined by you
as defined by you
I wonder why there seems to be a breakdown in political discourse... why would that be...
This kind of thinking, this “balance” is what has led us on the long march of defeat. We have no need for the left right now. We have no need for a reasonable right right now. We need a new chaotic right to pull the light from the darkness.
Their destructive, to themselves and others.
This is where discourse leads in a Godless society. Relativism.
>to me killing babies is good
>kids being genitally mutilated is good
>overrunning your countries with invaders is good
The time for talk is over.
>Some people
yeah, and usually it takes several centuries for us to come to a consensus if the individual in question was a jew or reformer
pic. related
"Left" and "right" is a Jewish illusion and a way to enforce controlled opposition by defining each path or playing each angle. Ultimately there is life, beauty and truth, or death, ugliness and lies.
This. There is only good and evil.
>The time for talk is over.
self-fulfilling prophecy... Btw, if you convert your enemies you do not have to kill them:
>If any one of the race of the Saxons hereafter concealed among them shall have wished to hide himself unbaptized, and shall have scorned to come to baptism and shall have wished to remain a pagan, let him be punished by death
The girl on the left is an unbelievably ugly goblina
definition of evil: willful ignorance
I don’t believe a glassing is what is in order, but there will be conflict. Lemmings are moldable, especially children.
There is something in the Onions.
Who said anything about balance being required? Throughout history balance has shifted between the right (apollonian) and left (dionysian). When the pendulum swings too far to one side it is corrected. Maybe the pendulum swung too far to the right during WWII or perhaps earlier? I think the current state of the world represents the pendulum swinging too far to the left. It will swing back to the right. The further left things are, the faster, the more spectacular the change will be. And when the pendulum reaches homeostasis, it'll be beautiful!! Opportunity and freedom for everyone. And we'll get used to it. And the pendulum will begin to swing back to the left.
An aversion to love, family, hospitality, honestly, self worth, growth, life.
Unfortunately, I think there is going to be a lot more evil in this world before we get some good.
Is reformer really the opposite of Jew? I'd say something more like traditionalist.
This pendulum is a fallacy. It’s a smokescreen used to mask the march of defeat. We have no need for such pendulums, not now. The answer is not a middle ground. The answer is a righteous fire.
As long as we make it clear that the left and the right do not represent those binary choices. They are simply a tool to obfuscate those choices.
We could easily get to the bottom of this by eliminating all jews. Worst case scenario, we're left with a bunch of reformers versus a gaggle of whining jews.
if that is evil, than you need to include "duty" as a good, as you cna't have negligence w/o duty. The problem that exists with duty, is that its a mean and not an end in itself
Binary yes but you said that each requires each other. They don't, goodness is being, being does not require non-being, only non-being requires being.
>Left leaning individuals say we need to preach tolerance and acceptance
>Doesn't tolerate anything and only accepts what they view is correct
>Ends justify the means
Like, Chaotic Evil.
The left is cancerous in nature
>Is reformer really the opposite of Jew? I'd say something more like traditionalist.
A reformer = existing knowledge system + addition
Jew = existing knowledge system + corruption
What decides if the action is an addition (positive connotation) or corruption (negative connotation) is, if the speaker likes the change to the existing knowledge system (i.e. it's to their own benefit). Ergo, an individual can cast themselves as "reformer" (in their mind) and still be collectively labeled a "jew" for corrupting (the youth of Athens).
I think I understand what you're getting at. Something like the left vs right dichotomy is a tool of jewish subversion. And, if I'm correct, you'd be right. Proof positive of the jew's nature in the balance of social norms shifting from left to right. They attempt to appeal to both sides so as to benefit from whichever outcome prevails.
Shut the fuck up Right knights are killing the Earth just for coal and oil fuck off and fuck your sister
Correct. The goodness in the left and the right are ignored or kept in check by the evil of the other, while the evil marches on.
The conservative recognize the necessity to conserve. So their women tend to reign in their hunger for attention. The left are WASTEFUL in nature and refuse to control any of their urges.
Define goodness without evil. Health without sickness. Life without death. On without off. I'm not pretending like I know I'm right and you're wrong, just thinking on the internet.
We are not in an age of conservation. We need reclamation.
I like you, user
it'snot so easy as you think. One of the reason why the Nazi's made the jews wear yellow stars is that because otherwise you can't really tell. What makes me wary, is that due to technological change we are drowning in complexity (chaos). My fear is, in order to ease this complexity people will retreat to the predictable order of some authoritarian regime. Not because it's right, because it's just, because it's destiny... no because it's convenient atm...our need for convenience is what particularity put us in the situation we are in the first place
Hello, Schlomo
Classic Alinskyite tactic there, chaim.
>always accuse the opposition of doing what you are doing
Your mom needs reclamation
goodness is what is beneficial for the tribe
evil is what is bad for the tribe
>"god and society are one of the same…the god of the clan…can be none other than the clan itself, but the clan transfigured and imagined in the physical form of a plant or animal that serves as a totem."
Correct. We all do.
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." - Galatians 1:8, KJV for muh union jack bro.
Of course in technological contexts there is more room for "disruption" as the Silicon Valley seekers-after-VC like to say. But there are also certain things that we have determined to be true or false. Tradition is the general term for "what previous generations figured out usually through pain so as to save us from making the same mistakes." One can make additions to the stored-up knowledge, but to re-form or alter it is suspicious.
Theres rules for radicals defeated. It's a great read
These can all be boiled down to being vs. nothingness. You can have something without nothing. You can't have nothing without something, because nothing defines itself as the absence of something.
The destruction of art as an ideal for humanity. This was quite possibly the most destructive thing to happen to the west
>Right knights are killing the Earth
You can't kill the earth, it's just a collection of cells.
>But there are also certain things that we have determined to be true or false
yeah, and we are doing a hell of a fine job forgetting these thing, in our worship of the gods of the market place
>One can make additions to the stored-up knowledge, but to re-form or alter it is suspicious
this is tautological, the categories you introduced differ in size not in what they accomplish (i.e. change). Sure, as a heuristic incremental change should be preferred, however sometimes you do need a paradigm shift to reach the moon. Both traditionalists AND progressives have their place. What this usually boils down to, is then tribalism with people rooting for left vs. right, Arsenal vs. Chelsea, men vs. women etc...
I agree with the idea that people will gravitate to leaders whether right or left. With my point considered, the leaders of either side would grow incrementally weaker while the other grows stronger. Case in point: Donald Trump in the White House. Obama's term was a very fracturing time for America and maybe the world. People didn't part with money very easily, income stagnated, regulations went through the roof, and the absurdity of the left flourished. Jeb was not equipped to answer this. He was not the leader we needed. The majority voted for Trump which was a display of power and a message from the right of a hard stop of the leftists policies. If Trump is as right-leaning as possible (as the democrats would have you believe) then we're in for some good times as we'll experience a great economy with very open and free laws and regulations. If someone after Trump is more right-leaning, I don't know what to expect. Only that we'll head in the opposite direction, towards awesome, happy times, very soon. If the person that succeeds Trump is a lefty, then we've had our good times now.. We've lived it. It's over.
good watch
This is what talks get you. Relativist mushmouth. There is no reason in evil.
>left is entropic
Is this a new meme? I've seen it twice recently and I love it. It makes so much sense. They're the disorder that we've been fighting against.
>Can "nothing" existing by itself, define itself?
>Can "something" existing by itself define itself?
I don't think you can define anything without comparing it to something else. "A rock is not a plant because it doesn't have green leaves", as an example. What is a hole in the ground if there is no ground? Honestly, wtf is it?
>We've lived it. It's over.
user, you are thinking in time spans of 4 years election cycles, the underpinning issues relating Western Civilization () and the problem of civilization in general (), here we talking millennia.
pic related
P.S. incidentally, this is a affordance of beauty. It is as much inspiration as it is an reminder to persevere for something that is greater than ourselves
>Left === Dionysus
>Right === Apollo
There are certain incontrovertible facts, the "deposit of faith" as us papists say, in the Christian context, which will never be altered. Outside of Christianity there is say the Pythagorean theorem. In general I believe a healthy progression of knowledge is much more evolutionary than revolutionary; this ensures a stable society, after all, knowledge is not the only thing.