Friendly reminder that this becomes inevitable when you give women "sexual liberation." Sexual liberation will always result in infanticide.
They are literally telling you that women aren't equipped to handle the responsibilities that come with sex. As in, proper mate selection, learning how to be responsible with one's body, to not have sex unless you want children. That women will literally MURDER their unwanted children if you restrict their ability to not remove them from the equation before they are born.
This is unrestrained female nature. They are genocidal, evil, they will kill children if necessary, if it means being able to continue to fulfil their insatiable appetite for instant gratification.
That is all it comes down to.
>if you don't allow us to have abortions >we will kill your children, our children >so that we can continue to have unlimited amounts of sex responsibility free
The only solution is to repeal women's rights and criminalise abortion.
also, men need to realise what women want is men who don't value them beyond their utility value, unironically. all of their romanticism bullshit is a shit test. women want to be used as breeders and whores, FACT. and they are absolutely desperate to be used as such even if it means paying for the privilege.
also, friendly reminder that young women cannot be redpilled, women can be redpilled, but only after menopause. my mother for example before she hit menopause and had a historectamy was an avid feminist and what not. now she is unironically an ethno-nationalist who believes women shouldn't have the vote, that we shouldn't race mix, and that promiscuity shouldn't be allowed, because all of these dynamics remove from the quality and cohesion of the overall community.
You know what OP? I just posted this thread talking about how women need to be held accountable for their own sexuality. Society needs to stop pandering to them. Shit has gotten insane. Jow Forums is silent on the matter. I don't know why. Things have gotten so far off the rails. We as a society are just SUPPORTING THIS DEGENERACY and it is destroying us.
Women need to be 100% accountable for their own bodies, and this includes rape. ONLY when a woman has to face consequences for getting raped will she actually go out of her way to avoid that rape.
As it stands now, getting raped makes her a her and "so brave" to her peers, and likely also gives her at least some sort of primal sexual thrill. Ergo there is really no incentive for her to avoid it. She will willfully put herself in any position where she can get raped because she wants to. It's ultimately beneficial to her.
We just need to stop this shit or else we will be destroyed by it. Everyone will be better off living in a world where women face the personal accountability for their sexuality that nature intended.
Levi King
I've been posting this same thread for the last few days and the attention it's been getting has been inconsistent. I'm not sure exactly why it is, maybe because other subjects are simply taking precedence over this, although in my view this is the most important thing we can talk about rn as the relationship between ourselves and sex is the crux of all of our issues, it defines how our society operates as a whole, and how we operate.
will take a look at your thread btw, good job bro.
also I have to say, the views myself and yourself are espousing, are actually agreed upon mostly, by women I know personally. publicly women will always reeeee at these views and shame you for them but if they know you personally and respect you, they agree. this is an interesting observation because to me it shows that women automatically subject themselves to men they respect even if what they're saying isn't popular, and women tend to publicly follow what is popular because they depend on social acceptance.
Juan Powell
Oh yeah I agree about women agreeing with us. It's fucked up and it sounds really "anti-woman" to put it this way but it is 100% the truth - Basically, they know what their own nature is and they know they need to be punished for it and they actually secretly crave that punishment, or forceful guidance, or paternalistic influence. Whatever you want to call it.
Nobody has a dimmer view of women than other women. For sure.
Jason Thomas
exactly, all of their protest against this kind of thought is essentially a shit test. they're testing you to see if you really mean it and have what it takes to act in accordance with it. that's all it is, well, with a bit of having genuine tantrums too bc they're so used to a certain way of life that changing would be painful for them. even if they want it.
every woman I denigrate justifiably, condemn and judge for their bad behaviour respect me and submit to my guidance.
John Clark
Also don't bother checking out that thread, lol. It doesn't matter. Jow Forums rejected the message. I don't know how people don't see it. They really don't though. I wasn't trying to "advertise" or anything anyway
Hudson Fisher
>shit test Yup. I think a lot of feminism is just one big shit test. And to be honest I don't feel like "less of a man" in saying that I don't want to bite that bait. I don't WANT to jump through that hoop. Nobody does. That's why they've run wild today. I mean at some point humanity does have to evolve and that shit has to end.
But despite that I don't see any reason why we should be fawning over women with their stupid manipulations and "ooooooo I got raped by this guy for the 100th time even though I totally knew he was a rapist, but I still hung out with him anyway wearing skimpy clothes, and I might have touched his dick a little bit but I totally didn't say yes!" crap.
Dominic Sanchez
Decriminalizing rape when? Antirape laws were issued to protect women but now they are fully capable to protect themselves, surely we dont need such misogynistic laws
Justin Thomas
"Of course she does. You two are the ones that are naive and stupid. You're playing into their ruse. They want it both ways. They want to go out and run around in nightclubs and get brutalized by alpha nightclub dick, and then come home and get sympathy and everything from all of their beta friends, and family, and the legal system, and whatever. Because they know that stuff amounts to social currency for them."
based and redpilled. you're spot on here. all self-victimisation is social currency because all self-victimisation is incentive for armies of beta males to come to the rescue and reshape society in woman's image to suit woman's needs.
Brayden Walker
>watch the women of your community fall dead because of unsafe abortion methods Hmmm... I'm liking this abortion ban more and more! Will this happen to the nigger women as well?
Luis Kelly
also, here's a nice double standard for you to put forward to women in the US.
American women on abortion: "my body, my choice"
American women on infant circumcision: *silence*
81% of men in the US are circumcised, most of whom were circumcised not long after birth.
babies can't consent, what happened to "my body, my choice"? why does this apply to women and not babies? why is it ok to mutilate a baby boy's genitalia but oppression to deny access to medical privileges that have only been available for the last few decades?
Juan Perez
Is she talking about a baby holocaust? Has feminazis just been memed into literal reality?
Wyatt James
Here check this out. This was just posted on another thread (not one posted by me). Just think about this. Think of how many men are out there giving money to these women. Think, if she went on cam and told a story about how she was raped, how much actual physical money would be donated to her. How much currency, real currency, not just "social currency" would just be handed to her.
This is the world women live in. This is the reality for them. They make up half the population. Plus the cuck-oid men must make up AT LEAST 25% of men. Probably more like 50%. That would mean 75% of the population is complicit in this nonsense. Probably another 20% totally apathetic. The other 5% falls on deaf ears and just gets called "losers"? Or maybe there is some percentage of true alpha chad's in there somewhere?
I dunno. These numbers are just approximations, obviously. Just my best guesses. They're probably not fully accurate. But the point is that due to the Democratic nature of life in our society odds are stacked against us and against reason. All of those cuckazoids donating money on Twitch to camwhores get votes over you. And odds are they're #WithHer or maybe #BernieBros cuz that's something else that makes them popular with women.
It's pretty hopeless. Absent a giant meteor hitting Earth and smashing all technology and returning us to nature and natural order, it is pretty hopeless.
Also the hypocrisy of "my body my choice" but then what do you hear when someone says "my wallet my choice" LMAO
Pick one or the other cant have it both ways. I am so glad that abortion may potentially become illegal now. So glad. You have no idea. This is the first time in so long I have had some small glimmer of hope for humanity.
Jack Fisher
yep, this is why our focus needs to be on redpilling men. it's happening slowly because men are realising that serving women in these ways does nothing but enslave them, figuratively and literally eventually because submission to women will always lead to totallitarianism.
most men are primarily raised by women who raise them to serve women too. I'm one of those men. my mother raised me to be submissive to women, problem is I never took that mindset on board fully. I tried it, but I hated it, and over time I've learned what it means to be a man and applied myself as such and I love who I am now.
western civ is a plantation, men are the slaves and women are the slave owners who literally grow crops of new slaves in their wombs to enable their social benefits to carry on and proliferate their standard of living, and increase it if possible.
this is why biblically speaking it's sinful to allow women to lead, because they will always enslave men.
as you said, my body my choice, what about my wallet my choice? as soon as a man goes against woman's interests he is shamed by most if not all women who witness it. because according to women men have little to no autonomy and must fall in line with what women want.
reminder, most taxpayers are men, most welfare recipiants are women. women are complicit in the forced redistribution of wealth that is enabled via the threat of violence. so again, my body my choice goes outta the window as you can only pay tax if you use your body and mind to make money.
Ryder Morales
>Woman tries to abort baby >Accidentally aborts herself >She thinks I'll feel bad for he >She thinks I view her as part of the community
Mason Scott
How is dismembering a baby and putting her in a dumpster worse than dismembering her and selling her remains to Planned Parenthood?
Yup all completely true. It's a FUBAR situation user.
Anyway good talk. If it's any consolation everyone out there is miserable, isolated, confused and socially inept from what I can tell. We live in bizarre times.
user, most women out there dont even think of this type of shit. Watch the real Redpill about women
Luis Turner
>watch eugenics take its course Ok
Michael Robinson
Unfortunately, degeneracy isn't genetic. It's taught by Jews and it infects the brightest minds and retards, equally. The Jews have ended this society, but it will drag on for 100 years.
Unironically none of my family has died to the cartels and I live in one of the hot cartel vs cartel zones 4 of my neighbors did get killed by them if that counts
Daniel Roberts
This. Fuck haha. This shit makes me so glad I grew up around males.