Every truther i ever conversed with or came across seemed to be the type like the liberals and SJW that have a primary goal and underlying agenda of tearing down anything that is seen as white or traditional. A lot are feminists too and support things like #metoo
Basically they have a lot of truth in what they say in regards to the actual event of 911 and Zionism and "globalism", but they also seem to be coming at it from the vantage point of "so what if whites are replaced the problem is bigger anyway". I have even seen truthers retweeting some of the most anti-white pro-Muslim, pro-minority stuff on twitter.
I never met a truther that was a Nationalist, that cared about white birth rates, that cared about crime committed by minorities, that cared about the problems Islamic ideology brings to our societies, that addressed the histories of Islamic terrorism outside of 911, etc.
If you look at Luke Rudkowski's fanbase you will see examples of this.
On Youtube for example you'll see truthers that says things like "So fucking what if we have more brown people than white people. I am a white man and as long as you agree with me that the government is corrupt i couldn't care less if the whole of America was Mexican tomorrow we need to get the real truth out there"
It's like they are making sense as far as what the agenda is and the nonsense of the war on terror and wanting to "wake people up" but they have zero interest in the problems things like mass immigration cause on a social level.
Benjamin Bailey
nice try schlomo, we'll never forget what israel did
Joseph Davis
all I know is that jews did WTC
Nathaniel Harris
ask your cousin at jewtube to stop banning all the content you want to see
Logan Taylor
I wonder if all these faggots marching around holding signs are starting to realize nothing gets done unless you peacefully protest inside a Federal building while exercising your second amendment right.
Ian Davis
Pipe down Paki. There are plenty of truther "conspiracy" videos still up from like 2007 lol. I watched one of my favourites called Ripple Effect the other day. That's the reason why i made this topic you idiot because when i go through the comments on these videos I see hundreds of comments from people who seem to have an underlying agenda themselves, which is promoting a "we are all equal" namby pamby bleeding heart liberal SJW garbage.
What good is knowing the truth about 911 and Israel's role while allowing your entire culture and society to be overrun while you turn a blind eye? As long as everyone knows who Soros is, white people having children and expanding their families is of no importance, right?
Landon Gonzalez
>underlying agenda because most "truthers" are shills who ignore evidence that doesnt suit their theory.
Are you insane I'm 9/11 truth and fact most are....stop it with your jewish lies
Justin Ramirez
>the people put out at the forefront as 9/11 truthers by Jewish media, to include youtube, tend to be Jewish controlled opposition because everyone else gets demonetized and has their channel buried in the search results or outright shadowbanned; news at 11!
Xavier Hernandez
If they all into those buzzwords like you say they are, who gives a shit. those ppl are idiots. if you want real truthers you are on the right board. fck normies, journos and politicians
Benjamin Taylor
Well if they right then White people did 911
Cameron Gutierrez
the real elon musk
Jacob White
>White people (((White people)))
Henry Diaz
Truthers think Dubya did it. He may be dumb, but hardly a nigger
Christopher Reyes
last I heard (((they))) had their fingers in it. oh gess, these idiots still believe the saudis did it alone ? yeah never mind.
Leo Cooper
>Well if they right then White people did 911 they took part, sure. people of all nationalities played a part
But truthers think Kikes had nothing to do with it
Anthony Anderson
>but truthers think see Your perspective is fucked through saturation of cointelpro fed information
Jacob Harris
yeah, summed it up correctly. it was an international effort in a big insurance scam and sacrifice to moloch far as I see it. Wasn't ground zero radio active or something ? Also this installation looks dangerous, like an invitation to suiciders.
Man I remember that day. Well, today I dont even believe there were air plains involved.
Brody Lee
More lies jet fuel cannot melt steal beams, 580mph and 480 mph sea level passenger jets are impossible, impossible physics, all the "hijackers" alive and stolen identities falsely shitted out as imaginary perps while the dancing Israelis were caught with the explosives they lined the building with....No planes idiot
Take your holograms and shove it.
Jack Moore
I knew met a denier of 9/11 truth who wasn't a total fucking scum sucking know nothing of a filthy jewish shill
probably because conservacucks at the time of 9/11 were full-on good goy warmongers and were ready to accept anything gwb told them. they were like american liberals are now, but even easier to fool
Your lies and silly attempts to claim building magically fall because of low grade office fires, impossible damage that could not have been caused by impossible speed plane "strikes" and you insane lies about the Pentagon bombing and the faked "flight recorder" data from the non existent wreckage were that jew mossad company planted the explosives...
Fact Moishe only jews are terrorist proven time and again
King David Hotel, Lavon Affair, OKC 95 no anfo cloud, bombs documented heavily in the building planted by the ADL/SPLC/Mossad, WTC 93 confirmed false flag fake "Sting operation" with recruited patsies one who smart enough to do CYA secret recordings of his jew FBI handlers lying to him setting him while he though he was SETTING UP others.
Your lies and your ignorant stupid assinine false statements and mentioning Bill Shill Hicks only further discredit your insane fake "Arguments"
>Wasn't ground zero radio active or something ? there was evidence of some nuclear reaction happening, but no radiation, very strange. looks like heat, and then doesnt seem to be due to heat at all
>Take your holograms and shove it. who the fuck is talking about planes here, faggot? planes are the biggest distraction.. planes dont turn buildings into dust, not sure what youre going off about
>magically fall because of low grade office fires who the fuck is saying this? just because im calling out ae911"truth" for the shills that they are does not mean i buy the nonsense mainstream narrative either, dont get it twisted
also, stop fucking slandering based hicks name by comparing him to that shill alex jones. hicks would never stoop to those levels
It seems like everyone that knows little bits and pieces to the puzzle have something in common and knew it was coming. And have done nothing but face it straight. Robbery of assets from US treasury. Hand me down positions that require more training and discrepancy. Acquisition of positions using stolen identities that are yet to be revoked. Even laid claim on gov recovered lands. Who are they? Dead and missing people everywhere. France is burning. I’ve never seen the dual face until post 9/11. You help out they take everything.
Aiden Roberts
• How come steel and concrete were pulverized, aluminum had electrical burns, but paper was unharmed? Nano-thermite and heat do not selectively damage certain materials, so how come thousands and thousands of paper sheets were completely unharmed?
• If thermite alone caused the destruction of the buildings, how come there are many reports of power outages and electrical failures in the areas surrounding ground zero during the attacks?
• If thermite alone caused the destruction of the buildings, where is all the molten steel? Thousands of pictures, yet not a single one shows large quantities of molten steel?
• If thermite alone caused the destruction of the buildings, how come the resulting steel and concrete dust clouds were not hot enough to burn the people it coated nor to set adjacent buildings on fire?
• If thermite alone caused the ‘collapses’, how come there was significant magnetosphere readings in Alaska at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks?
• Why was the Alaskan magnetosphere normal until immediately before and during the 9/11 attacks, when there was suddenly a huge surge in electromagnetic activity?
• If thermite alone caused the destruction of the buildings, how come countless vehicles located several blocks away from ground zero experienced metal warping and electricity-like burns and holes during the attacks, even though they were not exposed to thermite?
• If thermite alone caused the destruction of the buildings, how come countless vehicles located several blocks away from ground zero were flipped upside down or on their side?
>Why is there a correlation between claiming Arabs dindu nuffin and hating the West?
Colton Johnson
cannot be explained by thermal or kinetic mechanisms: faster than gravity destruction no appreciable rubble no appreciable seismic impact bathtub survived dustification cool dust cloud nano-scale dust continued breakdown of dust over 1400 toasted cars exploding scott air tanks levitated cars and witnesses cylindrical building cutouts unburned paper materials glowing w/o high heat smooth bends in structural steel round holes in windows peeling and thinning of metal rapid rusting ground fuming years later tritium without ionizing radiation iron rich micro-spheres bankers trust demolition jumper anomalies parallels to the hutchison effect hurricane erin shifts in the earths magnetic field (partial list)
This one just looks like it got hit by falling debris. Yet again it was unironically the joos behind the attacks
Colton Harris
The cladding isn't hanging out wards though is it? It's just bent at an angle in a way that it catches and reflects the sun in a different way
Blake Richardson
>This one just looks like it got hit by falling debris >crushed by steel falling from who knows how high up >rear tire right above the damage is perfectly intact excuse me?
this ambulance was right at the base of the tower. merely covered in dust? those towers came straight down, why didnt this get crushed?
Truthers are part of a fringe movement. They know that people will dismiss them and potentially act aggressive toward them. Non whites are gonna be more sympathetic to their fringe beliefs because they apply their bias of being an outsider i.e. "white people are out to get me in America" to the 9/11 conspiracy that white people were actively sabotaging america.