Do anti abortionists have anything to say other than women should have responsibility? what about rape?

do anti abortionists have anything to say other than women should have responsibility? what about rape?

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>do anti abortionists have anything to say other than women should have responsibility?
Yes, fuck women, literally, like right in the pussy

Attached: cutie.jpg (600x600, 33K)

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I'm super pro-abortion. All human life should be extinguished. I am not being edgy.

Women shouldn't have any rights. Getting wronged is not a free pass for murder. Sorry sweetie, men are in control and we know what is right from wrong. Women don't.

>not immediately taking morning after pill after being rape
They're even included in rape kits. If you've been raped and felt a man cum inside you and wait long enough to realize you're pregnant before doing something, you're a moron.

Accelerate the process by killing yourself. Okay, edgy liar. That's what I thought bitch stay alive.

why lad, why should human life die in your opinion?

Serious question - what fraction of abortions are performed on a pregnancy that came from a rape?
Are there any stats on this? I'm guessing it's a very low number