I'm trying to create the ultimate collection of redpills on the Jews, I'm trying to wake up my buddy so any help would be appreciated.
Send your red pills
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Didn't you just make this thread with a similar memeflag
if your buddy can't see kike trickery without the help of some screenshots he's hopeless
in other news
journalists will hang
tick tock yid
No you can check.
Make him watch these
CODOH.com is a good place to start when it comes to the Holohoax. I always send people there to collect the hard data needed to crack that nut. When you can demonstrate that there is far more evidence against the narrative than there is for it, as long as the person isn't afflicted by emotion or cognitive dissonance, they will be open to those facts and points of logic, and that will be half the battle. Once you can get past that major hurdle, then they are more likely to believe the nefarious character of the jew throughout history, how they use victimhood for impunity and profit, and how they thrive by leeching off of prominent societies.
Avoid anything that is closer to the fringes, like the Rothschilds and such. Although they are very much a threat to the world, that evidence is harder to present and you will be going steeply uphill when you can take a smoother, more level route to the same destination.
Godspeed, NS bro.
also check out the 2TB redpill collection on 8/pol/
This is JIDF daily datamining thread.
Sage and move on.
As a bonus, here's a rare one I like to use once a person is receptive.
Observe the signing of the declaration of war against Japan by FDR. Notice the "mixed emotions" on the faces of his advisors around him. The ones who are obviously Jews are reveling in it (especially the one on the far left) and the non jews are not so thrilled for the most part. Then I gauge the reaction, and if it is the one I hoped for, I get into the Jews dragging us into the war against Japan out of retaliation for kicking them out of the country, followed by FDR goading them into attacking Pearl Harbor, knowing it was coming and letting it happen so they would look like the aggressors in front of the world and we would be the innocent victims. Then I get into how that was also done to Hitler, but in different ways, mainly the Holohoax.
The easiest path to the truth is the way I have outlined. Once they get over the initial, in-programmed shock, they will have a foundation of truth to bolster further study.
What if it's not? Unless you have proof, shut your lying nigger jew faggot ass up.
And here's another bump because FUCK YOUR SAGE, nigger.
its more fun the share them with frens :)
Here's the set of redpills on circumcision
a thread died to bring you this data
Jews stole my green text
how does it feel that you lost over 50% of your nerve endings bc circumcision? How does it feel that 6/7 women prefer normal penises?
Thanks boys, glad there's some people out there that aren't pussys like the Greek fag. Your work shall go a long ways to wake up more than my buddy.
Go read the talmud for the ultimate redpill on jews
Another good tactic is just to start by pointing out that Stalin and Communism where horrible and actually killed more people. Point out that the war ended with the Soviet Communists conquering half of Europe. Offer the suggestion at that point that WWII was not so black and white as were made to believe. From there it should be easy to explain how the Soviets were building up power for decades and how, at least in part, Germany's own build-up was a reasonable response to this and an attempt to keep the communists out of Europe.
Don't try and say Hitler was a good guy, just make the easy case that Stalin was just as bad and maybe worse (in hindsight). To further muddy (well, really to clear up) their view of WWII you can get into how destructive Allied tactics were. How we bombed and burned down entire German cities, causing millions of civilian causalities, how this didn't really do much to stop Germany military production because bombs were inaccurate in those days (and thus could only reliably hit large population centers). Bring up that millions of German POW's died in Allied custody after the war. End with the Western Allies agreeing to send political dissidents who had fled the USSR BACK to Soviet Russia after the war, which resulted in their murder.
You can even prime them, somewhat, for the Holohoax by giving examples of how the Soviets blamed some of their own mass killings on the Nazis and how at first they reported some 20 million killed in the "Holocaust" by deliberately inflating numbers for propaganda purposes. This is subtle prime for the notion that the exact numbers of people "murdered" has always been rather unreliable.
Sieg Heil!
>Your work shall go a long ways to wake up more than my buddy.
don't go too hard on him or he will just chimp out. You can't force someone to take the red pill. they have to look it up for themselves. Guidance is everything you can provide.
don't forget the protocols. Jews claim its fake but every little thing happened.
Its the most disgusting thing I have ever read
I posted a lot of stuff in this thread you might be interested into looking into it
Doesn’t work that way. Anyone who is redpilled is innately curious and wants to understand forbidden knowledge.
As a Jew I dont care about Goyim stuff.
Obsession with sex is for Goyim.
Take a nigger with a 30cm dick and make him fuck a horse then your wife.
Listen, I know this is like white supremacist ground 0 and I'm on hostile ground, but I'll say it. Anti-semitism is disgusting. The Jews have suffered immensely. If you studied the history of our people in depth, if you had a morsel of empathy and a heart you'd sympathize with us. Michael Jackson is a mentally ill substance abusing schizophrenic pedophile who was not in the right state of mind when he wrote that disgusting, tone deaf line. The "dude it's just antidiscrimination" is so blatantly damage control when you consider this man's history and his other remarks regarding Jews (comparing Jews to leeches, for one). Of course Jow Forums will defend this and call it epic, because you're just as depraved as he was.
Yep. You cant force Red Pills into someone. Its complicated, you have to make them curious so they do their own digging. Just telling someone that the hoax never happened will do nothing but destroying friendships
keep pushing your big nigger dick narrative
The support here is amazing, every post here will be carefully used and every bit of advice shall be taken into consideration. I myself am surrounded by literal slaves to their agenda, I've been trying to red pill my neighbor which is a doomer, he refuses to accept that the problems of today are fixable, and that Jews could possibly be behind most of what's going on. I've had my moments where I thought after hours of debate and conversation he might've taken something away from it but he has this mental belief that he's smarter than me or better because he's older than me, which I think is keeping him from waking up, so I don't think I'll have any progress. but I still have many to deliver the information I have and the information provided here!
Believe what you will.
In the end of the day, you have no values.
"The Jews are the reason I don't a happy and fulfiled life"
You have no good reason to live so you blame others for your unhappnies.
This information is for once they want to dive into it.
Isint that kinda prejudice?
Pic related has been a great and huge redpill for me. You should yourself read it, if you didn't know that one already.
You underestimate the stubbornness of the Aryan race. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP THE FIGHT FOR MY PEOPLE NO MATTER WHAT. I feel a deep connection to them like you feel a connection to your volk. Throw whatever you want at us in your media but at the end of the day I will stand side by side with goys and not with a Bernstein.
>I'm trying to indoctrinate my buddy with propaganda
I got that one, but that doesn't mean your contribution was useless. This thread will even attract others. Keep on spreading truth user!
>pointing out the truth is wrong
Fight for what?
What's the end goal you want to achieve?
So, what's your reason to live, rabbi?
To hord a lot of shekels and foreskins?
>What's the end goal you want to achieve?
Preserving our Race, Culture and Heritage
More like provide him a different perspective on something, he only has one view on things. Wouldn't you settle a dispute by asking both parties involved? The same goes for learning, you figure out why this group believes that and so on. And you forget that there can be good propaganda and bad propaganda or at least it seems that way.
>Furthermore, religious Jews apparently pray to Satan almost as readily as they pray to God, and depending upon the various rabbinical schools, the particular rituals and sacrifices they practice may be aimed at enlisting the support of the one or the other. Once again, so long as the rituals are properly followed, the Satan-worshippers and the God-worshippers get along perfectly well and consider each other equally pious Jews, merely of a slightly different tradition. One point that Shahak repeatedly emphasizes is that in traditional Judaism the nature of the ritual itself is absolutely uppermost, while the interpretation of the ritual is rather secondary. So perhaps a Jew who washes his hands three times clockwise might be horrified by another who follows a counter-clockwise direction, but whether the hand-washing were meant to honor God or to honor Satan would be hardly be a matter of much consequence.
>Strangely enough, many of the traditional rituals are explicitly intended to fool or trick God or His angels or sometimes Satan, much like the mortal heroes of some Greek legend might seek to trick Zeus or Aphrodite. For example, certain prayers must be uttered in Aramaic rather than Hebrew on the grounds that holy angels apparently don’t understand the former language, and their confusion allows those verses to slip by unimpeded and take effect without divine interference.
The author is a former jew. His entire site, especially the "American Pravda" line of articles is a giant redpill.
Also, youtu.be
And I'd like to add: to build a state that's not a slave to international banking jewry. A state in which people can strive for success and happiness, while economy serves the people and not the other way round.
Well, I guess that's something.
As a Jew, it seems pretty goy pursuit.
I personally don't care about purebloods culture or heritage.
but as they say niggers gonna nig. So if that's what you feel like doing go ahead.
Can mention cultural events you contributed to significantly recently?
My jew sense is telling me you "care" about the stuff you said but you don't actually work daily for that stuff.
I.E a good goy needs a master to guide him
Who could possibly be against the research into whether a certain common post-natal medical procedure causes irreversible trauma?
The reason is Tikkun Olam
>a jew pretending he works
Ah to destroy the world for no reason because you think it will bring you a leader.
read up on the lillyhammer affair, where mossad operatives assassinated an innocent man on foreign soil here in norway and got caught, exposinga network of safehouses in both scandinavia and paris
slamming shots of baby's blood in between the stacks of shekels you count is hard work user
>Can mention cultural events you contributed to significantly recently?
developing and building a rocket that brought mankind to the moon to name one instance.
>My jew sense is telling me you "care" about the stuff you said but you don't actually work daily for that stuff.
sometimes you can and should take a day off and relax
>I.E a good goy needs a master to guide him
its called an Aryan Führer
Hitler and the gang were Jewish.
And you meme flag says you are Jewish.
I think your friend is going to kill you.
Stop reporting me you dumb faggots. Just got a warning for posting how jews control the porn industry and how they push the BBC meme. Their cocks are literally not real they strap on toys to push that narrative. fuck you faggots
I'm not against it. I just don't care much about it.
Worrying about trivial stuff like that is for Goyim.
I never said I worked.
Working is mostly for Goyim.
Wow the kike reported you for exposing their porn tricks. When I was a kid I never would have thought a whole people would be so dedicated to evil. Everything those freaks do is evil it seems like.
I don't think you understand the concept.
I don't think you are able to understand it - Goy.
I think this is a relevant red pill considering their efforts to have a Holocaust memorial on every street in the western world. Their hypocrisy truly knows no bounds.
So what do you do with your time, kike?
Man is only for jews.
For goys I'd say a man-like-animal\nigger
Hey goyim!
If he kills me so be it. I know I'm not Jewish and that's all that counts.
Hey goyim!
>its called an Aryan Führer
Ok :)
Hey goyim!
It was in another thread where i posted these pictures.
Warning "Porn is not allowed".
It was a picture of a nigger cock that slipped out of the fake penis
gonna get your son's tip snipped too, Chaim?
Mostly control goyim
Oh I'm familiar with the idea. You think you're "fixing the world", you think God fucked up and that you're going to shake things up enough to cause a redressing of things. A cleansing of the spheres if you will. Dragging the shells up into the light or doing away with them. You (((people))) taught watered down versions of the concept to various orders of gentiles- kike.
Jews are god's chosen people and the true master race!
Don't worry goyim.
You are Jewish.
Look at your cut dick.
Most likely
6/7 women prefer normal cocks. Some reported that they lost their sex drive having a partner with a mutilated cock. How does this make you feel jude?
How? And to do what? Anything interesting?
So goys are Jews now?
Thanks for marking him.
We would never know goyim.
Don't anons this is a MOSSAD agent. Making a list on individuals to kill
I hate you just for being a jew but I still highly recommend not to do this.
Its different if an adult decides to be retarded but injuring a week old baby is just sick
UN flag trying to turn people away from the truth.
that some old graphic. Rarely seeing it posted anymore
The whole "chosen people" meme is ridiculous. They literally murdered God, rejected Him, persecuted His servants, refused to believe in Jesus even after He rose from the dead and showed Himself to multitudes of witnesses and bodily ascended into heaven in front of a crowd of witnesses. They chose instead to wait on what we would call the Antichrist.
Everybody with cut dick is a goyim.
They don't know how it fells to have skin on a dick.
How would they??
No. I'm not into mysticism. That too is for goyim.
Avada kdevera and all that hocus pocus.
It's more mundane than that. Just make it easy for people to be happy.
For example, certain people are good at physical labor others are good soldiers, some are good with bookkeeping. Each goy should be occupied with something that makes him feel good and happy.
Give each goy a reason to jump out of bed in the morning.
Nice larp goyim.
they are unironically praying to satanic deities. Some of their Jewish tribes never stopped worshiping moloch. Its a complicated topic and most jews are atheist anyways but some of them still practice sacrifices
I've not burdened by Goy morality.
The same, you don't behave like a cow or a lion.
But I thought "the best of the goyim should be killed"?
He's literally posting from Israel, genius.
I'm aware.
>you don't behave like a cow or a lion
tell me what I behave like
most of us are but its important to keep that fact up so newfriends can see it
You will never know the feeling of a bloodletting ritual.
Why do you think Israel is in the middle of the Arab world?
Let's say you have a goy that's good at being a soldier. If he is not killed he won't be truly happy.