Danish, French, German and V4s are all invited to the pre-election rally and the number of people who will come today, in a rain-drenched Milan, will tell us what the percentage of redpilled is in Europe > Given the area of 40.200m2 the square can hold up to 160k people > google.com/maps/@45.463112,9.1870179,171a,35y,60.75h,57.82t/data=!3m1!1e3 Europe is at a crossroads: on the one hand globalism and a dark future, on the other a Christian Europe of peoples united by a confederation that allows us to oppose economically China and the United States and at the same time allows peoples to remain independent and autonomous
Europeans on Jow Forums you have to raise your voice and make yourself heard in the square
Oppose US, even though we're you're ally. Do everything in your power to hurt us after all we've done for you. I agree kill the muslim hordes and retake your countries, but don't hurt the one nation keeping you alive.
Owen Nelson
We loved old us. Not the one it has become nowadays
Brandon Powell
How has this new government been doing? I’ve been considering going back.
Ryder Collins
Can someone tell me what oggi stands for?
Asher Peterson
Blake Brown
you misunderstood me,ameribro I don't want to impose but just want to be respected
Luke Roberts
Not well on the economic, very well on immigration
Hunter Ortiz
>After the abolition of roaming charges 2 years ago, another good news from the EU: from today calls and text messages to Europe will have lower rates! 19 cents per minute for calls and 6 cents for text messages + VAT. We have also broken down this barrier, thanks Europe! BUMP
He won't be there but the 10 million Siculo-neapolitan colonists of settlement that have invaded Lombardy and that have turned us into a minority on our ancestral lands are still here. The problems are the latters and not the former.
The expulsion of Siculo-neapolitans is a matter of life and death of the Lombards, there is no political acrobacy that can work around this basic demographical reality.
The hell to this damned genocidal siculo-neapoltan state called 'italy'.
Our party is getting flak from the media for aligning themselves with russia whores like le pen and putin admirers like salvini. Why the fuck do these fucking retards have to be russian whores for fuck sake
He's the faggot from leftypol trying to stir shit up. I have not much love for terroni, but I don't hate you either. Plus your problems are cultural rather than genetic
Henry Long
Why would you ever leave america?
Andrew Perez
>"You will be replaced but you will be replaced legally" is the credo of these two individuals. ok shlomo memeflaged nigger
Brandon Thomas
Literally the same rethoric of your jewish blood relatives Calogero. Jews and Siculo-neapolitans cry out in pain as they stab you. Genetics never lies.
Needless to deny it, without the boomers we would be in the hands of liberal leftists. Too many millenials and erasmus generations are victims of demented doctrines
being nigger is like a disease that can be healed. 1000 years have passed since the last Islamic caliphate in Sicily and the Italic genes of the north have literally dominated the negro genes in the south. The result is the Italian people, one of the most intelligent and inventive in the world, while you and those like you have remained a shit, a waste of evolution
deal with this instead of bullying the Italians poor jealous nigger
Michael Thomas
True. But we need to start somewhere to make appear true white nationalist movements.
Ryan Roberts
Being replaced by Siculo-neapolitans is no better than being replaced by any other people in the world. The result is always the genocide of Lombards.
Repatriation of all the invaders, starting from the Siculo-neapolitans, is a matter of life and death.
I don't care about genetics, I just don't want niggers and muslims in Italy
Angel Hill
We are not ashamed, nigger We are a proud people, nigger We don't give a damn about your opinion, nigger
Jaxson Perez
What about the good people from Ethiopia or Colombia or the Philippines or Rumania or Albania ?
The world is full of 'good people' and this is not a justification for the destruction of ones own ethnicity.
You have simply done your part into the murdering of your own people. It is an act of irresponsabilty and selfishness that cannot be repaired by any 'hairdresser philosophy' or other lame rationalizations.
You have nothing to be proud of Calogero, just like a cancer has no reason to proud of colonizing and living off the resources of an healthy body.
Charles Butler
You don't decide what a people should be proud of I'm sorry for you and your inferiority complex
Blake Mitchell
Are you payed for that? Why you come in a thread about a Lega nord meeting to write that divisive bullshit? There are anarchists and leftist attacking from any direction and you loose time thinking about genes..
David Edwards
If the elections go wrong I foresee big trouble for Italy and the Visegrad group
If the elections go wrong we are fucked! it's very important to support lega in that election, and sovereign parties in all Europe
Nolan Carter
Avenger was the most ambitious crossover in-
Zachary Johnson
Considero il numero delle presenze di oggi una previsione affidabile
William Nguyen
Si e tante presenze darebbero anche una bella confidenza anche a Salvini, per cui ultimamente le cose non sono facili visto che viene attaccato da ogni fronte.. però la giornata fa schifo quindi magari le presenze saranno sotto le attese. Speriamo bene e speriamo che i comunisti non rovinino tutto.
Owen Jackson
goodluck EU. dont let the jews & mudslimes destroy your incredible cultures.
Benjamin Reyes
>goodluck EU. dont let the jews & mudslimes destroy your incredible cultures.
We are fighting & dying here to protect our culture, i hope you guys do the same.
Justin White
>We are fighting & dying here to protect our culture, i hope you guys do the same. Is this what you call accepting any demand and having white people still defending niggers?
Justin Flores
>Is this what you call accepting any demand and having white people still defending niggers?
I don't understand what youre asking
Camden Gray
Maybe because I don't like the siculo-neapolitan coup that hijacked the Lega Nord and leaded it to a complete political dead end.
I don't like this unconditional surrender to the Siculo-neapolitan interests, world view and propaganda that strips us of the basic politcal and psychological tool for surviving.
Even if the nowadays Lega program was 100% applied Lombards would still be nose diving into extinction. This is the proof of how damaging and senseless this course is.
That you dont do anything but then say you are fighting.
Charles Campbell
Meloni is best. Salvini is good. Everything else is garbage and evil.
Cooper Evans
>That you dont do anything but then say you are fighting.
sorry? i live in an afrikaans ethno town, we get attacked regularly by EFF and tribal blacks that want us & our christian values dead. shooting and killing defending ourselves here is not an unusual thing.
Lincoln Campbell
I always looked closely what happened in south Africa, and that is a great inspiration. I hope we both can succeed in keeping our coltures
Brody Thomas
>ad ogni modo partono alle 15 da Porta Venezia per arrivare a piedi in Duomo, la folla deve ancora arrivare however the meeting is at 3pm in Porta Venezia to walk to the Duomo, the crowd has yet to arrive
>en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Front_Plus 2 seats pathetic considering how many of you are. >have you met niggers that want revenge for years of apartheid? So does that mean you need to take it?
Lincoln Adams
Will Salvini become the new Prime Minister if Lega wins the next election?
Joshua Davis
Probably not.
Gabriel Sanders
>2 seats pathetic considering how many of you are.
all 4% of us in the country? amazing we don't own parliament with that majority.
> So does that mean you need to take it?
Again i say, Have you met niggers. that want blood from apartheid? there is no serious laws here, big political parties sing about killing us. our way of not taking it is killing those that attack us. USA, EU, noones helping. so what exactly do you expect?
Thomas Perez
Nope, these are only the elections for the european parlament
but if it were to be a great defeat for PD and 5S (they proved to be leftists) it is likely that we will return to vote if the 5 stars continue to hinder Salvini, perhaps for a Lega + Fratelli d'Italia government