The EU elections are happening in a week. Maybe we should discuss which are the Jow Forums-approved parties and who people should be voting for? I can only speak for Poland so we need people from other countries
European Election general
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>Jow Forums-approved parties
if they were Jow Forums-approved they wouldn't be allowed to exist
In my country there is one, and it's most likely getting in
As a Person of Europe, I'm going to Europe my European vote in the upcoming European elections so that I can Europe my Europe into a Europe.
If, by chance, I vote wrong, I'll just vote Europe again repeatedly till I Europe my Europe vote correctly.
Thus making Europe fulfil the Europe destiny of Europeing the Europe.
Is Farage's party good or just a vanity project?
I really don't know, I've seen folk saying it's just another controlled opposition bullshit party that'll do stupids when it wins.
But ukip is kaputt and brexit party is the only "go fuck yourselves" vote available.
For whom are my fellow Dutch countrymen voting for?
Brexit Party
I see, are they going to win? Are the Tories going boom?
This link is for Poles living in other EU countries who want to vote for Konfederacja, you still have 3 days to register
Polls are good for them, but polls are meme magic too.
No matter who wins will lead to some kind of hilarity/misery combo.
>Eurocuck thinks he has representative government
Every politician who is in the game for money, want to win elections for EU parliament.
I don’t give a fuck who will be there, as long as EU parliament won’t matter. Every major decision is made by EU council, that is not elected by common people.
You want to go out there and make money for nothing? Ok, but I’m not gonna help you by voting.
EU votes doesn’t matter at all.
I will not vote, and I don’t feel like I will miss my patriotic responsibilities.
Isn't Tommy Robinson running for something?
SGP, that one is in the most based EU-fraction.
Zog 4 U is his party
In Poland it's not about the Eurokolkhoz by itself, but this election is round 1 of the parliamentary ones. If Konfederacja gets a good result, they'll most likely be in the Sejm too
so i just checked our vote form. and noticed that there are candidates on there who are not from Europe. found 2 Chinese and one American. wtf is going on here
Yeah, I don’t want them to shitpost in Poland, about monarchy or faggots/imogrants. No one gives a fuck here, we will not be immigrant faggot friendly anyway anytime soon, I don’t need anyone to take money for live shitposting in Polish mainstream media.
There are bigger problems than that.
> No one gives a fuck here, we will not be immigrant faggot friendly anyway anytime soon
Czyli 2 miliony imigrantów od 2015 roku wzięły się z niczego?
Fuck t'EU..
To dwa miliony białych imigrantów ratuje ci dupę przed nadchodzącą recesją, która już następuje w zachodniej Europie.
Polska prawdopodobnie znowu obejdzie spadki GDP w nadchodzącym kryzysie dzięki temu.
Swoją drogą mamy rozjebaną infrastrukturę w Polsce. Totalną dominację śląska w logistyce i zaniedbanie północy zachodu, o wschodzie juz nie wspominając.
Jak tak dalej pójdzie, to stracimy w końcu przewagę strategiczną z powodu lokalizacji, bo Niemcy bardzo starają się nam odebrać pozycję dystrybutora Europy. Na te chwile mamy szanse ale już dochodzą skargi z międzynarodowego przemysłu, że towar w Polsce utyka.
Te twoje imigracje i pedały, to populistyczne pierdolenie, ludzi którzy po prostu nie maja realnej władzy i starają się nadrobić shitpostingiem, żeby uszczknąć grosza z hajsu podatników.
anyone? i can't be the only one who finds this weird
He's an independent candidate in his county. Not sure but I hear his chances are quite neat.
pay reperations
>Is Farage's party good or just a vanity project?
Brexit party in whats called a "Pressure Valve", there is alot of pent up anger for this brexit delay shit, the party will dissolve once its done.
>EU council
Made up of the leaders of the EU member state nations, which are all elected by you dumb peons.
We have a Turk in our fucking national parliament.
Apparently, foreigners have the right to be voted into office even if they don't have the right to vote themselves.
>ratuje ci dupę
Wiesz, że oni w następnym roku sobie wyjadą do Niemiec po tym jak rynek się na nich otworzy, i rząd weźmie pakistańczyków na ich miejsce? Zajebisty plan kurwa, załatali dziurę na rok aby potem była jeszcze większa. Potem jak będziemy mieli sytuację jak na Zachodzie (szybciej niż się wydaje) to będzie biadolenie dlaczego zjebaliśmy jedyną przewagę nad Zachodem, czyli jedność etniczną.
>Rozjebaną infrastrukturę
Podziękuj dobrej zmianie za przejebanie koniunktury na rozdawnictwo socjalne
>Stracimy pozycję strategiczną
Dzięki polityce zagranicznej na kolanach wobec każdego, robimy lachę USA i zrażamy do siebie każdego innego, ostatnio nasz wspaniały Eurokołchoz ujebał firmy transportowe
>Imigracje i pedały
No to idź zagłosuj na niemieckich lachociągów albo pobożnych komunistów, nie wiem co ci powiedzieć. Lepszej opcji nie ma
Therefore they at the time represent totally different goals, of European parties mainly. They have to if they would count on election.
There is no any real representation of our governments in EU parliament.
PS. You dumb ass...
Please don't mistake Switzerland for anything else than a European vassal at this point. There's a lot of political pressure on you to bend the knee and so far it's going swell for them.
Sure. As long as it's profitable, we're game.
Granice już są otwarte dla Ukraińców na zachód. I o ile jest kryzys w przemyśle przy granicy bo wszystkich wysrało, no to Ukraińcy z centralnej Polski się nie kwapią do wyjazdu, bo im tu wygodniej, bliżej bezpieczniej etc.
Przetargi na budowę dróg w Polsce wygrywają spółki śląskie, które pewnie tak prowadzą budowy, żeby nie zjebać sobie przy okazji dominacji logistycznej.
Polska może teraz decydować z kim być a Amerykańce bardzo zabiegają o to byśmy soę od nich nie odwrócili, szantażując przy okazji żydami i Izraelem. Marna próba. Polska jest po środku między USA a Chinami obecnie, do wyboru do koloru.
Nie mów mi co mam robić i na kogo głosować.
Dodałbym jeszcze, że Mentzen się wiele razy wypowiadał dlaczego Konfederacja nie mówi o gospodarce: bo nikogo to kurwa nie obchodzi. Gwiazdowski nawet podpisów nie zebrał, a Korwin na pierdoleniu o wolnym rynku nawet progu nie przekroczył do Sejmu nigdy. Zaś imigranci i pedały to są gorące tematy, na których można lewarować poparcie aby potem móc wprowadzić konkretne zmiany.
Vote Bayernpartei
So, whom to vote for? says I'm most compatible with NPD. But they are retards.
Second most points has Die Rechte. But do they even get a seat if they don't reach at least 3% of the votes?
Then there's AfD. They're a step in the right direction, but they are just tame parlour right-wingers.
so a ploy to have the elections be invalid after the anti EU parties take to many seats? i don't know, just thinking out loud here. how can a Turk, Chinese and an American be elected into the EU. even if it simply a multiple passport holder, i mean they are living outside of the EU
>Jow Forums-approved parties
Vote for who you want. The last thing you want to do is vote for a meme party that the 12 year olds of Jow Forums have "approved"
Mylisz się, że nie mówią o gospodarce, bo oni za dużo mówią o gospodarce. Z taką wiedzą nie powinni nic mówić, bo za każdym razem jak ktoś coś palnie to ręce opadają.
in my country, vlaams blok
nva, who got backstabbed by the MR sleeps in the same bed as the antwerp jews.
fun thing is, i'm being called up as an official again, but this time as an election judge :D
and by being an official it only strengtend and confirmed being right about me saying we are a minority in our own cities.
last time i counted our votes in our voting office it was 800 total if memory is correct 50 ish where real belgian white. i saw some other whites during the day at the other voting offices in that school, in total 7 offices for people to vote, our offices are devided by alphabet.
i hate democracy, but these sundays, i just love these sundays, specially when i can nullify votes by muslim men trying to vote more than one time trough their women and daughters lol.
we have turks too everywhere, even in nva lol
but they are being burnend and grilled with all the scandals comming out with them, like this turkish representative in mechelen selling papers to turkisch "christian" refugees so they can apply asylium here lol..
turned out those christian turks where muslim mobsters who erdogan didn't needed anymore and where on a list to be shipped to the midnight express lol
are you still allowed to vote european wih that brexit thing?
Brexit party is polling ~30-35% ahead of Labour at 20-25%
Where my Fideszchads at?
Pirate party, I don’t want to leave the EU, I want to change it.
>we will not be immigrant faggot friendly anyway anytime soon
2M immigrants don't count?
Jews who are going to move into your neighborhood probably won't count since they're going to be the landed gentry.
Don't vote for the two major parties, they already have enouh cash and exposition in media as it is.
>Polska może teraz decydować z kim być a Amerykańce bardzo zabiegają o to byśmy soę od nich nie odwrócili
oh my sweet summer child...
you inbred looking niggers shoudnt be allowed to take part in the european election