Imagine trying so hard to be based, you start unironically supporting a terrorist group made by the kikes to destabilize Iraq and Syria to create a refugee crisis.
Imagine trying so hard to be based...
>Nazis literally cause the creation of Israel single-handedly
>claim to be on the side of Palestinianiggers
You know. You can hate both of them.
imagine spreading gay shit and niggers to iraq and thinking people aren't gonna get thrown off rooftops
You know I have been thinking. Why do people shoot up schools? Why don't they ever drive around to journalists and politicians homes bar the doors and windows and throw Molotovs into them? Stalk them record their schedules, and pick their locks and rig up shotgun traps to their doors. Cut their brake lines. Place a pipe bomb under the hood of their car rigged to the alternator or serpentine belt.
Why do people cry about wanting to change the world and then think shooting children at schools hurts the bad guys? I have been wondering this for quite some time now. Out of all the crime it seems these extremists are low IQ and low Impact. Not very creative.
>Islam is terrorism
>what are false flags
nobody who wants to change the world is dumb enough to shoot a school or other innocent civvies only those who glow in the dark with other agendas.
So nobody wants to change the world then. It's all a big psyop and larp. Because as I see it Muslums enforcing No-Go zones where the police refuse to patrol, they tell people not to go there because they cannot help them, etc... seems like they have real POWER.
Meanwhile we seem to have the ability to cling to all the equipment in the world. Legal guns, freedom of speech without any government prosecution, etc... and we just sit on our hands like cucks while getting bitch slapped and slandered daily wile being replaced by foreigners at alarming rates. We don't deserve to exist because we had every opportunity handed to us on a silver platter and are too busy being distracted by wrestling tier drama that is politics. It's just a joke at this point.
Fuck off Ahmed.
>nobody who wants to change the world is dumb enough to shoot a school or other innocent civvies
there are just better ways to change the world user
>Journalist slimeballs and polititans politically assassinating peoples character are innocent.
>There are better ways to change the world
I'm sure in 20 to 40 years when we become a minority you will be repeating the same phrase but for some reason never seem to be able to name any specifics.
okay go shoot up a school then user im sure you'll be doing us all a great favour and not have it backfire on all right winger collectively.
>implying (((neo nazis))) haven't been subverted by the kikes.
No thanks. You completely straw-manned my whole point.
You're either retarded or jewish. Or both.
glow more nigger. you still didn't get my initial point. look at how far away your replies are.
>nobody who wants to change the world is dumb enough to shoot a school or other innocent civvies
>You completely straw-manned my whole point.
fuck off pilpul shill
>Why are people shooting up schools instead of doing damage to high value targets
I think radicals should be doing actual damage to high value targets. A school shooting is a complete waste and only aides in removal of our firepower.
You aren't very smart. You are clearly of non-european descent.
kek says the mutt who can't even keep his story straight. glow more.
school shooting are a strictly american problem.
you guys glorify violence all day long, have an history of constant aggression against anyone who doesn't agree with you, and wonder why your kids go shoot up their classmate.
Nobody supports isis
Only hezbolla
Heh. You guys are so busy running away from every conflict I wonder where you will run when your country falls?
>jewish propaganda that the soulless mutt golem repeat over and over.
France is fine. Certainly no muslum no-go problems. Nope everything is fine. The only problem we have is a yellow vest problem. French men just became more swarthy and decided to convert to Islam the religion of peace. They are 100% french and there is no problem. No the streets are not filled with dirty brown people with the stench of dirt and fecal matter. That is just a lie.
never said that, France is Fucked too, but guess who's fault?
stfu nation of islam
Just guessing it's blamed on a country who actually fights.
They haven’t subverted yet, they’re trying to.
French SS bataillon fought to the last one to defend Hitler's Bunker in Berlin, they fought until the very end of the war.
Anglos are the coward who fled during WW2 and Hitler spared them.
but you learned pretty well your masters propaganda, goylem.
Imagine having logic this flawed.
You can respect them for having their hearts in the right place, you can despise them for failing and making their enemies stronger in the process.
Still incorrect view. International Jewry back then was going full offensive mode, both in the west with capitalism and in the east with communism. There was literally no one on the whole planet who would stood against them. Until Adolf Hitler, that is. He ended subversion and planned sovietization of the Germany, rebuilt the country from the ground to the superpower and tried to secure at least Europe from their filthy kike hands. He nearly did, but one country against the world, that was a struggle too hard. It is a miracle Germans with their allies held for so long against the onslaught. We can however thank him in the end that his sacrifice delayed their plans for nearly one century.
All that absolute degeneracy you can see today, be it cult of money and consumerism or transgender plague, all was already done in Weimar Germany and was planned for the rest of Europe as well. He gave his life for another century without this filth. If anything, he should be and will be celebrated in the future, and not just exclusively for this.
And now, today, it's up to us.
That's the thing I hate the most about those hooked-nosed faggots, they make themselves so intangible, they are so slimey, sneaky and cowards, everything they do is by proxy or disguised as another thing, if there was a way to directly strike them down people would sign in in masses.