Why can't we have another Babylon?

Unlike modern western nations, spic nation's, Muslim nation's, Japan, nigger nation's, or Oceania:

>>Every human being, even very young boys we're entitled to sex with women in their 20's and 30's
>>You can fuck a random woman anywhere in the city, even on the streets, public, buildings, and rooftops
>>It was a sin to refuse sex
>>there were no STDs at this time
>>Helped increase the fertility rate
>>Women in Babylon didn't care if you were young and skinny and white, you we're entitled to sex

We need to being this type of civilization back lads!

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Other urls found in this thread:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 1&version=KJV

child abuse is bad

Show us your true flag!

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>We need to being this type of civilization back lads!
and yet their culture died....wonder why that was

Fake and gay pls kys fgt

Babylon lies and calls itself "Israel" now.

>there were no STDs at this time
[citation needed]

epic post satan

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> (OP) (You)
>>We need to being this type of civilization back lads!
>and yet their culture died....wonder why that was

The Persians.

Psalm 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Sounds like you *really* want to live like a chimp but with access to consumer electronics and social media. Basically, a nigger. You're a nigger.

>Psalm 9:17
>The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

>Sounds like you *really* want to live like a chimp but with access to consumer electronics and social media. Basically, a nigger. You're a nigger.

Is it wicked if you want open and entitled heterosexuality to increase your nation's falling fertility rate? Because the Babylonians probably had the highest birth rate out of any civilization in history.

That's some high quality premium roast.

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No, you just want to indulge in your base lust fantasies about living like an animal. Under the pretense of fighting against "the jews".

Fornication is repugnant to God. Man was created to live righteously. not swinging from trees, howling and having sex with everything around himself.

Stop being a nigger. Start here:

biblegateway.com/passage/?search=John 1&version=KJV

are you just a godamn fucking retard?
>everything in the bible before the new testament was a jew utopia. and god was always taking up for them
the same language everybody spoke, was jew speak becuase laungauge and civlizatoin wasnt developed yet. and the jews had everyone building something that like they always trick people nowadays on some big fucking wtv thing thats supposed to be fucking great, a tower to fucking heaven.
when people realized metaphorical shit and decided to use their voice is when we all split up and went into different countries basedd on race and every different kind of person, made a language, better than whatevr jews were babbling on about.
tower of babel .jpg
>oh you dont see it
its becuase you are as unable to be creative as jews

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You know, God is more offended at the sin of twisting the words of Christ and his apostles than fornicators, fornicators don't cause as much damage as heretics do and Protestants like yourself are major heretics that twist the teachings of Christ and his apostles. If fornication is a sin, than Protestantism is at least 1000 times worse and the effects shows for it.

You British and Protestant nation's are facing your current troubles because you adopted the heresy of protestantism.

This is why I don't you guys seriously. You're just as degenerate as the left.

>muh catholics
you are satan worshippers talking about being a fucking piece of shit fuck you and the pope

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Yeah, like killing people who are keeping the sabbath instead of going to church on Sunday. That kind of twisting?

For the record, I'm not a papalist. I am eastern orthodox christian.

protestants don't care about the catholic pope. thats about all. so whats your point

You know the early christians kept the Sabbath only in meditation, they worshipped on Sundays and early church father writings prove it:

4th Century A.D. 306
Peter, Bishop of Alexandria in Egypt:
“But the Lord’s Day we celebrate as a day of joy, because on it, he rose again.”Canon 15.

3rd Century A.D. 270
Anatolius, Bishop of Laodicea, in Asia Minor:
“Our regard for the Lord’s resurrection which took place on the Lord’s Day will lead us to celebrate it.”Chapter X.

3rd Century About A.D. 250
The Apostolic Constitution:
“On the day of our Lord’s resurrection, which is the Lord’s Day, meet more diligently.”
Book 2, sec. 7.

3rd Century A.D. 250
Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage in Africa:
“The eighth day, that is, the first day after the Sabbath and the Lord’s Day.”Epistle 58, section 4.

2nd Century A.D. 200
Tertullian in Africa:
“We solemnize the day after Saturday in contradiction to those who call this day their Sabbath.”Apology, Chapter XVI.

2nd Century A.D. 194
Clement of Alexandria, Egypt:
“He, in fulfillment of the precept, according to the gospel, keeps the Lord’s Day, when he abandons an evil disposition, and assumes that of the Gnostic, glorifying the Lord’s resurrection in himself.”Book 7, Chapter XII.

2nd Century A.D. 140
Justin Martyr:
“But Sunday is the day which we all hold our common assembly, because Jesus Christ, our Saviour, on the same day rose from the dead.”Apology, Chapter LXVII.

2nd Century A.D. 120
“We keep the eighth day with joyfulness, the day on which Jesus rose again from the dead.”Chapter XVII.

1st Century A.D. 96
St. John on Patmos:
“I was in the spirit on the Lord’s Day.” Rev. 1:10.

1st Century A.D. 60
Luke, Asia Minor:
“And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them.” Acts 20:7.

so why didn't they store supplies, drill their troops, maintain their empire?

Why were they overtaken by another culture with more chaste social norms at the time....I wonder

Its never been about degeneracy its about control and want and health. Nothing d-bases a country more than WAR winning or losing. 70+ years of wars and cultural changes. It is the root of the mechanism. The fuck before the end. Twisted control of nature. Winter is Coming.

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I thought this was bait but OP's flag made me think he might be serious

You're a heretical dog and I have no time for you. Anyone who puts the traditions of men, or men above God are dogs.

I have no time for your writings of historical revisionist heretics trying to justify changing a commandment they didn't like. Stop posting.

> (You)
>protestants don't care about the catholic pope. thats about all. so whats your point

My point is that Protestants follow only their own private interpretation of the Bible with many books taken out of it and they say bullshit like "the holy spirit, or God interprets scripture" or "scripture interprets itself" a d then you get 40k different cults within Protestantism and then you have worse cults like seventh day adventism, Mormonism, Jehovah's witnesses, church of almighty God, Amish or the Mennonites and Christian science.

>>Women in Babylon didn't care if you were young and skinny and white

Spotted the anti-white troll scum. Implying that young white men are all "incels" is VICE-tier propaganda trying to smear the alt-right with "muh holes" arguments. And you're literally repeating the same bullshit.
Young skinny white guys like Justin Bieber, One direction and all those pretty boy fags literally drown in pussy and any pretty boy young skinny guy who goes to east asia will be jumped by cute asian girls.
Whats the opposite? Old fat African American men? Is that you? is that why you have to dream of some rape fantasy babylon garbage, because you're a fat old mutt and have to throw in some white-incel anti-white propaganda while you're at it.
Shitty thread, degenerate fat old mutt .

That's where all the Talmudic hatred against the goy was created.
Meaning Babylon is the best place for the Talmud.

>at this time
So it doesn't apply in this time.

>No STDs
Yeah, I'm gonna go with there were so many STD's that the weak STD's were killed off competing with the chad STD's.

Why do you keep making this thread?

nailed it!

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Source:my ass

neck yourself degenerate

>>Making children for your nation's future is degenerate

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freedom of religion and all that but cults don't belong. and protestants arent a cult. can you show me something out of context in all that shit you wrote?

>You can fuck a random woman anywhere in the city, even on the streets, public, buildings, and rooftops
Well you can do that now. So have at it.

t. Sabbatai Zevi

> (OP) (You)
>>You can fuck a random woman anywhere in the city, even on the streets, public, buildings, and rooftops
>Well you can do that now. So have at it.

Yeah if you're a nigger with a 12 inch horse cock with the the thickness of your arm or if you're a male porn star that's like twice the woman's age and height. In aincient Babylon, anyone could get sex and was entitled to it, even 2009 Justin bieber could get pussy easily in aincient Babylon.

>nailed it!
So you are, in fact, a fat black old guy?

Okay. I mean, just saying, you agree with him.

You know what a temple whore is do you?
Why would you be fulminating against judaising heretics while promoting the practices of fucking Babylon and even worse heretics like the carpocratians? If not bait then you are seriously obsessed.

Only physically desirable people should be allowed to have sex anywhere.

> (You)
>You know what a temple whore is do you?
>Why would you be fulminating against judaising heretics while promoting the practices of fucking Babylon and even worse heretics like the carpocratians? If not bait then you are seriously obsessed.

>>Tells me I'm obsessed with sex
>>Spoken by a Belgian who's nation isn't having sex and not making Belgian children except for the shitskins and whores.

Maybe if you western Europeans and Americans were more obsessed with making children you would understand why Babylon was a successful city nation empire to begin with and another Renaissance would rise in the west again.

>so-called christian wants to live IN babylon

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YFW yids are trying to re-create babylon

babylon was filled with niggers and faggots
it was a multiracial city thats why everybody broke up and went off speaking other langauges from the tower of babel story. it wasn't eveyrone spoke a different language. it was people broke up in groups(races) and spoke their own langauge
becuase everyone doesnt have the same langauge

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nice shill post OP, but I would rather not die in nuclear fire

United States is the final incarnation of Babylon dumbo, inheriting the moral decadence of The Roman Empire.