What should be done about the incel problem?

what should be done about the incel problem?

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Summary execution for OP

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sage and report slide threads

>Have sex meme.
Lol at the lefto-fags trying to monetize this shit.

>virgins are the enemy of the state

you want to know how i know i'm on the right side of history?

Cringe as fuck. Go KYS like the statistic incels and virgins are.

get your fucking skin flayed off you worthless maggot

calm down

how do you know if you are an incel?

Are you balding at 21 and giving betabux to all thots you see and worship e-thots and twitchthots ? No ? INCEL

if you want to have sex but cannot find a partner you are an incel.

The "have sex" meme is owned by /asp/chads.

i bet this guy Frank is one of them then.

All I see are a bunch of angry incels in this thread.

Have sex.

Do you have a dick up your ass right now?
If not, you are an incel

I love how they blacked him out but I can still tell he's a Norwood 4 middle aged kike

Woow he "patented" two words that literally everyone is using for someone who "needs" sex (outside of the internet). He must be a genius! And here i am trying to find answers ti life's terrible philosophical questions, and don't want to be bothered by being a slave to Natures cruel self-preserving mechanisms. What an incel i am am i right? God, will i ever have the balls to either go on a shooting spree or off myself..

Well that backfired because now everyone is using it ironically, it's the new "yikes sweetie"

>involuntary celibate
you don't have sex
you want to have sex
but for what ever reason you can't have sex
everything else is conjecture or opinion

>I was an Incel for nearly two weeks
This is definitely fake.

>that fucking balding hairline that starts from the very top of his head
>those non-existent cheekbones and that round jawline
>that figure that gets larger and larger as you go downwards
>"h-have sex, i-incel"

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Someone npc that pic

This. Should have just used a stock photo of gigachad

how about go fuck yourselves

This is what I don't get, by the standards of all the memes, I should be slaying. I'm 6'2", not terrible looking, fairly muscular, don't dress like shit, drive a nice car, have an okay job. And yet, since me and the gf broke up about 3 months ago, I haven't for the life of me been able to get anyone interested in me, let alone score a date with a girl.

Literally what am I doing wrong?

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>owning a meme
This is deserving of execution.

>been an incel for 3 months
the girls can probably smell it on you. maybe get a hooker to reset your incel clock.

i especially despise people that watermark their photoshop work

>ever taking credit for a meme
Meme magic will backfire when you bind your identity to a meme. He cannot stay anonymous.

And check

Actually the real question is what should be done about the normie problem infesting this site, normies get the rope and the bullet

The “have sex” meme is tacit acknowledgement that they don’t actually give two shits about “underprivileged” groups and do believe in evolutionary psychology since they attribute everything to wanting to get laid

It might be a personal thing with yourself, like you are not ready to move on.

Nah, I'm not really too keen on seeing an escort. I've done it a couple of times before and it's not terribly satisfying desu.

Maybe. I really miss her a lot, still feels like a bit of a punch in the gut when I think about her, but all in all it's probably for the better since our lives were headed in very different directions (and not really by choice either). She had to move interstate to study, and I'm in the process of losing my job, so it's all a bit of a mess really.

It possibly is because I don't really try though. I guess I sort of expect women to fall head over heels for me since I'm not a typical incel, so I don't expend any effort in meeting them, I don't go out to clubs and stuff, and don't really have any hobbies that aren't vastly male dominated.

Same meme for me but after I broke up with my girlfriend 3 years ago all I can get are shitty first dates. I only get like 3 dates a year.

So all you have to do is claim you made a meme and retards will write articles about you?

Dating is easy. Just dont be weird.

Literally have sex

Import more young women into Western societies instead of men.


How do you meet girls? Especially no friends or do most people use their friends?

Watcha doing there Boomer?

Ah this one is easy. Go to the nearest bar and then pull yer dink out and start tuggin. Works every time.

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My dink itches. Is going to bars alone bad?

are you allergic to dating apps? that's the easiest way. or join a club that reflects your interests if you want things to happen more organically.

but yes, traditionally friends are the best way to get a girl because friends of friends are likely to be compatible with you because they're compatible with your friends.

Or Frank is a woman.

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If anyone says "have sex" just tell them "get pregnant". They can't and it pisses them off

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>Is going to bars alone bad?
before 2 pm. no. after 8 pm. yes.

I don't have friends so I think that'd be hard. I don't think I am that ugly but I struggle from lack of experience.

Seems like you are stuck between making a choice. Either you go out and find another girl or try and find a way to make it work with this one. You can't be wishy-washy with it or you won't accomplish neither.


Clubs yes bars no

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>Or Frank is a woman.
this kinda just blew my mind

Make friends

fake and gay

>Dating is easy
yeah its easy to find whores sure, now raise your standards to starting a white family and having an actual wife that doesn't work and looks after your kids.....pretty much nothing for young 20 yr olds


The only people that care about sex are the people that "cant" get it. When you stop putting sex on a pedestal your life gets overall better because instead of focusing on getting an orgasm you're focusing on things that actually have a chance at giving a dose of happiness that lasts longer than a couple minutes.

I've had sex exactly once, and it was so underwhelming that i'm convinced that its not at all worth half the effort people put into it. It was so purely lackluster that I had to fake an orgasm to get out of it. Who knows, maybe i'm someone that needs an actual lovey dovey connection to get my motor running, but as far as i'm concerned sex is a waste of time and energy, if I want to cum, i'll just fap or fuck a toy.

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>goes on spiel about how sex isn't important because you're looking for the deep metaphysical truths of God and the universe as if you're some kind of holy knowledge crusader and filthy pussy will never hold you back
>consider massaging the innocent or killing yourself an option that requires bravery

You're fucked in the head bud go get some LSD and listen to black Sabbath for awhile that's my prescription okay also I'm sending a sex squad of 17 yo super whores to enlighten you.

Being bald should be illegal desu

You must be a fucking creep/weirdo/psycho/genuine asshole or idiot. Idk man you're doing something wrong, I am prescribing you a 500microgram dose of LSD ok buddy man

>Thankfully I was able...
Give it a rest with this crap.

>Have sex you pathetic incels hehehe!
>Please don't reveal my name or they will ruin my life :(

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Ya you're fuckin CRAZY buddy. That or you are so bad at slamming puss that it was even bad for you, that's quite something. I've has so much good sex, transcendental sex on LSD I might add, im.prescribing you 200 micrograms and a filthy rave whore to show you the light of incredible sex

I took Franks advice. At first I thought I failed cuz she called the cops but now after the trial I'm having more prison sex than a porn star! Maybe someday I might even get to be a top!

The absolute state of incels

"have sex" was a meme ?
.......fucking really, thats what they define as a meme now ?
really sounds like they should learn to code if this is the News they put out

Drug addicts are worse than Incels, I pray you overdose tonight.

I imagine that most of their "succeses" with "have sex" is the person ignoring them and they just assume that it means they've won.

Sage, slide thread

gilded and super upboated

Wtf I'm the creator of the have sex meme and I wasn't interviewed.

I am an incel.

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it's ok, bro. as soon as you have sex you wont be.

>be a sexual degenerate instead of preserving your soul to raise a healthy family
Wow so powerful

>Wtf I'm the creator of the have sex meme and I wasn't interviewed.
not according to everyone


>find a way to make it work with this one
Impossible, we've pretty much stopped talking at this point.

After having thought about it for a bit, I'm pretty content with being alone for a while. I made a lot of fuck ups with the ex and I feel that being alone and focusing on myself as a person would do me a world of good.

>You must be a fucking creep/weirdo/psycho/genuine asshole or idiot.
Maybe? I dunno really. I work in a heavily male dominated industry and don't really get out much, maybe it's just an exposure factor. I'm also a bit of an idiot when it comes to recognising women's interest, often get people tell me "she's into you bro" while I never noticed anything.

I’m a proud incel. My body my choice

Incels are not part of the far right. Stop false flagging threads trying to get sympathy from us. You're part of the weak link of our tribe that doesn't deserve to reproduce. Not to mention the louder you retards shout the harder it is for us to rationally critique women and repair some of them.

if you dont want sex you're not an incel, retard

incels are a symptom. Attack the cause instead
>inb4 antisemitism

How abour arguments?

Woah Anon5 finally got laid. Good job bro!

you're a manlet brah

it's not a slide thread cause im still here and there's no happenings to slide

do your parents know that this is your job? or do you lie and tell them you're "fighting white supremacy on the internet" or some bullshit?

im 62. being here isnt my job.

wow 3 whole months without getting laid life sure must be hard for you

I've never even heard of this have sex meme.

So you like fucking fish?

>im 62
ok, so your parents probably aren't around anymore to shame you for these regrettable life choices.
sorry about your loss.

>have sex meme
Have literally never seen this. Is this some kind of shit tier psy op trying to force some unknown meme into our consciousness?

I support the incels still. They'll be good foot soldiers in the wars to come.

No but unironically the most obnoxious left wingers are the ones who were the worst most obnoxious type of right winger.
Those type who after discovering that they were and are a shit person internalize it to describe their now former political opinions.
>Have sex incel
This meme encapsulates it perfectly really. This guy was shallow such that sex made him change not only his worldview but also project his insecurities on everyone else.
The retort to have sex incel is not fuck of roastie.
Most of the people who throw this at you are not women. They are men, many of them either formerly right wing or formerly centrist(or otherwise not crazy sjw) who had a coming to Damascus moment on the fact that they are insufferable assholes. The thing they fail to grasp is that left wing politics did not change their deficiencies, sex did not cleanse their sins. They are still failures as men. They are still awful as humans. And they remain unrepresentative of those they feign to understand.

I've seem fags on /tv/ say it when you insult avengers or game of thrones. Its classic projection.

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come on admit it: it strikes you in the very core it reks you so bad and also provides you with roadmaps to reinvent yourself and way more good stuff it does admit it

>incels must be stopped!
proof that incels hold some sort of power. nobody spends time trying to stop something that is powerless and isn't effecting them.

yid is extremely oaranoid and realises that it must stop every type of person even before they could ever be any threat. incel now is a big slur you can use against some people irl and ostracize thdm.more than they were before

I'm in the same boat. Good looking, fit, great job and great career (with potential). Only do 1-2 dates then just falls off a cliff. I don't drink and nearly every chick my age can't do ANYTHING without booze. Guess I'm not good enough

Haven't gotten laid in over a year

>man invents a meme that is just a two word response that has never been said before