There is no good reason to support Trump in 2020, and I won't be voting for him...

There is no good reason to support Trump in 2020, and I won't be voting for him. The only area where he hasn't been a total failure is trade.

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I'll still vote for him, but shit needs to be done at the state level. Missouri's doing a whole bunch of stuff, same needs to happen in my state.

Whether you vote for Biden or Trump, it’s always going to be the same shit. There’s literally no reason to even vote for anybody at all.

>not voting god emperor
Never gonna make it

>There is no good reason to support Trump in 2020, and I won't be voting for him. The only area where he hasn't been a total failure is trade.

It was fun getting trump elected and all, but we really need to get his tiny orange drumpfy hands off the nuclear codes

>Trump's trade policies aren't a failure
Imagine being this big of a cuck

You didn't even vote for him last time, faggot tranny.

>Just keep paying for China's mail to the entire world goys.
I know that the euroshits like cheap shipping from China, but the US shouldn't be responsible for funding it.

you forgot his judicial appointments

Child molester Biden is going to be a lot worse than MIGA Trump. Like I said, focus on the state level, that's where you're the most likely to win.

You mean judges who end up cucking for democrats? Same shit

Every politician in America is a child molester. You literally cannot he elected without having pedophilic attraction.

>Foreigner thinking he knows shit about American politics

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Probably not

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Tax cuts were good as well, some administrative decisions on asylum seekers were good

Cuck shill thread

Muslims don’t immigrate to the US, spics are a major problem and Trump refuses to do anything about it. We have the highest rates of legal and illegal immigration in history under his presidency. I know somebody will say “Muh Congress” but he literally doesn’t need that. Obama and Bush rarely ever used it.

Not everyone who disagrees with you is a shill, you filthy yid

Go away and never come back

I think trump 4d chessed Dems on spics. Spics are conservative leaning.

Now Dems are backpedaling to get the wall funded lol

>muslims dont immigrte to the US

motherfucker have you ever seen houston

We will become just like Britain if we let the government take out guns. Many want to already. They are all liberals. The only thing stopping them is the 2nd Amendment. The Supreme Court can "interpret" the Constitution in such as a way as to provide for more gun regulations that eventually disarm us. And any liberal president will try to fill the Supreme Court with activist judges that will do so.

Look, Trump isn't perfect at all. But he's better than the alternative.

Nyc is full of Muslims and Indians running every bodega. 50 Muslims to 400sqft apartment lol

You didn't vote for him last time either who the fuck you bullshitting faggot

>Look, Trump isn't perfect at all. But he's better than the alternative.
Trump is literally no different from the Alternative. He banned bump stocks under his adminstration. Something not even King Nigger did.

Muslims aren’t invasive when it comes to immigration as spics are.

Spics will never vote Republican, same goes with any other nonwhite group. They hate the idea of this country staying majority European.

Hes not even going to get the chance

Luckily it’s a god given right to own a gun in USA. They will have a very difficult time repealing that right now with conservative majority Supreme Court. And there are so many guns already out there it would take a very long time to collect them all without a serious fight. It will never happen not In the next 20 years at least.

It’s funny that an Australian is telling me that I should know more about my politics. Anybody who lives near the border probably doesn’t support Trump anymore either. Considering how much of a shit job he’s done on immigration. We literally have the highest rate of horse crossings we ever had in 10 years. Go fuck an Emu and worry about your own problems.

Is there an alternative? If the answer is no then shut the fuck up.

*border crossings
Why the fuck did autocorrect say “horses” lol?

The Alternitive is America forming its own Yellow Vest-like movement. Not voting for controlled opposition candidates you want, Memeflag Jew

> . I know somebody will say “Muh Congress” but he literally doesn’t need that. Obama and Bush rarely ever used it.
He needs either congress or courts. But I agree that he doesn't care enough. The thing is, voting was never enough to solve the problem. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't vote.

Spics are conservative Catholics. Most are god fearing family conservative leaning. Most do not support degeneracy. They vote conservative.

Why is the left backpedaling now to get the wall funded? Lol

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>Voting for zogbot A or zogbot B
Yeah voting seems like a really important thing these days
There’s literally no reason to vote, just allow someone worse to get elected and eventually whites will get out of their confront zone and start fighting back. Trump has pacified all the anger from nationalists before he got elected.

>Spics are conservative Catholics. Most are god fearing family conservative leaning.
This boomer meme again? Have you even lived around spics, they fucking hate whites. They can’t wait until our country becomes third world like their own shitholes.

How long have you been on HRT for and do you look like pic related?

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Shouldn’t you be killing more defenseless Dingos and Cats my Jewish-Australian friend?

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Isn't it the case that his decision will just be overturned by courts if he tries to do it? You need to prove that Trump has pacified the anger tho. Everyone who was angry still is.

2020 is going to be a race between Zionist Trump and Zionist Biden to prove who will be the biggest supporter of the Zionist agenda

>Everyone who was angry still is.
Most people, even boomers were upset about the immigration crisis. Now things have slowed down, even the “wall” is starting to get memory holed completely. I know you want to use optics, but that isn’t going to stop our demise. The thing with Americans and Anglos is that they’re too obsessed with following the system. They never once try to fight back against the politicians who actively replace them. Trump is still continuing the demographic displacement, he isn’t being “cockblocked” by congress. He’s willfully listening to Kushner and his Daughter over his own supporters.

>Muslims don’t immigrate to the US, spics are a major problem.

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Its ok my herd of chained abos is keeping watch m8

No one prevents you from voting and doing something else at the same time

The 9/11 attackers were mossad agents, not american citizens. There are far less muslims than spics in the US. Capping the refugee numbers is a small dent compared to the amount of people we take in. It's blatantly obvious who's the real problem.

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Most Americans don't think like that, they believe they're obligated to vote no matter what. They still think the system can still be changed with our corrupt politicians. No matter who you elect, you'll always get someone who back stabs you in favor of nonwhites and jews.


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William Barr is going to cuck like every other GOP politician. That party is literally made to lose and treat it's white supporters like shit. The DNC have the same problem.

>bump stocks
pig disgusting

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Banning anything related to guns is gun control, you might not like bump stocks. But you should be against any form of weaponry getting banned. Over 500,000 Americans, most of which who voted for Trump are at risk of going to prison.

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>it's scared

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Name one thing conservatives have conserved for the last 30 years?

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>telling me what to think
your words have no power here

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He's past his expiration date and has become as useful as an ash tray on a motorcycle. He fulfilled his mission of getting the jew embassy into Jerusalem and ensuring our government sucks on the jew peepee for another hundred years, and now it's time for him to fuck off back to Mar A Lago.

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Alabama and Missouri just preserved the right of the unborn to live

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This, Trump was a stepping stone but he's completely useless otherwise. Immigration is still at it's highest, whites are dying from drugs and Jews are more wealthy than ever before.

Because it means more nonwhites will be born, the GOP literally does nothing but cuck and treat it's white voters like human waste. Democrats want votes, Republicans want cheap labor. You're going to get browned no matter who you vote for.

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90% of small gas stations in major cities are run by Pakis. This is nothing new. Muslim immigrants aren't nearly as much of a problem as the spics but what you stupid fuckers on this board don't realize is we need the cheap spic labor to stay competitive in certain industries like construction. We need to find the right balance.

It means more dead niggers because niggers will kill their babies whether or not they can go somewhere safe to do it, dying or rendering themselves permanently infertile when Mammy Stabby skewers her cervix with a rusty coat hanger that's seen four hundred abortions since the last time it was washed
they're niggers for a reason, user

And back before Trump started pretending to be Republican he got the cheap labor and made sure his supported candidates got the votes.

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There’s literally one reason and it’s good enough for me: scotus appointments. Even a milquetoast neocon is better than a female negro democrat.

Who cares about those shithole states? Not like Alabama does anything for this country other than have a good college football team and suck up federal money.

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Lol ever been in construction? Trump for sure had illegal spics building Trump tower.

>we need the cheap spic labor to stay competitive in certain industries like construction.
There are Zoomers and Millennials who would literally sell their soul if it meant getting a job like that. Only boomers who believe in Reaganomics still believe we need to import people and not just switch to automation entirely. China doesn't use people for the most part and they're expected to beat us in the coming decade. Meanwhile we'll just become another Brazil and eventually collapse under the weight of so many nonwhites.

Niggers aren't even remotely intelligent to preform such an act. The reason they went to Planned Parenthood was because somebody was killing their baby for them.

Scotus Appointments have literally cucked to the Democrats left and right. Like every other GOP politician, they want to lose rather than win.

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>thinking there is a good reason for support anyone else

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>Spaniard thinking he knows shit about American politics
I like how Euros and Asians have to interest themselves whenever discussion about Trump is being talked about. This is our problem, not yours.

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President doesn't seem to matter when Congress is so fucked so nothing gets done no matter what he does.
but I'll take Trump over the Dem cucks, for the entertainment.

Trump doesn't need congress to install anti-immigration measures. Obama didn't, neither did Bush. People who are obsessed with optics don't realize how easy our political system is. It was Trump who willingly hired Kushner to be apart of his administration. He was the one who willingly installed open borders polticians on the DHS instead of Kris Kobach.

Trump has illegal wetbacks RIGHT FUCKING NOW cleaning his gold toilet up in the penthouse.

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I understand you not liking Trump, but who the fuck are you voting for? He is the only option

>Yet another foreigner thinking he knows shit about American politics
Yellow Vests is the alternative, politicians won't save us.

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>zoomers wanting to do tough physical labor.

Get real. Nobody wants to hump drywall around for 20 bucks an hour and put in the necessary time to learn the trade.The unions charge insane hourly rates while the subs get paid per sheet. They are incentived to work faster because the more they get done the more they get paid. These union fucks want 65 an hour and take 4 times longer to do it with twice the people.

Automation is always an option, cheap labor will become outdated once technology becomes even more advanced. Unless you're one of those schizos who thinks robots will take over the world and enslave us all. There's no reason to be against automation. It means less browns, that's why politicians are so afraid of it.

>niggers can't figure out how to stick things in vaginas

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Niggers always need assistance, without planned parenthood. They'll shit out tons of babies and cause both states to become nonwhite in the course of one generation. Why do you think Africa's birth rate is rising?

But you have to vote to someone, you dumbfuckass.

You can't automate construction away like you can factory jobs. The job doesnt consist of standing in one place all day doing one action, you actually have to use deductive reasoning.

>But you have to vote to someone, you dumbfuckass.
Ask me how voting went for your country, oh wait it didn't.

You actually can, there are robots being created as we speak that specialize in picking fruits and doing other labor jobs. Anybody who still thinks America needs cheap labor are the same people who gave away California to the democrats.

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If the wetbacks and somalians who didn't know better weren't ecstatic at the prospect of making $20US an hour to hump drywall around, the faggots who own the businesses that put up the drywall would have to pay the subs $60 an hour and the union fags twice that
then forced wealth distribution would be unnecessary and shill faggots like you would have to get a real job because there'll be nobody to deposit your 0.02 shekels per shitpost
YHVH forbid, amirite?

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because they don't believe in murdering their unborn in Africa

but they do here

Unironically kill yourself for posting that neocon garbage

Niggers are too lazy to do anything that involves critical thinking. Murdering their children by themselves is rather complex in their minds. They'll just shit them out like their African Cousins and turn Alabama into Little Johannesburg in the course of 20 years.

>picking fruit requires thinking

I construction you actually have to think about what your doing. Most of the time anyways. It wont happen within our lifetimes for sure.

Where did i advocate paying them more? 20 bucks an hour isn't a terrible wage but zoomers dont want to put in a year or two of doing all the bitch work before they start to see real money. It's their attitude, white people just don't wanna do. Same with roofing and siding.

>white people don't want to do nigger work for nigger wages
>no I don't want them paid more

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Found the commie
Really, Hillary you are just embarrassing yourself at this point

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>Found the commie

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Tha lack of trump generals on the board speaks loads about Jow Forums. Dark times approach.

>Yet another foreigner
It's all so tiresome

nice blanket statement
how do you know this?

>Israeli flag
It’s fucking poetic

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>gun grabbing
>pro immigration
>pro war
>pro abortion and gay marriage

How is this guy different from democrats again? All I can think of is tax cuts.

>negresses can't figure out how to stick things in their cunts
it isn't going to make any more sense no matter how many times you try to reiterate it, Ira.

It's either Israel first and America second with Trump or America last with the Dems, your choice goyim.

Have you ever even met a nigger?

How does that make his point less valid?
Democrats will never field a candidate that's remotely close to being sane.

He is very stupid.
He don't even know basics of economics and impose ridiculous tariffs.

There's literally no reason to vote at all.

I will vote for him if I were American.
Our shithole is shaking in the cold wind now because of the trade war. The fruit price even doubled in the last few months.

We are now facing sever imported inflation and we can't even balance the current account without trading with America in the long tern.

This country's end is literally coming.

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nice proxy, rabbi.

it's the same with blacks really. would be conservative christian base in a colorblind world and they absolutely hate all the dems fag loving bullshit. but most are just voting anti white as hard as they can.

anybody who thinks this trade war is new doesn't know anything to begin with. at least stop outing yourselves so easily you damn morons.

Trump does not believe in Moloch.

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