Germany. YES.
Germany. YES
Other urls found in this thread:
>taking in wh*te "refugees"
finna yikes
>cucks get punished
what's wrong with that?
>a single mom with a kid
He just pressed E by mistake.
the racist structures of society made him stab the 11 yo.
Well yes, Tina K should go to jail for mudsharking, how could you tell that this is my opinion?
Can I get a source that doesn't look like it was written by a 19 year old girl that discovered Jow Forums last week
Agreed, if the wife had been pleasing his every need this wouldn't have happened.
>abdulrahman now works in a local kindergarten
It was a sexual emergency
How Progressive
>a single mom with a kid
Fuck me, I was thinking exactly the same thing.
why can't they put him in a mental hpspital? He's clearly out of his mind and dosn't know what he's doing.
Sad it was the child and not the mother or father
I wonder if she red pilled now.
Hahaha lol hhhaaaaaaaaaah
she has a husband. Apperently he agreed to help the poor refugee and give him a home.
We all know shes blaming the kid for not being tolerant enough. Shes probably yelling at the poor kid asking what he did to the poor "refugee" to trigger him.
surely merkel herself is monitoring the mother directly for evidence of thoughtcrime
Isn't that exactly what Merkel wants?
Why can’t they put a bullet in his brain?
>the, the, the
I guess An article made him mad
she went grocery shopping with her husband and the boy was left alone with the refugee.
Did the kid survive? Imagine the issues he's gonna have with his mother...
>that face
i can almost SEE the blacked porn in his internet history
Just read another article. He says, the devil told him to stab the boy
The judge asked him if the devil talks to him sometimes.
His answer: "Yes, the devil talks to me in German and English".
So, case closed (I bet), he's psychotic and schizo and not responsbile for his own actions because he's mentally ill.
The Somali who stabbed a doctor to death without reason in front of his daughter also didn't get a prison sentence - because he's mentally ill.
his father left him alone as well. the parents were shopping wgen it happened.
I mean... executing the guy will also fix the problem
>The Somali who stabbed a doctor to death without reason in front of his daughter also didn't get a prison sentence - because he's mentally ill
Jesus Christ Germany. Is it really that bad now?
Jesus fucking Christ. I wonder what happened to men to make them like this. I'm only in my 30s and I honestly don't remember any men being even the slightest little bit like this when I was growing up. It's like it's only just happened in the last few years. What caused it?
More like NO you tard.
Leftie retards deserve everything they get
"The mayor of Offenburg has cautioned against anti-migrant sentiment"
too much Jew in the water
This isn't a migrant problem, it's a male problem. #KillAllMen
must be something in the water.
kid shouldn't have told the black bull to stop plowing his mother if he didn't want to get stabbed
>That webm
Hypothetically speaking, if someone wanted to make a political statement by taking someone out, a White race traitor whore who worked for "blacked" would make a strong statement. Hypothetically speaking.
It’s really a shame Hitler lost the war
Frail, feminine, german boy has forced sex on poor migrant and after that he told him that he is not a girl. What he could expect to happen.
probably was denied asylum and then to avoid deportation what they usually do is some heinous criminal shit so they get prison time.
ultimately same reason Breivik and Tarrant did their crimes, they absolve themselves of personal responsibility to live life and surrender to the state
Video games and porn.
Look at the absolute state of the twitch streamers, they use all of their energy on trying hard and masturbating. They laugh like little girls and get giddy over nothing.
Real men don't waste time playing video games. I'm trying to distance myself from the PS4 and I'm already seeing improvements.
The reaper cometh
That's because they actually get away with shit in their ooga booga countries and the gubmints hear them spouting shit about duh debil.
>"Yes, the devil talks to me in German and English".
no dummy, he's not psychotic. he's saying that germans and english (read: whites) are the devils.
Look at it this way. At least we are red pilled on realities no sane person would ever have believed possible if we hadn't seen them with our own eyes.
I guess that's kind of a gain?
Mein Gott... I am admittedly a butthurt Serb because of '99 and all that shit, but this is not the punishment you deserved.
How long will you guys take it? How long can you take it?
Good point. You're probably right.
I drink water and I'm nothing like that. And I'm a bit ashamed to say I haven't stated filtering it yet.
It's a result of poor nutrition and education.
Look up general Butt Naked.
Somali, their all mentally ill. It best just to go holohoax on them to be self..germany?
>only mother mentioned
Why do these men always wear their hats incorrectly? Have others noticed this?
Germans will take everything. far more than 80% are fully retard and will just attack you if you adress a problem as a German. They will try to nail you against the wall with suggestive questions like
>What do you mean? Are you trying to suggest people from other countries are more violent? Mohammed-Habibi wasn't a migrant, he was born in Germany. He was a German. So it was a German who committed the crime. Why do you never complain when the name of the perpetraor is Heinrich? You think German men don't rape women? Do you have a scientific proof for that?
And if you give a political uncorrect answer, you're a racist and anything you say is invalid and they won't listen to you, no matter what you say.
that's not a pic of the parents. It's just a couple who shared their flat with a refugee. But I imagine the parents look like that.
They say, they are suprised and have no idea how this could have happened after all.
because they are super hip and quirky teehee :3
Damn shame. I was in Frankfurt for about 6 months more than 10 years ago and even back then you could see those ninja women of theirs on every corner.
The difference of course being, they were a minority back then. There has to be some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. Germany can't just roll over and die like that, it's unacceptable.
Are the kids at least being redpilled by all of this?
Is Generation Zyklon real or is it just a meme over there?
That's a jew.......
The German people died after WWII, they lost too many alpha males and their population was ruined.
Are you kidding me? We have been brainwashed by 40 years of TV. There is a black and white show from the 60s that I used to watch because I used to assume was no feminism.
Wrong! Even in The Rifleman there was some feminist who yelled at the main character about women’s right to vote. It started then and got worse and worse until every commercial on TV has women boxers and fighters and men that are swiffer ring around
Everyone has a conscious and subconscious brain. Your subconscious brain cannot tell those people on the TV screen or not real this is how you are all being brainwashed do not watch sitcoms or commercials!!!
STOP believing City faggots are the same like rural Germans you nigger Student
how fucking bad are you if you stab a toddler 11 times and they survive? sandniggers cant do anything right
What would a cucknadian know about WWII?
Kys leaf
Bullshit, we had wars every 20 years for the past 100 and there are still alpha chads with a hard-on for killing Shiptars and protecting their own lands walking around everywhere.
It's the mind control and the (((education))) they serve up to the masses that makes them so week and pathetic, it's not genetic.
I am certain you are making irony. However still; I cringe.
His dog was biting the rapefugee and it was propably some butter knife
the kid was 11. no where does it say toddler. no where does it say stabbed 11 times.
Nobody asked you a god damn question you parasite
He was jealous that the kid was fucking his mom more than the migrant.
He was just protecting his supply of dimmi puss
>He's clearly out of his mind and dosn't know what he's doing.
You’re delusional Fritz. He knew exactly what he was doing. Apes kill the offspring of other male apes.
Ironic coming from a pole.
Can we get Marvin Gaye in here?
The only cure for a sexual emergency is *sexual healing*
based Eritrean migrant
People fleeing Western Europe for safer Eastern Europe.
MSD certainly had her awareness of issues raised, in a very tragic way. She related how a migrant attacked her on the Stockholm metro one day; no one intervened, and MSD says, echoing Wiśniewska, that the police will just say they don’t have time for such matters.
In addition, MSD reports that migrant students pulling knives on teachers is a daily occurrence; that it isn’t safe for kids in the schools or on the streets; that migrants have burned down homes with Molotov cocktails, sometimes claiming lives; and that most terrorist-type attacks never even make it into international media. Unsurprisingly, MSD also says that some of her friends and acquaintances have left Sweden as well and that others are planning to follow suit
They relaxed
White people are fucking stupid.
This is so barbaric I'm at a loss for words.
When will the German government join the civilized world and ban kitchen knives?
Backward ass shithole
And to add to your picture, this from a 'British' member of Parliament lol
Pretty much.
>the devil talks to you?
>yes, in German and English
Regardless of his specific meaning, the devil obviously wasnt talking to him in German and English back in his native country.
One way or another he is talking shit or blaming Germany or its people
a woman would rather be raped to death in a cave than stand up straight and look a man in the eye
we are post current year bud
I dont get it can you help?
A plea for insanity? It's lawyer pilpul 101.
Most victims here are east euros because they're poor and have to live around shitskins unlike us Germans who are mostly away from them but this is changing since our regime puts animals even in small towns
>Ironic coming from a pole
Be romanian
>Single mother
>Take a refugee into your home with your 11 year old son
Women need to be enslaved and subjugated across Europe right fucking now. This is some next level irresponsibility bordering on reckless endangerment.
How come I have to scroll all the way down to jew in order to see the question I was asking myself? Maybe I'm the jew....
It's Q in Overwatch palabab.
There is truth in this.
Our eyes take in whatever they see, and our brain processes it. There's nothing in the deep recesses of our brain that knows what its seeing on TV isn't real.
There is a certain amount of brainwashing that happens at a level where even people who are conscious of brainwashing can't stop it.
That sounds like nigger talk
he was eritrean. He was probably weaker than the boy. Eritreans are usually anorexic manlets.
A society receives the leaders it deserves.