Al-Jazeera officially denies the holocaust, Jews chimping out

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>Jews chimping out.
What else is new, they're only slightly behind hajji's when it comes to chimping out

This is why I don't hate Arabs, I just don't want them in European nations.

Hurry, toss it a bagel before it brings down another glorious empire for its own selfish gain.

AJ also did that 4 hour documentary called The Lobby where they got a "good Jew" to infiltrate the inner circle of Jewish lobbying and narrative control. Jews BTFO. It's worth a watch.

Based and ramadanpilled.


I hate arabs, they destroyed persia after all. I just hate them less than niggers spics and jews. rag heads can be based now and then.

Because they sand nigger things up and want the countries to change to them rather than adapt to the country.


I think most of the decent muslims aren't arabs, but still they are miles ahead of the jews, niggers, pajeets and other subhumans.

Muslim Arbitration Panel - Sharia Court, Muzzy rapes of local women, Muzzy harassment of local women, blowing up trains, blowing up airports, being on the dole and never working and on and on and on

so you don't have a problem if other non muslim people do that?

You need to go back to your desert and get off Jow Forums.

>This is why I don't hate Arabs
If you have this opinion, you don't live around them.

just when I thought they couldn't get any more based

How many non Muslims do you know using Sharia Court? How many non muzzy paki grooming gangs have you heard of? How non muzzy bombers have you heard of in Europe? How many grenade attacks in Sweden have been done by muzzy's? How many neighbourhoods are there where a woman will be harassed for being without a man or without a head cover that is traditionally other countries beliefs?

Wtf i love al jazeera now

Arabs are mixed breed Untermenschen, a race fairly new on the scene, the rightous leader of all muslims should be a Persian, always was a Persian, Iran for that matter. One of the reason you, ZOG USA, will bomb them soon.

Aloha snackbar

if you want to avoid the question its ok, all ill say is you should probably go out side more

ALJ is puppet middle east fake news. It’s like the MSNBSEA.

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You people laughed at me for liking Aljazeera a few years ago well who is laughing now?

You are trying to deflect by saying what about that other guy that did something similar. You aren't owning up to the behavior of muzzy's. We are discussing muzzy's not anybody else.

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Let's make Desert Great Again
a sandnigger preserve where they can run free and wild, but contained, over there, not here, there

i would continue but you are avoiding a simple question which implied bias which you are confirming right now

You should compare Al Jazeera English vs Arabic. They are quite different, they will even have articles on the same topic with opposing messages.

All that kvetching when they could just show some hard proof.

how about those jews and their lies?

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Where’s the aljazeera article

Based Al Jazeera, but the holocaust didn't actually happen.

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No you are trying to change the topic. The topic is muzzy's. How they don't integrate. How they try to force their personal beliefs on cultures and countries rather than adapt to those countries cultures. You asked how and why. I gave you some answers. Now it is time for you to reciprocate. You don't own the rights to the conversation just like muzzy's don't own Europe.

How about those Sneeds and their Feed?

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Ay Toooone

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Yo lil Tony

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It's propaganda when I don't like it!


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Tone look at dis

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based af

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Can we get some canolis in here?

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Oy vey

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That's what happens when you take jidf bait.

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Not sure what you mean. If you are saying Al Jazeera doesn't have different messages in some articles based on the languages then just check it out. Go to memri or search you should find some examples. It is basically like death to the west in the Arab version and you guys aren't so bad in the English version

6.. 600... 6000

It's all just numbers.. You're just arguing semantics

Pulpil 101

then why wont you answer that one?

>tweet deleted
>no one archived it
post-election Jow Forums is so utterly fucking useless lmao
this really is the boomer era and it's painful

Door wasn’t in use at that time. It’s a later addition.

Page doesn't exist.

Hello Schlomo

Watta bout da windows Rosenberg? Get da fuck outta here fugetti batti

Quid pro quo Clarice.

Mass conversion to Zoroastrianism. Islam is from the Arabian peninsula.

Where you from?

i'd assume its something along the lines of you would care, any normal person would. But you don't like them either because you dislike people who are a different colour or you don't like the religion... its something like that opposed to any of the specifics that non muslims do too


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If you aren't a paki you should be. Take, take, take attitude and you want it all your way even in a conversation. Won't admit the obvious problems just blame it on something else. Yes, you seem just like a paki. Go back to your Stan, I promise not to go there if you and those like you follow.

Since you want to argue like a jew, let me explain the simple answer to whatever your deleted question is:

Countries have a culture and a genealogy. Over thousands of years, both the genetics and culture have evolved together, often shaping one another. You have religious traditions also being part of this equation. Immigration in Europe was primarily Europeans emigrating from one country to another up until very recently. Due to geography and limitations in transportation, Europeans are genetically and culturally far more similar to each other (English, French and Germans, for example) than Europeans and Phillipinos, Africans or Native Americans. This creates serious divides when one considers that these groups act differently. Africans in Europe behave the same as Africans in America who behave the same as Africans in Australia who behave the same as Africans in Africa. There is a genetic component to this. Arabs in Afghanistan behave the same as Arabs in Iraq behave the same as Arabs in England who behave the same as Arabs in Germany.

Repeat after me, Culture causes genetic selection and shared genetic predispositions influence culture. These people are simply not compatible and should be removed from countries they do not belong in. The exception proves the rule in case you feel like sharing some appeals to pathos about the 1% of success stories.

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And I don't care about their colour or religion by itself. I do care about how so many of some colours and those of muzzy religion act on a regular basis. It is past time to stop ignoring the behaviour of these types. There are problems and they need to be brought out in the open.

89 elected government officials have Dual Israeli-American citizenship.

Israel manipulates every vote we have in this nation. Every.Single.VOTE. can be manipulated or influenced via 89 dual Israeli-American government members who's FIRST ALLEGIENCE IS TO ISRAEL. A full list of the individuals can be found through a Google search. It is VERY easy to look up who has this dual citizenship and then see a record of how they voted on key decisions. Senate bill (S.720) is one example. THERE ARE MANY Here is a selection, please google the full list your self. The Jew is over-represented in all places except Arlington Cemetary.

Now ask yourself how many Dual Citizens serve in Israel's Government....
The answer is "ZERO"
Israelis consider dual citizens to be a security risk



2019 US Congress jews (dual Citizens) (1.4% of the US population)


>Tammy Baldwin (D)
>Bernie Sanders (I)
>Ron Wyden (D)
>Chuck Schumer (D)
>Jacky Rosen (D)
>Ben Cardin (D)
>Chris Van Hollen (D)
>Richard Blumenthal (D)
>Dianne Feinstein (D)


>Adam Schiff (D)
>Brad Sherman (D)
>Pete Aguilar (D)
>Alan Lownethal (D)
>Mike Levin (D)
>Susan Davis (D)
>Ed Perlmutter (D)
>Bill Posey (R)
>Lois Frankel (D)
>Ted Deutch (D)
>Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D)
>Jan Schakowsky (D)
>Brad Schneider (D)
>Abby Finkenaur (D)
>John Yarmuth (D)
>Jamie Raskin (D)
>Elissa Slotkin (D)
>Andy Levin (D)
>Dean Phillips (D)
>Josh Gottheimer (D)
>lee Zeldin (R)
>Jerrold Nadler (D)
>Max Rose (D)
>Eliot Engel (D)
>Nita Lowey (D)
>Chrissy Houlahan (D)
>David Cicilline (D)
>David Kustoff (R)
>Steve Cohen (D)
>Elaine Luria (D)
>Kim Schrier (D)

The Jew is over-represented in all places except Arlington Cemetary.

This is the best holohoax documentary. I think even jews should watch it.

Arabs are fucking scum, everything in the middle east and from there needs to die. You included.

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Oh sure NOW the jews care about pedophilia. The way your tribe keeps pushing incest porn and drag kids, I'm surprised you would even try to use that .webm. It's like watching you hymies attack Christianity and then wondering why the Scoffield bible is losing it's grip.

Funny how you keep bombing our nation's and push us into wh*Te nations.

Funny how that works.

>push us into wh*Te nations

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I said everything in the middle east and from there should die and that makes me jewish? Isreal is in the middle east you know..

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Based and correct, without all of the muslim jihad bullshit, they are actually great in mathematics and science.

Why is this difficult for anyone to comprehend? It's not hurting anyone's feelings agreeing with this perfectly logical reasoning, and yet no one can speak about this kind of shit without being labeled racist.


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We never had these problems when kikes and mudslimes all lived in the same desert

what else is one to think if you are willing to ignore the bad behaviours of other religions or race? i still think its an honest question

deleted question without bad wording here

but you didnt answer my question?


I don't know what those Martian runes are trying to convey, Levi

Funny how it's the same globalist politicians dropping bombs and then refugee welcoming you into places you don't belong. If you live in the west, you are a tool for the Jews. South of Gibraltar and East of Constantinople, I could give a shit about how you govern your affairs and what you do with Al-Quds.

If they didn't reside in European nations, no one would live around them.

Did somone archive the tweets

When did they go full woke?

Also not hating cut dicks is bluepilled af

based maria

based al Jazeera telling the truth about lying Kikes

Bosnia doesnt have any laws against Holocaust denial.