Devs May 10 >Government Axis Forces have captured Qalaat Al-Mudiq and Karkat, after Syrian Opposition withdrawal from those locations, due to a deal by the locals with the government >Turkish Army offensive in north Aleppo fails after initial success >Large Turkish convoy existed the Syrian territory via Bab Al Hawa crossing point. >US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Britain's intention to use Huawei's technology for new 5G networks would impede intelligence sharing between Washington and London. >Reports that Foreign jihadist elements fighting under HTS umbrella have blamed local Syrian jihadists of treason on the battlefield in North Hama when the latter retreated without informing the former >EU rejects Iran nuclear deal 'ultimatum' >SAA have captured Bab Al-Taqa and Shariah villages from Syrian Opposition >US announces 25% tariffs on another $200 billion of Chinese imports >US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has threatened Iran with a “swift and decisive” response to any attack on “US interests or citizens,” including those by “proxies” >Hama northern CS towns rang their churches bells this afternoon, rejoicing the progress of the Syrian Army and keeping the specter of missiles and death away from them. >Jihadist and Turkishbacked rebels merge to form new coalition to fight the SA
Fucking hell, dude. Is it my fault you are having to go through this much cognitive dissonance every time you talk about this subject?
I haven't even once said something offensive to you yet you strawman and call me a retard, like that's going to help your rationalizations. I don't give a shit about you rationalizing your cowardice to me. I only argued about ideals and that somebody has to fight with determination, you? I would not want you to guard a warehouse 100km from the front line seeing how unstable you are.
See how insulting and strawmaning things leaves out possibility of conclusion?
Aaron Taylor
“As part of the agreements reached between Presidents Tayyip Erdogan and Vladimir Putin, the first meeting of the working group was held in Ankara on May 16-17. During the talks, the latest developments in the region were discussed, primarily in Syrian Idlib. ”
Russian media reported that the Assad regime told its leaders on the ground to abide by a truce of 72 hours starting from the night of the day, at a time when the leaders of the opposition factions and popular activities rejected the truce.
>Jee he's right and I don't wanna seem like a retard. Let me throw big words around to let people know about my big brain!
Adrian Perry
>pro-church group was funded by the same people that financed Yeltsin Center building >anti-church group contains people from Yeltsin Center It's all so tiresome
Is it really that hard to admit to yourself you are just a lazy pussy who thinks he is entitled to everything in life?
Jonathan Brooks
>Be me. >Don't want to die. >Boy sure you're entitled to LIVING you lazy pussy Because that's the way to serve your country. Also how am I strawmanning you if this is literally what you say
daily reminder that if you have a single woman's picture stored on your device then you're a weirdo incel creep, even more if she doesn't know you
Samuel Scott
You are a true cancer to those threads please leave
Christian Howard
>213488475 See
Jack Moore
Oliver Jackson
As soon as you come to Syria to fight ISIS or whatever I sure as fuck will
Ryan Butler
>Have picture of girl on PC/Mobile device etc >Automatically classified as an incel Is this what goat fuckers actually believe? 80% (give or take) of the male population must be incels then.
Jeremiah Lee
Don't listen to those retards keyboard warrios. in war always be selfish. Syria is an eternal shithole that no one should ever die for (except retards like ass/g/).
Jonathan Martin
cry more incels, you're pathetic
Joseph Mitchell
While there is some wisdom to what you say. People should. Have. And will always die here. And that sacrifice I respect for people willing to make it. For people who have made it their purpose. Whether it stays a shithole eternally like the historically contested area that it is... Well that remains a mystery. You can make an informed guess but you can't say it always will be. And that's what I hope.
Easton Reyes
>213489031 See
Ayden Robinson
>tfw you will never have a Ukrainian Pravy Sektor nationalist gf.
>are you circumsised user ? >what are you a jewish spy ?
Ayden Jenkins
Does it matter? worry about yourself first, not about philosophical questions that won't be answered for ages. you need to realize that the crowd here sees everything from that angle because they have no life so they enjoy making pseudo-moral decisions based on philosophy since they live in the comfort of their safe homes.
any sane person would want to leave this hellhole, people trying to shame you for "deserting" are doing so to feel better about themselves, that's it. you think anyone will remember the 500k+ that died for your country?
life is short, don't waste it on larping as Rambo in the desert for some run of the mill dictator that is worshiped by a few neckbeard incels on a Mongolian throat singing imageboard.
Never knew you'd describe your Caliph as a run of the mill dictator. Though it's not surprising, many ISIS larpers switched back to AQ after mutts destroyed their own social experiment gone wrong.
Any info on what's this 72 hour truce all about? Jihadist will not give up, they cannot be green bused anywhere and there is no way they can became law abiding citizens in Syria. (Half of them are not even Syrian). Only way is to slaughter them all. What am I missing?
It's people like you who infiltrate goverment and give bearuacracy bad name. It's people like you who infiltrate Church, donation organisations etc... and use it and give it bad name. You are filth phrone to selfish gain ruining society led by principles.
In fact Syria is a shithole because of abundance of people like you who think of some entitlement and grandiouse wanting to rip each other off for meager gain instead of working as community effort.
Nobody here says you should not take good job opportunities, good education opportunities, but without existence of a higher thing, your life is worthless acummulation of wealth and dopamine with you deluding yourself it's meaningful and even then moaning.
When your argument validation relies on arbitrary presumtions of your opponents identity, it might not be a best argument, don't you think?
Kayden Edwards
Don't believe the news we're not the UK, People have been openly desicrating the shooting memorial in front of the armed police and they don't do a thing about it. because the police know they barely have the man power to keep the south Island under control, that's why they'll never inforce the new gun laws the government simply dosent have the money to be a police state like EU maby up north in Auckland they do but not here in Christchurch.
Stop spreading Taliban AKA Putins puppets propaganda, you ROG shill It's a temporary setback, NATO is using a new strategy, victory is around the corner
Easton Brown
I wish there were new devs, also /ug/ WHEN?????
Aaron Davis
>/ug/ WHEN Unlikely, Ukranians just don't seem to care about anything anymore
Hudson Ortiz
Will Iran be taking over key areas inna afghanistan or will pakistan be repurposing afghanistan for future jihadis?
Joshua Long
But it's fun watching their country fall apart
Adrian Martinez
>ill Iran be taking over key areas inna afghanistan I don't think the taliban will allow them. Afghan Taliban have training camps in Pakistan. It's actually close to where I live.
I've even visited their mosques here. We just don't want any foreign influence in Afghanistan. If Taliban take over entire Afghanistan, then our western border will become completely safe.
Jaxson Collins
This. the only Ukrainens who unironicaly want to do something about Russia are suicidal nationalist retards and even that meme is ded since 2017.
Hunter Stewart
>and even that meme is ded since 2017. isn't azov still around larping?
Chase Richardson
Prolly some Cold War style bs between Pakistan and Iran backing their proxy leadership (after Mutts pullout) This would make it a double proxy since Russians would be backing Iran and China would be backing Pakistan But also Russia is supplying 90% of Indias weapons and Iran is Indias main Oil supplier What a mess!
Also China is squashing Uyghur Jihadis who first got radicalized when they sent them to Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan war and the Taliban have been trying to broker peace with the Mutts in Moscow (and possibly Astana)
>Prolly some Cold War style bs between Pakistan and Iran backing their proxy leadership No, we don't have any bad blood with Iran. We once had issues in the 90s, but things are very different now.
Moreover, our leaders are not hardcore islamists either, so it's very unlikely for them to support any CIA backed terrorists against Iran.
>This would make it a double proxy since Russians would be backing Iran and China would be backing Pakistan No. Our relations with russia have improved over the years. When India blamed us for a terrorist attack in 2016 and they asked russia to boycott us.
>In recent years ties between Russia and Pakistan have warmed as a countermeasure to warming ties between India and the United States, the two countries carried out their first-ever joint military drills in 2016 despite Indian requests to postpone due to the Uri attack Sorry for quoting wiki, but it's right this time.–Russia_relations
az*v battalion will always be the biggest joke to come from that conflict desu
Jonathan Reyes
More real than South Galicia.
Sebastian Hill
>replying to shitposters
Luis Gray
women aren't cattle
Carson Nelson
Redpill me about Ahmad Shah Massoud and the taliban that he fought against.
Brody Anderson
>literally didn't exist until the Russian Empire collapsed >still whining about territory lost in WW2 >real
Aiden Cooper
>How big is Chinese investment and development in Pakistan? They are pretty massive. >Did you feel results yourself yet or no? Yes, they have built lots of roads, and they are still building roads, which is a good thing. Also, it makes the CIA fags angry, so I'm happy with it. Nobody talks about Bangladesh in my country. I didn't even know that it used to be Pakistan until I graduated from High School.
Since we fought a decade long war with terrorists, everyone just wanted to live in peace, that's all that mattered to everyone, and we actually did achieve it.
Julian Moore
It's basically the only significant foreign investment now that the mutts have grown tired of Pakistan.
William Howard
>Redpill me about Ahmad Shah Massoud and the taliban that he fought against. Sorry, I don't know that much about him, but I think it was a tribal issue. Taliban is pashtun dominated political movement, while Ahmad Shah Massoud was a tajik.
When the soviets left, Afghanistan was about to become a client state of India, and realizing this, Pakistan created the Talibans to take over the country. For some reason, this upset Ahmad Shah Massoud and he decided to fight back.
The current US-backed afghan government is derived from Northern Alliance of Ahmad Shah Massoud. It should be noted that he was executed by CIA, since they wanted to invade Afghanistan, and Ahmed Shah Massoud wouldn't allow that as it's against Afghan values (Afghan values > ethnic values)
Moreover, he was a decent guy, and he contributed to the Afghan jihad against soviets.
>in war always be selfish. Don't know if this was bait, but if not, it is just sad. What a hollow and vapid existence you must have. No honor, no dignity, no solidarity. And you manage to convince yourself that is a good thing. I would choose death over such a life any day.
Nolan Gomez
>want to look up the shake tel aviv hamas song to make fun of eurosong >the jews have removed all of them from jewtube bad sports
Aaron Reed
>It should be noted that he was executed by CIA But it was a taliban crew that blew him up. With a bomb in a fake camera IIRC.
Hey a flock of jews is visiting. How are you doing this late evening.
Easton Barnes
About 10 minutes ago i heard 3 planes go by. First one was so close i legit thought it was crashing. Been living in this town a year, never heard anything like it, specially not 3 in a row.
Possible troop/Jet placement because Iran? In Ohio
Parker Gonzalez
>tarrant is a joo! Tartaria tier
Logan James
>Tartaria There was a thread about this on /his/ and the subhumans where actually believing it.