*blocks your wikipedia*

*blocks your wikipedia*


Attached: 1558113569570.png (900x600, 5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


*tiananmen's your thread*

Attached: 1461008601774.png (510x546, 37K)

its fucking china
they're always huge cunts

and nothing of value was lost

nobody gives a single fuck about communists or what communists do.

>implying all people in china have the same views as the gov

Tell them to go to Taiwan then.

Taiwan is more Communist than China

The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989 etc.

>The Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989
never forget.

>blocks your free will
archive .ph/lvoXC

Chinese soldiers assembling with their Tibetan monk outfits before staging a violent fake protest they will later use as justification for harsh crackdowns on peacefully protesting Tibetan monks.

Attached: Chinese-soldiers-posing-riot-monks-1.jpg (799x568, 93K)

wow a communist dictatorship is acting like a communist dictatorship, what a surprise

>blocks wikipedia
Maybe Chinese are smarter than you think, they did just block leftistpedia lies.


Yes, the time china shot maoists who hated capitalism

wikipedia is CIA propaganda and you should have already known this

and little of value was lost.
wikipedia is full on censorship anyway.

Fuck China

Attached: tibet_execution_1.jpg (427x284, 14K)

Attached: tibet_execution_2.jpg (434x287, 14K)

Attached: tibet_execution_3.jpg (411x244, 12K)

Richard pls go

Attached: 9f0ee5d5fefb405580bb84d15858f890-780x513.jpg (780x513, 369K)

>build a replica of the Statue of Liberty out of papier maché
Fuck off Chicom

>nothing really matters except my people
This is why we can't have nice things.

This is much good for the chinese people support government. I donate regular for increase social credit score for great government.

Attached: Chink.png (235x215, 19K)

Who cares. Chinks don't deserve to exist much less use the internet.

>thread on internet censorship in foreign country
>Jow Forums proceeds with hating foreign people as usual
why does it aleays have to be like this
what happened to my Jow Forums

Attached: 1556933625966.jpg (295x422, 34K)

Anyone have the image of the monks with some kikes?

this reminds me of the time they bombed the railroads in manchuria


Attached: 8413d533a15c80aa415c7ae8d1b2d97c.jpg (470x698, 32K)

Wikipedia is unironically American propaganda.

Why exactly do I have to die for israel, again?


What is the problem user? The foreign people might be evil and deserve it?

Garbage country does garbage things.

>>build a replica of the Statue of Liberty out of papier maché
Based China killing makers of bad knockoffs.

It's the same government who hires band boys and actresses to promote the social credit system as a good thing: youtube.com/watch?v=mY9gKv3eNqE


user, are you serious. Yes there's a lot of shit going on in China, but do you really believe the chinese people support and enjoy this shit?
I don't get how one can say 'this whole group of people is evil'. This is simply dumb. It's Jow Forums brainshit.
Everyone deserves a good life. Even retards like you do.

do you know what a credit card or health insurance company is?

Attached: ndg.jpg (265x265, 57K)

This but unironically.
Socialist movements and labour unions are illegal in China, but not Taiwan.

its their battle to win.
not yours, not mine, and not ((ours))

>oh no what am I gonna do without a site full of revisionist shit written by an army of libfags, jews and pajeets

Attached: Tiananmen.jpg (894x953, 458K)