
What is your opinion on Strasserism/Left wing Fascism in general?

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Are their any jews involved? Thats the most important part. Capitalism/socialism will always fail if the jew is involved.

No Jews. When Hitler was in prison, the NSDAP northern sector was run by the Strasserists. The NSDAP, formerly know the German workers party, was far more socialist before Hitler came

Strasserism is just NatSoc for christians

I think if you get outsmarted by fucking hitler you get to go bye bye regardless of how good your intentions were

Is this a stealth Boot thread?

Is a that a bad thing?
Outsmarted by Hitler? He was a better orator and a fine leader in his youthful years. He took the party in his own root and it led to disaster. But I could say the same for you, wasn’t your ideology completely outsmarted by the Americans? The Natsocs lost in war, but you lost through subversion. That is not admirable

>capitalism bad
Then why every nation whitout it turns out to be such a shithole

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I’m not actually a Strasserist Juden. I’m just wondering what Jow Forums thinks of the ideology.

I’m mostly just waiting for the Nazbol gang to come in here and try to justify how you can operate an economy without the competitive nature of Capitalism

And how is that bad?

Bump, come on anons, lets not let political threads die

most underrated yet decent ideology that will never happen

Honestly, Strasserism sounds like pretty good desu
Op you must know a decent amount about strasserism right? can you share sources and text on strasserism? I'll be honest I kinda now tibits about strasserism and to me its sounds like syndicalism.

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Here’s a good video on it, I’m far from an expert on the ideology. But it mostly advocates for a syndicalist like economy which is guided by the state. Very similar to National Syndicalism

From what I know, which is not much. Otto Strasser or his brother, I think wanted to set up a guild system which sounds like Mexican Synarchism.

Any movement without a working economic model will eventually betray its values to cover up for their failing economy.

Ahh, Cultured Thug I see you are a learned man.

Yes, he is a fine and decent YouTuber,

Taking an ideology that has the best of anti-globalist capitlist sentiment and heirarchic pragmatism, then adding more shit Marxism.

Yes, he is. He got me into anti-capitalist thought, didn't he do a stream with Eric Striker?

Pretty close to ideal, any "nationalist" who claims capitalism is not part of if not the biggest problem facing the world is borderline delusional.

Not too sure actually. But let’s continue with the Capitalist critique. The main point of Capitalism is to create competition and thus develop the economy accordingly. As I said before, I am not a strasserist, but I am interested in the ideology, do you think a syndicalist-like economy could work?

Reminder there is no such thing as "crony" capitalism, all capitalism is collusion and cheating and doing whatever it takes to gain short term wealth. It is an inherrently unstable and degenerate system.

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No shit.

All fascisim is stupid and is inherently leftwinged due to the collectivist nature of it.

Only a legit retard or schitzo would support it.

>muh collectivism

watch out lads the big brain has arrived

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It's a gay meme

I think you commie FAGGOTS should stay the fuck away from my stuff.

Left-Wing isn't a synonym for "collectivism" you fucking moron.

He has talked with Striker before, yes.

>Only a legit retard or schitzo would support it

could you explain?

All current left wing cliques are of individualist nature.

What's the difference between Strasserism and NazBol? Are they the same thing?

Honestly the only example I can think of is Mexico under former President Felipe Calderon, many of his cabinet members are Synarchists aka Mexican Fascists who follow Franco's policies or Primo de Rivera's

NazBol is closer to communism, strasserism is more like early nazism before hitler became insane

I’ll look that up right now, cheers user

>What is your opinion on Strasserism/Left wing Fascism in general?

There's no such thing.

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You fucker beat me to it. That post looked like a quote

Strasserism was a more left-wing stance inside the nazi party, something going on in the 20s and 30s.
Nazbol started in the mid 80s I think with Limonov and Dugin, though the latter has dissociated himself fom the ideology.
I think both ideologies drink from Ernst Niekisch's national revolutionary writtings, but I'm not sure.

You fucking idiot, boomers really are a cancer for every movement.

What did he do or promote that made him insane?

It's pretty good.

Collectivism is far better than individualism.

Kill the strasserists.

They were a more left wing faction within the NSDAP, keeping them around would have led to infighting, divide, and catastrophe, Hitler did the right thing as they weren’t quite as socially nationalistic, and they had ambitions of their own, not a nice thing for sure, but one always regrets being to merciful.

You're right, but his gradually strengthening paranoia made itself apparent at the Night of Long Knives.

You need "The Economic Foundation of Fascism" by Paul Einzig

lol Fascists literally killed the strasserites, proving once and for all fascism was nothing more than an attempt to save capitalism. Just be a marxist-leninist.

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Hey Anti-Jew Anti-capitalist, just adopt the socio-economic ideology of the Jew, That gonna be a no from me boss.

Everything you cannot argue against is the jew.

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Strawman. Also, stalin wasn't an edgy social conservative.

>be nazi
>killed strasserists
>do nazi stuff
>economy booms
>poverty disappears
>everyone becomes 5 to 10 times richer in a few short years
>inequalities ALSO go down

>be commie
>install jewish central banks
>take everything from the poor at gun point
>everyone is now poor
>so poor millions starve to death, they cant even afford (or gain access) to food anymore
>equalities skyrocket, the highest they have ever been in human history
>communism falls and everyone ghets to see who really had all th emoney and power all this time, guess what it was 20 jewish oligarchs


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Abolish the oligarchic nation state which enables globalists warmongers to create inequality and cause refugees that serve the upper class as they displace the rest of us.

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>economy booms
It didn't "boom" it became functional again. And they only managed to do that because Hitler paid industry leaders in MEFO bills, which weren't actually money, only the promise of money later. Which is why he had to enslave slavs and jews, raid their belongings and attempt to colonize the USSR. Nazi Germany could not have survived long without war.

>install jewish central banks
There were no commercial banks in the soviet union. There was only bank and its job was to ensure industry was following the five year plans.

>take everything from the poor at gun point
Wrong, never happened.

>so poor millions starve to death, they cant even afford (or gain access) to food anymore
Wrong, never happened.

>(in?)equalities skyrocket, the highest they have ever been in human history

>communism falls and everyone ghets to see who really had all th emoney and power all this time, guess what it was 20 jewish oligarchs
Wrong. Completely made up.

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Oh common Marxist-Leninism is inherently Jewish, Stalinism is different from base line Marxism but it’s spiritually Jewish. It makes enemies of countrymen.

I don't want to be a slave to jews, we just need to be national socialists

>Germany could not have survived long without war.
>modern war makes money


>There were no commercial banks in the soviet union.
no but thats not what I said no is it lmao

>Wrong, never happened.
>Wrong, never happened.
>Wrong. Completely made up.


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You forget to mention that the majority of the Soviet leadership were Jewish so that point about not having Jewish run banks is rendered moot

There is always a socialism to nationalism

but they had jewish ran ban that owned all the money you stupid mutt
he tried to side step and change to subject to "commercial banks"

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Kill every kike
Kill every nigger
Kill every semite

Either way his point is moot


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Stalinism is marxism-leninism. And again, anything you can't refute, you just say its jewish, exactly the same as the rich whenever they come across something they can't refute just saying "oh, the poor just don't work hard enough!" or that they're genetically superior to the poor.

>modern war makes money
Yes it does, for the industry leaders involved

>no but thats not what I said no is it lmao
Well, kind of. It wasn't really a "central bank" in the same way most modern capitalist economies have.

Well its true.

No they weren't but even if they were it wouldn't matter. Again, you can't refute something so you just skip to the jew argument. You'll choose to believe whatever you want to believe without evidence regardless.

No they didn't you lying idiot.

Something interesting came to mind when thinking about Jews “why is Israel so hell bent on destroying Syria.” Then I remember Bashar Al Asad is a Baathist like Sadam Hussein and Baathism has been describe to be Arab Fascism make me think...

>all capitalism is collusion and cheating
Is all profit theft too?

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If it looks like a duck...

>All fascisim is stupid and is inherently leftwinged due to the collectivist nature of it.

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Yeah but it doesn't look like a duck.

Bro Communism looks like Ducks flying in a V formation

Stalin literally had to purge the whole leadership cuz it was full of Anti-Russian Tribesman

Privatized a ton for early cash injection.

Do you know what the funniest thing is? I don't to lend credence to idiotic anti-semitism, but ironically communism is probably the biggest thing you could do to harm your imagined jewish cabal because communists are fundamentally anti-Israel.

Meanwhile, your childish nazi fantasies are never going to happen again. The capitalist class aren't going to let you kill jews again because the have no need for it anymore. Israel is a fundamental pivot point NATO need to control in the middle east. The raiding and genocide of jews in the 40's by Nazi Germany was a specific economic solution that probably won't ever happen again.

Even Nick Griffin and other mainstream nazis like Tommy Robinson know this, which is why they've switched targets from jews to muslims.

No he didn't. Purged the leadership for trying to revive the menshevik party when factionalism was banned in the USSR.

Yep, you a Jew.

By all means, carry on being autistic school and synagogue shooters, it makes no difference to me, you're just making yourselves look stupid. Even Spencer and the bourgeois faction of fascism like Steven Bannon know they have to distance themselves from you.

What fantasies? We were here talking about strasserism until you came in here an derailed the thread with your bullshit. Communism has failed in Russia, China is communist in name, Cuba...well just look at it it’s not exactly thriving. Capitalism is killing the soul of man. Both Communism and Capitalism is or has failed you can’t blame me for contemplating a third position.

That night he rid the party of any opposing force, and cemented his control, rohm for example was one of the most powerful men in Germany, and he controlled the SA, if he wanted to, he could easily take over, and nobody could stop him, again, not a nice thing to do, but he probably did this because he assumed those people he had killed would have disagreed with his future plans, policies, and to avoid a shitstorm in the future, he took them out.

>I don't to lend credence to idiotic anti-semitism
>communism is probably the biggest thing you could do to harm your imagined jewish cabal
Idk, sounds pretty philo-semitic to me.

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OP here. Just got back to find this communist ruining this thread. This is a thread about STRASSERISM. Not communism

Communism done that, Capitalism has lead us nowhere fast. I’m sick and tired of the materialistic outlooks. I hunger for something better and neither communism nor capitalism has sated said hunger

>left wing
Yikes, someone doesn't know what the left/right political spectrum is based off of.

He totally derailed this thread like communist irl derail society. It’s in their fucking nature I tell you

It has the potential to be good. Both the strasser brothers and hitler were correct. Jews may manipulate capitalism for their gain, but they may also manipulate socialism for their gain. Two sides of the same sheckel. They will do whatever benefits them.

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Something that should be understood is that even though Hitler killed strasser he ended up doing policies that were anti-capitalist in nature. Hitler got control of the German currency which allowed him to socialize economically. This is why the communist narrative that fascism is just "defense of capitalism" is not true. Fascism is the defense of morality and nationalism from both the left and the right. Both capitalists and communists put their economic doctrine as what makes a country good, whereas under fascism the nation comes first and this allows it to take right wing economic policy in order to benefit the nation or left wing economic policy in order to benefit the nation. The key here is that the first goal is the betterment of the nation, not the economic policy in and of itself.

A final note, there can be no conservation without socialism. If you want to conserve the liberty that a state provides then you must group together (socialize) in order to preserve that liberty. The same goes for preserving your religion, culture, or as people are realizing now, your race.
Capitalism and Communism both devour countries and spit out whatever culture can remain in a homogenized world. Fascism or third positionism comes from the people, from the state itself.

Yep, doesn’t matter. We can pick up what we’ve left off. Let’s continue. Could an economy be operation if it did not have the competitive nature of capitalism?

This is funny. JTRIG thinks there’s a Jow Forums to communism pathway and this seems to be what you faggot information warriors are pushing.

I think he was always an egomaniac psycho. He had all of his early contemporaries killed and even when the war was lost he made no effort to save the German people from slaughter. All attempts to evacuate Germans from the soviet rape train were made by people disobeying his orders.

>Capitalism and Communism both devour countries and spit out whatever culture can remain in a homogenized world

Well said

Was Hegal correct and gheist is the producer of society or was marx correct with his dialectical materialism? Is free will and rational thought possible?

Maybe there are people out there who were born to follow, the irrational. And the rational those who lead.

I was talking about how strasserism would never work because the bourgeoisie faction of fascists will always win and purge the "left wing" faction, and something similar is happening again with bannon and the other alt-right figures trying to distance themselves from the overt nazi faction.

Stalin was right, people who carried out pograms should have received the death penalty.

Dialectical materialism is right.

>Is free will and rational thought possible?
Rational thought certainly, free will, I'm not so sure. Its not something I'm particularly interested in.

Corporatism is a sufficiently competitive economic system where the government is able to regulate over companies that are unified as a company of a certain country. Being highly protectionist, highly self sufficient in agriculture and then industry and also owning the currency of your country where you can invest without the private bank debtors bankrupting your country every 8-10 years.