Answer Her!
It’s Time For Men To Learn that Women Can be Better Leaders
An actor reading a script, cool.
Women are too emotional to lead and make snap decisions based on feelings.
Sorry. I don't speak "Jewish Cum Rag"
>Weinstein's fucktoy
>a leader
But the don’t have forethought unless they are thinking about themselve
Someone post that pic of her with that Russian oligarch. Always makes me kek.
Name a successful country with a female leader
It's time for women to learn how to make me a sandwich.
Details and pics
>Better Leaders
In a feminized society, sure.
Let's see that bitch carry a rifle and storm the beaches of Normandy now.
>unless its that time of the month
p.s. Every country right now with a female leader is fubar.
My answer would be to show her how easily a petite woman like her can be raped by a 6' tall 200+ pound nigger.
She is a man
Wouldn't even take that. A 5'2 120 lb man could still easily overpower her. Even of similar size as a woman, men are still physically much stronger and more athletic.
My wife can't drive her car without an emotional breakdown. She made beautiful babies but I can't even trust her to help mow the lawn. There is a reason women were excluded from voting.
Then why didn't Hermione kill Voldemort?
She's a judge. Can't remember what she did?
>Posting fiction will change everything
An hero
>Women are better leaders
>Couldn't get the right to vote with men's permission
>Couldn't achieve better than men for thousands of years, the universal standard
>Can't lead by example
>Can't achieve fitness tests in the military but knows how to bark orders like a nagging wife
Yeah no, you're a cunt, and a cunt is a hole and a hole is nothing.
He said no female leader
Every time it rains my mother has a nervous breakdown
More women than men vote in almost every election. They elect men to rule them.
Ebin stoby
women can only pretend to be leaders
>Neither males nor females in this group did not engage in special athletic training
Really piss poor place for a double negative to sneak in
>Answer Her!
It was answered thousands of years ago.
doesn't change anything.
I get it, Hans, and it isn't news that men are physically stronger than women
But that simple typo kind of queers the infographic.
Now I'd have to read the study to figure out if they were testing mountain climbers or normies
And with this, a guy gives a better hand job to himself with finer control over greater strength than women can do.
If women are not required to sign up for the draft, they shouldn't be allowed to vote.
I want to fuck her. That’s literally the only word that comes to my mind when I see her. She deserves to be fucked good and blessed with brown children.
You don't need any study if you ever had a girl... Its delusional to think that they have the same bone & muscle structure. They are weaker.
men got the right to vote because the sate could draft them. Funny isn't it, there is no argument that women should have that right. And they proof this all the time. Its only about muh free abortion. plx pay for me "I was just dumb and got pregnant"
Do you seriously need that to know that 90% of men are stronger than nearly every woman? Even the women strength athletes that are at the extreme high end are weaker than the average athletic man. This is proven time and again whenever women and men compete in any physical activity. Such as the high school soccer team that demolished the adult women's pro team that competes in Olympics and World Cups (for women). Or the trans folk that have been joining women's teams of late and immediately breaking records despite being mentally ill freaks that hate their manhood so much that they pretend to be women.
Prepare your anus.
you can't even poo in a loo. Don't think this empowered feminist would touch you. You would be a precious medal for her to carry around "look I have an Indian friend, we are soooo close!"
she released illegals who were going to be deported out of the back of the courthouse
I think I'm laughing harder at the fact that she drives a Mazda
>implying we need leaders
She can lead my kitchen after she gets certified by my penis.
rather large if factually true
Women are trying to become leaders to save the world when they should be saving the world to become leaders.
You're joking, right? The bottom percent of average men are stronger than the top percent of average women.
>Now I'd have to read the study to figure out if they were testing mountain climbers
Or just look at the fucking graph of grip strength. Skinny male mountain climbers can out grip body builders, the results are indicative those were not the kind of men they were testing
two words
Theresa may
That evil witch doesn't even respects basic Brexit democracy. She is an authoritarian leader, but not a fascist, since she's too low energy and motivation for that.
It is true. There is photo of Abramovich with his wife and the girl on the balcony of some stadium.
Angela Merkel ?
but where is the pic ? i want to see it.
Learn your place male. Future is female
like who? Merkel? She is replacing her own people, who are innocent and getting raped, murdered, fearing for their fucking lives in their own homes. Pushing a green energy initiative that absolutely fucking failed and dealing with russia to compensate for fuel energy. New Zealand's Steven Tyler disarming her people over what a single Aussie did, then demanding all other countries agree to "moderate" the internet and what people say then throw a fucking fit when the U.S. refuses, while sending her police door to door to intimidate gun owners or people who just browse Jow Forums/social media sites
Hillary? Fuck you we know how bad that cunt is. Feinstein is an anti-Bill of Rights cunt and her state is falling apart. She is a failure. Maryland's mayor is in deep shit for corruption. 2 nigress politicians were arrested recently for corruption. AOC is a fucking moron. Nancy Pelosi is a failure and corrupt whore who is anti-American and anti-Bill of Rights
so what's happening there ?
is it her friend ?
or is she taking his rather humongous cock at night ?
I'll give you the female leader.
living the perfect NEET life.
Might be a fetish to fuck your boss, but not if your boss fucks every worker, only me.
I would like to beat the fuck out all these dumb weak bitches.
I have no fucking clue nor do I give a single fuck.
You are welcome to use the joogle to find out more.
keep dreaming boy
Actors acting.
“Women should remain silent at all times. They are not allowed to speak…” “If women want to inquire about something,” St. Chad continues in verse 35, “they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak without permission, unless her husband tells her to go make him a sammich, or get nekkid and hop into bed, in which case she is to say, `Yes sir'.”
Leviticracks, Book 9 subsection vii.
How sad is it that those boys humiliated themselves in the hopes to gain access to pussy, yet in doing so proved themselves unfuckable to those girls?
god i wish that were me
>being so thirsty that you allow women to walk over you
Such men should get instant bullet.
you know what they say :
[Citation needed]
Those kind of men destroyed society of family. What you teach women, that's what they become, later when they old and wise it's too late, then they regret.
Better leaders than what monkeys?
Modern women can’t even manage a functional harmonious and profitable household let alone a nation of millions
so much this
you don't know how bad it gets until you've lived it
Better? what happened to equality you up yourself cunt
Now i get why the based chinks kill their female babies.
1 child policy. afaik they abolished that years ago but now they have too many males that turn into nigger lover.
Women only lead when the men around them are feminized. They don't lead shit in the non western world.
I refuse to take advice from Weinstein’s cum rag.
Look at New Zealand. Perfect example.
shes literally a cocksleeve
100 years of suffrage has disproven her. The social experament has proven itself a failure.
Btfo by Cleopatra
t. Sweden