EU is trying to take guns away from Swiss citizens

Tomorrow, May 19, there will be a referendum in Switzerland to introduce gun bans to its population based on European Union requests.

If you are from Switzerlabd go vote tomorrow! Send a clear message to the EU! Fuck them and their requests.

More info:

Vote NO!

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Hasn't Switzerland been cucked enough

Just so you know; you surrender your guns and you lose any shred of sovereignty you may have had.

it's just going to get worse with the EU it's time everyone woke the fuck up

can confirm

Yeah you guys don’t want to be England or Sweden.

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Don't give up your guns Swiss bros.

That's up to the swiss to decide

Turn em in, cucks.
And send me all of your surplus GP11 while you're at it.

>More info
Good site, the auto translation's a bit clunky but from what I could make out its very very solid and clear.

I hope your people aren't cucked enough to fall for this dumb fucking EU ruse

>literally the safest country in the world
EU probably wants Switzerland to take in some "refugees" and they know that with illegal immigrants comes a shit ton of crime so they want to disarm the Swiss people otherwise there are going to be a lot of dead melanin enriched gentlemen.

Hold on, brothers!

What is this obscene faggotry going on in that pic?????

Based EU
Guns are for dicklets that don't have enough testosterone to fight using their fists anyway

Good luck. I hope you won't surrender your freedom. You're one of the few remaining cool European nations. Keep it that way.

Fuck the EU.

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brexit will never happen.
uk will become a caliphate.

Why would anyone ever want to fight fair, that means you have a 1/2 chance of losing? If I’m being attacked by someone without provocation why should I submit myself to fight where I have a 50% chance of losing, especially when I don’t know their intentions or desired outcome

Don't let them disarm you.

the swiss will never give up their guns, even if the eu lies about the results.
you ever seen a pissed off switzer?

> implying taking a few bruises is more scary than being ready to fight to the death

What you consider fighting is pretty much an underclass mating ritual in non-faggy countries.

Is that seen as a pro/anti EU plebiscite? Or people believe it's about the guns?

if you vote the wrong way you know you will just have to vote again


Fuck the kike controlled eu

because it not like your gun are what protected you from Germany last time.

good thing my ancestors left Switzerland in 1830

Fuck Shitzerland

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>Swiss didn't immediately declare war on the EU
they already lost

1. remove guns from switzerland
2. vote for making an EU army
3. since switzerland has no defenses, is geographically located in the EU, has never shown disagreeance on important topics they are called "officially" a part of the EU
4. EU army/soldiers march in
5. nobody has any weapons , swiss army is controlled by the EU

i didnt even go to the military since its a waste of time, but the EU needs to go fuck itself