Here's the best case week as a wagecuck. I'm starting work in a few weeks
>weekday >wake up at 6 am to go to gym when it's not busy >get to work at 9 am and work until 5 pm >get home and eat stuff while trying to avoid the monstrous junk food binges that arise due to loserdom, seeing lots of Staceys and knowing I'm an ugly beta, paying so much on rent >cooking and eating takes an unexpectedly long time >have until 10 pm to do something productive >have to sleep at 10 pm to wake up early for tomorrow (or else sleep deprivation will harm exercise and my work)
How is that gap from 6.30 pm to 10 pm, plus weekends, minus all weekly chores, supposed to lead to an edifying and fulfilling life? How do I read a book each week while also doing more rewarding stuff?
And that's assuming I leave work at 5 pm. It could be more. If I didn't have lunch breaks I could technically leave at 4.30 pm but it would look bad.
And I will only save £400-500 a month because of the London rent. I am seriously considering applying for weekend part time jobs for the extra money and because on weekends I will inevitably do nothing except walk around London and feel sad about life.
I make 36 an hour faggot Cry harder at how little effort you put into your lifestyle
Zachary Lopez
Foolishness, you may have a smaller window of time for your hobbies but that will only make you appreciate them more, if you just sat at home all day you would eventually get bored with everything and be even more depressed. Try finding meaning in your daily routine and work, remember you can book holiday too.
Blake Diaz
>working is hard! You are free to starve anyday you want
Cooper White
Aww boo hoo hoo. So you have to do what every other person in the world has to do to live? Mommy and daddy aren’t gonna support you for your whole life. I worked 60 hours this week. Pro tip: you only need 5 hours of sleep per night you fucking faggot baby.
Ian Miller
stop being a miserable shit and get 8 hours of sleep retard
Aaron Foster
Tbf the meaning of your life should come from your work. It should be something you are proud of doing
Levi Murphy
This is satire.
Logan Stewart
I want to make money mutilating Jewish penises. Can a goyim be licensed to perform circumsicions in Israel?
David Adams
Being in London is a mistake bro
Jaxon Bailey
toughen up nigger
Michael Campbell
Wagies believe this
Carson Gonzalez
Try going to bed at 1am. BAM I just gave you almost double the time to spend learning a skill that will be useful and provide better income... and once you are successful go find a woman at church or on a dating site of your choice. And get off this website until then.
Josiah Johnson
You're treating your time at work as though it is just wasted. But for all of the great men in history, their work were the most important, meaningful and significant hours of their days. Maybe you're just doing some meaningless grunt work right now, but see that as temporary. Do whatever you can to find and move into your "ikigai", see pic related.
go on Jow Forums and learn crypto and stocks if you don’t want to wage
Gavin Bennett
As a NEET who has tried the professional route and failed the entrepreneurial route I would advise you spend that 4 hours wisely... I have come to believe that a deadline is a good thing, since "work expands to fill the time allocated to it". Spend your time doing either personality and networking improvements to aim for Other People's Money to kickstart your success OR dedicate yourself to sales skills.
Never quit your day job unless the shotgun is in your mouth. It's way easier than NEETdom or sidegigs that go nowhere and with the extra cash you can just gamble with other people's time by paying people to test any business ideas.
Joshua Cruz
Stocks are just gambling unless you already have enough money that you can live off low-risk investments. Crypto is always gambling.