Okay Jow Forums, what kind of punishment should I expect if I am caught having a romantic relationship with my spic or my mulatto negress maid inside the Ethnostate?
How much fine can I expect to pay?
And most importantly, what happens to my innocent spic or mulatto maidfu?
I hope she won't be banished from the Ethnostate, after all can you imagine how horrible life would be outside the Ethnostate with all those niggers, italian-americans,muslims and spics running around unsupervised?
Mulattoes & Spics caught being romantic inside the Ethnostate? ( Law & Order)
Prima nocta.
/ thread
Expulsion from the state.
Quran (3:151)
They ovaries should be replaced with white girl ovaries that died in an accident and she should be assigned as an incel wife with duty to make no more than 4 kids and no less than 2.
I went to that exact burger joint
It may vary. First you must have a white woman as a first wife. Now for a second wife or maid
>She will be graded on her whiteness
>Your maid tax will be lowered or raised according to the whiteness test
>She must assimilate
>Any crimes she commits you are responsible for
> She must birth children that pass the whiteness test
>$10,000 fine for each non-white children
>what kind of punishment should I expect
How would that apply to a slave-maid that never has the opportunity to marry to begin with? Are you retarded?
exile for both of you
Nonwhite brides will be mandatory for all white men. White roasties will only be used for reproduction until the next (pure) generation of whites are raised.
civnat cuck detected
>Whiteness test
You stormcucks are literally retarded
What will happen to me if I get caught with my secret black female lover?
What is so wrong with a whiteness test bruv?
As long as she is sterilized like any other nonwhite she is allowed to fuck you.
retard alert
>What will happen to me if I get caught with my secret black female lover?
Niggers are totally & completely VERBOTEN!!!
You and your sheboon will be kicked and your name shall never be mentioned ever again inside the Ethnostate.
Hot af! Bang it till babies come out. Hope you’re white op, mixed race people are the best looking.
Fuck! You a whole new level of retard. Why tax not whites? Mixed race is the most beautiful. I contribute to race mixing any time I can.
Yeah, I made a comment similar to yours. What a dumb ass.
thats a white girl with dark skin
What if we already have kids in secret
Bitchy face
Good luck defining it. Is the policy to subject everyone to genetics screening? You'd have to figure out the "standard white American" first and add a ton of exclusions and special rules.
I just can't imagine a state being ruled over by that kind of bullshit.
>Bitchy face
Implying you wouldnt
The kids will be killed and she will be sterilized to prevent future children. You will be publicly punished and humiliated so that all your neighbors, employers and friends will treat you like shit. If you get caught making mixed race babies again you will be killed on public broadcast as a warning to others.
Shes gonna look like that burger by 24
>The eternal AraukANO and race mixing
I hope I will be shown mercy for coveting them
You can have sex with them as long as they are sterilized.
Just assfuck them
>prima nocta
leftist invention
I personally wouldn't. At least not untill knowing that her actual personality contradicts it. (which is kinda rare). I'd have 5\10 with open heart and existent self awareness over thot with sexy body and day.
That would just indirectly increase the desire for negresses though, dark forbidden fruit
The only real ethnostate is the mutt ethnostate and youre already in one, the US is one too
Mixing is simply the norm
colored south african
Dilate elsewhere, tranny hapa.
There are no non-white people in the ethnostate. Not even maids.
Don't you stupid mutts get it? If you let in even one, it's not an ethnostate anymore.
And then for no reason at all....
I hate Nigresses, they're gross and have no manners.
No spics in my area but I doubt I'd like them, I hate loud women.
Pay with your blood
Digits. Kek has spoken.
Nice Burger. 10/10 would eat.
Thanks anyway but I'll pass
Just go live in a mixed race area instead. Problem solved. Eugenics works to select you out, just like now.